Suroosh is the angel who stands on the Chinvat Bridge and Daena is the Holy Maiden who works beside him. Humans were granted the gift of free will by Ahura Mazda, & the meaning of human existence comes down to choosing good over evil. Her name means offering and she presided over and encouraged sacrifice to the gods. Bibliography Simurgh lived high in the Alburz Mountains, existing for a span of 1,700 years before it dove into a fire of its own creation and died, only to rise again (like the later Phoenix). The Al is a nocturnal predator who preys on newborns and was among the most feared of all the evil spirits. Sagdid glance of the dog, the ritual in which a dog is led into the presence of the corpse of the newly deceased to drive away evil spirits, especially Nasu (Naush) who will corrupt the dead body and make it unclean. Arishtat (Arshtat) god of honesty who encourages decency, fairness, and justice. These include the Zoroastrianism creation myth and the tale of King Yama and the salvation of the earth. Persian Mythology - Myth Encyclopedia - Greek, god, legend, names Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. Haftorang (Hastorang) one of the Four Royal Stars (modern designation Fomalhaut) which worked for good in the cause of Ahura Mazda. He took her up on this offer when his wife, Rudaabeh, was in labor and, by Simurgh's aid and instruction, the great hero Rustum was born. At death, after three days, the urvan is reunited with the fravashi who assists it in crossing the Chinvat Bridge. Twelve Gods of Persian Mythology - World History Encyclopedia Islam - Islamic myth and legend | Britannica Ahriman Statue Front ViewTouraj Daryaee (CC BY-NC-SA). The sky element rose high above the earth and passed beneath it. Mashya and Mashyana - Wikipedia Venant (Vanant) one of the Four Royal Stars (modern designation Regulus) who worked for the good under Ahura Mazda. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. Drug (Druj) an evil demon who is the personification of the lie. Siyavash hero of the Shahnameh symbolizing virtue, innocence, integrity, and courage. Ahura Mazd was worshipped by the Persian king Darius I (reigned 522-486 bce) and his successors as the greatest of all gods and protector of the just king. They were neutral in the war between the forces of Good and those of Evil and based their actions on circumstance rather than ideology. Sassanian-style Plate with Simurghakhenatenator (Public Domain). Amesha Spentas also known as yazatas, the Amesha Spentas are seven immortal beings worthy of worship who personify the highest values and greatest goods. Persian creation myth - actual by Keith Tam - Prezi Last modified December 10, 2019. Afterwards, he voluntarily exiled himself to the land of Turan where he was killed by the king Afragiab. Faravahar the famous Persian symbol of a royal figure seated on a solar disc in the center of outstretched wings, usually interpreted as representing divine grace and higher powers. Vayu was considered a yazata (spirit worth worshipping) or a daeva (evil spirit) depending on how he sided at a given time. His name means smiting of resistance, and he epitomizes the concept of victory. Persian mythology or Iranian mythology ( Persian : ) is the body of the myths originally told by ancient Persians and other Iranian peoples, and a genre of Ancient Persian folklore. Daena the Holy Maiden who appears to the newly deceased on the Chinvat Bridge and comforts them as they cross. In some versions, Rashnu reads from the scrolls relating the good and bad deeds done by the soul in life, in others he holds golden scales which weigh these deeds against each other to determine the soul's destination in the afterlife. War in Europe fuels geopolitical tensions . In early myths, she is known as Saena, the Great Falcon, who sits in the upper branches of the Tree of All Seeds and, by fluttering her wings, sends seeds flying to the ground and across the world to find their way into the earth. Drvaspa goddess of cattle, children, and friendship, who promotes harmony. This Persian marvel was lost for millennia Only one ancient account mentions the existence of Xerxes Canal, long thought to be a tall tale. Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! Jinn might grant a person their greatest wishes but twist the end result tragically or, at least, negatively but could just as easily honor the individual's desires in making their dreams come true. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Iran almanac and book of facts 19641965. The manticore could kill anything except for elephants and especially enjoyed human beings, devouring them whole and leaving no trace except, sometimes, stray spatters of blood. The 19th century CE German Orientalist Martin Haug (l. 1827-1876 CE) sought to resolve this problem of the origin of evil in a world created by an all-powerful and benevolent Ahura Mazda by claiming Angra Mainyu did not actually exist as a deity but was rather the destructive/negative energy-discharge of the creative act of the god. Confused, the couple doubt their true creator's word and accept the lie of Angra Mainyu and so sin enters the world and harmony is lost. This is also true for many creatures of ancient Persian mythology, the forces for good as well as evil, in that they touch upon universal concerns of the human condition through the specific details of their characters symbolizing various apprehensions and possibilities. Az demon of lust and greed, one of the more dangerous (female) drujs. Hushedar the first of three saviors to appear before the end of the world. He was also associated with the haoma plant, as its protector, linking him with enlightenment and guided the faithful toward Truth (Asha) while defending them against the wiles of the forces of darkness. But archaeology is confirming that Persia's engineering . Gavaevodata the Primordial Bull (also known as the Uniquely Created Bull, Primordial Bovine, Primordial Ox), the first unique creature made by Ahura Mazda after the creation of sky, water, earth, and vegetation. A Jinn might grant one wishes but could twist and betray the outcome in doing so or, conversely, could simply be helpful outright. The Manticore (man-eater) is a fearsome beast with the head of a man, body of a lion, and tail of a scorpion (or, alternately, a tail ending in venomous quills which it shot at prey). [4][5] The Encyclopdia Iranica uses the term Iranian Cultural Continent for this region.[6][7]. Geus-Urvani god of cattle and their protector. He is depicted with a helmet, shield, and spear and is associated with metal and metallurgy, especially with molten brass, thus linking him with transformation. Azhdaha dragons, generally; large snakes who prey on people and livestock and are the regular adversaries of the great heroes. English/Language Arts: The study of creation myths from around the world can be an incredibly engaging and meaningful activity. Zal becomes a great prince and marries the princess Rudabeh who has a difficult time giving birth to their son. Followers who now live in India are called Parsis, or Parsees. We already have a better picture of how 2023 might unfold. The Persian hero Karsasp finally kills Kamak by showering it with arrows continuously. Angra Mainyu the chief of the dark spirits of evil and chaos. He was also responsible for maintaining cosmic order and regulating the change of the seasons at the proper times. Umm-Naush nocturnal demonic predators who threatened human lives and cosmic order. 2) Zoroastrianism is the oldest of the revealed world-religions. Ancient Persian Mythology is the term now referencing ancient Iranian religion prior to the rise of Zoroastrianism between c. 1500-1000 BCE. Please support World History Encyclopedia. Web. Its horn was said to have healing powers. Interpreting this as an evil omen, Sam abandons the newborn in the Alburz Mountains and leaves him to die. Gaymart | Zoroastrianism | Britannica Persian MythologyPersian Mythology in ContextPersian mythology developed in what is now Iran around 1500 bce. Kaveh (Kawa, Kaveh the Blacksmith) the blacksmith in the Shahnameh who incites rebellion against the ruthless tyrant Zahak by lifting his blacksmith's apron on a spear. How these deities were venerated by the pre-Zoroastrian Persians is unclear but it is certain that rituals involved fire (considered a divine element and also a god), were conducted outdoors, and elevated the supreme principle of Goodness personified in the being of Ahura Mazda, king of the gods. Thus, in the first three centuries, a number of ideas from the ancient Middle East, from Hellenistic and especially from Jewish and Christian traditions . . She spends a night with Rustum who gives her an armband to give their child. World History Encyclopedia. World History Encyclopedia, 10 Dec 2019. Jinn were thought to inhabit lonely places outside of established communities and were especially to be feared when crossing the desert and in stops at oases. He is, like Tishtrya, depicted as a white horse battling the demon Apaosha (shown as a black horse). There were four levels ascending upwards from the Chinvat Bridge, where judgment was given, each brighter and lovelier than the last until one reached the highest heaven where the soul would live in the direct light of Ahura Mazda. Norse* mythology says that the first man and woman . The god Vouru-Kasa watches over, and embodies, the sea and his son, Apam-Natat, is responsible for dispersing the waters around the world. tell our story about the . The world, seen and unseen, was created by Ahura Mazda, the source of all good and all life. Afterwards, his successors must struggle to maintain just rule since deception and trickery will now regularly play a part in politics. Mark, published on 10 December 2019. It lives beneath the Tree of All Seeds, gathers up those which fall when Saena-Simurgh flaps her wings, and scatters them into the wind and rain clouds which deposit the seeds all over the earth. The creation pericope of Genesis 1-2:4a, is taken from the liturgy of the Babylonian or Persian New Year festival. He reigned for 300 years and then divided his kingdom between his sons Salm (West Asia, roughly), Tur (Central Asia, Kingdom of Turan), and Iraj (who received Iran). The khrafstra were invisible but manifested their intentions through observable nature in stinging ants, wasps, crop-destroying beetles, spiders, frogs, rodents, serpents, and beasts of prey. Zal is raised by the dog-bird Simurgh and is later reconciled with his father. He is given power by the gods as a reward for his selfless devotion and uses it wisely: when the world becomes overpopulated, he simply enlarges it, providing more space and resources for humans, animals, and vegetation to live together peacefully. Zarich the demon of ageing and decrepitude. Persian Hero GarshaspBaloo1000 (Public Domain). Haurvatat goddess of wholeness, completeness, perfection and so associated with prosperity, wealth, and health. The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: An A-Z Guide to the Myths and Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, Rashnu an angel; the righteous judge of the dead, Verethragna the warrior god who fights against evil, Vayu god of the wind who chases away evil spirits, Atar god of the divine element of fire; personification of fire, Haoma god of the harvest, health, strength, vitality; personification of the plant of the same name whose juices brought enlightenment. Zal Taken by the Simurgh (Public Domain). Siyavash was the son of the king Kay Kavus and his favorite concubine who falsely accused the hero of raping her when he would not submit to her attempt at seduction. Although the claim that the ancient Persians recognized these stars has been challenged, the Zoroastrian cosmological text Bundahisn, attests to such. The dog features prominently in one of the most popular and enduring figures from Persian mythology, Simurgh, the so-called dog-bird. License. It flew over the earth constantly, never landing, and it was thought that if its shadow passed over a person it would bring good fortune (in some versions, the shadow would predict future kingship). Learn more about Afro-Asian Literature by watching this video. Their enemies are the daevas, evil spirits of darkness. Vouru-Kasa a water god who is the keeper and protector of the waters of the Vourukasha Sea, the source of all waters, and is the embodiment of that sea. Every civilization of the ancient world developed a belief system, which is characterized as 'mythology' in the present day but which, for them, was religious belief, and this was as true for ancient Persia as for any other. The resultant discord mirrors the nationalistic ideals of the early Islamic era as well as the moral and ethical perceptions of the Zoroastrian period, in which the world was perceived to be locked in a battle between the destructive Ahriman and his hordes of demonic Divs and their Aneran supporters, versus the Creator Ormuzd, who although not participating in the day-to-day affairs of mankind, was represented in the world by the izads and the righteous ahlav Iranians. Shahriyar adopts a policy of marrying a virgin, spending a night with her, and executing her the next morning. Creation began when he cast a beam of his pure light into . A freelance writer and former part-time Professor of Philosophy at Marist College, New York, Joshua J. Hushedar was followed by Hushedar-mar and then by Saoshyant, the final messiah (whose name means One Who Brings Benefit), who would bring the end of the world and reconciliation with Ahura Mazda. The image of the faravahar is often associated with the fravashi as higher entities. The sun purifies Gayomartan's seed in the ground, and 40 years later, a rhubarb plant comes from it and grows into the first mortal couple Mashya and Mashyanag into whom Ahura Mazda breathes the spirit of life which becomes their souls. Bushyasta demon of sloth who causes people to slip toward the forces of darkness as he makes them too lazy to resist comfort and commit to fighting for truth. One of the most potent invisible spirits was the Jinn (also known as Djinn and best known as Genies) who, unlike any other entity, were collectively neutral in the war between good and evil. The Zoroastrian Story of Creation || Ancient Persian Mythology || Afro He has taught history, writing, literature, and philosophy at the college level. Ahura Mazda thereby sets the paradigm, repeated in many other instances, of turning Angra Mainyu's efforts at destruction to positive ends. World History Encyclopedia, 09 Dec 2019. Myth and history represent alternative ways of looking at the past. Retrieved from Dogs in Antiquity: Anubis to Cerberus: The Origin of the Domestic Dog, Gods in the Desert: Religions of the Ancient Near East. Gavaevodata was so beautiful, it attracted the attention of Angra Mainyu who killed it and, afterwards, it was transported to the moon and purified; from its purified seed came all animals who would feed on, and fertilize, the earth's vegetation. Mithra is the Persian god of the rising sun, contracts, covenants, and friendship. A minor god originally, who later became the Supreme Deity as Lord of the universe embodying Time. Related Content Persian Mythology | A freelance writer and former part-time Professor of Philosophy at Marist College, New York, Joshua J. The list attempts to be complete but will omit some minor deities and even some heroes whose qualities are represented by others more famous. Cats although there is myth associating the creation of the cat with the hero Rustum, cats were generally regarded with suspicion or outright fear because they were associated with the physical manifestation of the demons known as khrafstra who appeared as frogs, lizards, wasps, but also as animals such as lions and tigers. Shahrazad preserves her life by telling the king a story their first night together but not finishing it. Owing to the first couple's acceptance of the lie, however, paradise has been lost and humans will now live in strife with the natural world and each other. Among the latter were dogs who personified the protective aspects of divinity and figure in the representations of some of the most important benevolent creatures. He was favored by the gods and given supernatural powers. Cite This Work Vohu Manah good purpose, one of the seven Amesha Spentas, represented on earth by domesticated animals, especially the cow. Simurgh was an enormous bird with the head of a dog, body of a peacock, and claws of a lion, large enough to lift an elephant with ease, who lived in cycles of 1,700 years before plunging into a fire of its own making to die and be reborn (precursor to the later myth of the Phoenix). Khshathra Vairya god of the desirable dominion (Kingdom of Heaven, paradise) who enables people to resist the lies of Angra Mainyu and fight against evil. Ardashir I & Ahura MazdaLutf 'Ali Khan (Copyright). World History Encyclopedia. Vayu (Vayu-Vatu, Vata) god of the wind who lived between worlds, in the interface between the good of Ahura Mazda and the evil of Angra Mainyu and so could be a powerful force for either side. The early Iranian deities were almost completely reimagined by Zoroaster but many retained their original function to greater or lesser degrees. The evil demons known as khrafstra tried to kill it, taking on the form of a frog and a lizard to eat it, but the plant was protected by the Kara fish who swam around it and kept them away as well as by the Righteous Ass, a pure-white donkey with a single golden horn on his forehead, three legs, nine mouths, and six eyes. Sassanian-style Plate with Simurghakhenatenator (Public Domain). She continues this pattern for one thousand and one nights and so saves herself. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. Books The dog was considered the best protection against these spirits as well as their physical manifestations. On the fourth day, the soul traveled to the Chinvat Bridge where it was met by the Holy Maiden Daena who would comfort it.