If Penny and her family seemed to be the target of the attorney generals investigation, why would they want a grand jury to be convened? Mr. Lewis was unprofessional. The two 25 caliper spent shell casings from Toms truck and the shell casing from the teathers suicide should be compared. This Office is releasing this investigative summary because it believes it is in the best interest of the public, witnesses in the investigation and, most importantly of Thomas Brown, to disseminate factual and credible information that has been gathered after a thorough and exhaustive investigation over the past several years.. The death of Mr. Caseltine, an elementary teacher, on January 21, 2019. The backpack was found nearly 4 miles from the spot search dogs lost trace of him during their initial searches in November. Skip Hollandsworth's true crime podcast shows how the unsolved mystery of Tom Brown's disappearance and death has upended a Texas Panhandle idyll. lake maggiore day trip from milan. The Canadian River was searched into Oklahoma. Chris said that next to Tom he saw Pyne Gregory, the sheriffs deputy, with a hat on his head and a gun in his hand. Last week, two events shed new light on the case, and on the continuing dispute over what is fact, and what is simply conjecture or misdirection. James and Michelle Butler: The Senseless Murder of 21-Year-Navy Veteran and Wife. Private investigator to 'open the book' on Texas high schooler's death I also learned that a couple of hours before Tom disappeared on Thanksgiving eve, he did a Google search on his phone for suicide hotlines. Do you see any hope that new evidence is going to emerge? I asked Kading about one of Kleins stories: that Tom possibly had been shot in the football stadium parking lot. Chris Jones: Yeah, when he took the goggles off me. The Attorney General suspended the investigation in August 2019, stating there was no viable evidence of foul play in Toms death. J. Youre done, thats it. I hear your pain. Rachel Kading: No; its irresponsible to do so. Had Penny taken the phone from Tom the night he disappeared? Tom Brown did not commit suicide. . Im the senior investigator from a company called Klein Investigations and Consulting and Texas Professional Bodyguards LLC out of Nederland, Texas. He was a talented running back who had just moved to Canadian from a nearby town. Thomas Browns belongings found in various places miles apart along Lake Marvin Road and not found together with the Dodge Durango or the skeletal remains as one would expect in an apparent suicide. Penny Meek: And so, I guess peoplepeople are always going to think what they want to think, in every circumstance. Instagram post by Thomas Brown highlighting both Kirk Cobain and Judy Garland, who both committed suicide. It could be five years from today. The mother is right with her intuition. Everybodys going to have an opinion. Thomas was a high school senior, class president, and state champion football player when he went missing the day before Thanksgiving in 2016. He had been president of his class for two years. In October 2021, the Attorney Generals office announced that the Cold Case Unit would look into Toms case. Why, Kading wanted to know, would Penny ask for the phones password unless she had the phone in her possession all along? F. Why did Lewis and Gregory deny volunteers and the private investigators access to searching the area where Toms remains were found?G. Kading said nothing. al jarreau wife cause of death; valladolid debate apush; nikto advantages and disadvantages. Chris said that Sheriff Lewis let him go, but made it clear that Chris would be shot the next time he didnt follow orders. The authorities questioned Penny regarding what she believed happened to her son. Executive producer is Megan Creydt. Thomas Brown had recently been told that his grandfather committed suicide off Lake Marvin Road and not that he died from a heart attack, as he previously believed. Eight months later, in October 2017, his iPhone was found during a search of Lake Marvin Road that had been organized by Philip Klein. https://www.facebook.com/unfoundpodcast/posts/i-received-this-today-from-michael-caseltines-motherplease-sharefalse-accusation/2443574679055997/. An online facebook community called Moms4Tom was created. He was a successful football player and enjoyed drama and acting. Not Philip Klein. This past fall, word spread through Canadian that Klein would be calling a town hall meeting. It was said he had been murdered, stuffed into a wood chipper by a notorious methamphetamine dealer. In the Fall of 2016 Thomas Brown, a 16-year-old boy went missing from Canadian Texas. Rachel Kading: I mean, the one that sticks out is, he told the sheriffs office at some point that two Hispanic people in town were responsible for this death and that it was connected to the Mexican Mafia, or to a cartel. At the least, unprofessional and incompetent (before medical examiner results). Whats unethical about that? Penny did tell me that Kading had told her that she suspected the family had found Toms body after he killed himself, and that out of a sense of shame they had moved his body, hoping no one would find him. What is the countys liability? Rachel Kading: I always hope that that will happen, and Ill never lose that hope. As for Penny, she says shes not giving up on her investigation, either. What is the status of the case that the DA handed to the AG regarding Lewis that is not related to the Tom Brown case? Or he had been murdered by one of the friends who had gone cruising with him. We get out there with our water bottles, and we get our butts out there in the streets and we find out whats going on. Penny had created a petition on change.org with the following mission: To leave no stone unturned and to bring to bear every resource the State of Texas has to solve the case of Thomas Brown, the petition reads, we respectfully request Hemphill County Attorney Kyle Miller and/or Hemphill County Sheriff Nathan Lewis to turn the investigation and subsequent prosecution if warranted over to the Texas Attorney General offices and lets use our tax dollars to find Thomas rather than be an adversary of his family.. And he said that after the Wildcats lost a game that the gamblers expected them to win, Lewis picked him up and took him to the Walking Bridge, a local landmark. Additional production on this episode by Harper Carlton and Patrick Michels. Brandon Lawson The 911 call that led to a mysterious disappearance. Read more from the Tom Browns Body Series: Chapter 3: Evil Has Come to Canadian, Texas. in https login mancity com device. Wednesday November 23, 2016 seemed like an ordinary night for Tom. . Welcome to AAB aka All about American Braids Rachel Kading: If they possessed Toms phone after his disappearance. From a warranted search to Apple, Inc., Thomas Browns iCloud account had very little data while Tucker Browns account had thousands of photographs, messages, and other data. Kading also asked Toms brother Tucker if he too would take a lie detector test. I asked Penny how she was doing, living in a town where everyone talks about her. He declared that he and his team of investigators had been talking to another witness who had a whole new story to tell about Toms death. The sherriff, the deputy, the teacher who committed suicide, his son whose debit card was in the suv, and the mom only because she was a teacher I think at the same school as the suicide victim. In November 2019, Klein Investigations released another update: In November 2019, Nathan Lewis resigned from his post as Hemphill County Sheriff. Im gonna tell the truth. Thats what hes told that lady right there. Chris Jones: He pushed me in the back of his cop car. Chris was at work. Chris said he never saw Tom again. He drove away in his Dodge Durango, apparently headed home. If you liked the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. During the investigation, Penny Meek told law enforcement that Phillip Klein had taken down the Facebook account. Skip Hollandsworth: And you found yourself investigating to see if that story was true? Skip Hollandsworth: And that came across as deception on the examiners report. Skip Hollandsworth: Youve agreed to sit down. Thomas Brown declined, according to the witness, their offer to help him get therapy and drive him to Amarillo for confidentiality because he did not want to tell his mother and he was still a minor. Ill never lose that hope. Its not going to happen. Justin Sullivan, Getty Images. Heres Chris talking long-distance to Caroline Gear on a prison telephone. Generally, the kids would meet at one of the schools and theyd park their cars there and get into one car and just ride around, Penny told Dateline. It had to do with Toms iPhone. Cassidyy Published: March 7, 2019. FBI confirmed the moisture indicators had not been activated on the phone. Nov. 23, 2016, was the day Thomas Brown disappeared. Blunt force trauma to the skull, but not determined whether this happened before or after death. Well, what do you want to do next with your life? . Vehicle was returned to Toms mom, Penny around 5 pm on that same day. A death in Canadian the story of Tom Brown UPDATED, Jeff Caseltine (Michaels father) committed suicide, was fired from the Hemphill County Sheriffs Office. This story is developing. However, this case spurred the AGs Office to establish a Cold Case and Missing Persons Unit, announced in the last week, that is now the base for the AGs side of the investigation. None of the officers have admitted to being in the area that night. How does these investigations effect cases they worked on prior, during and after the investigation? Is that correct? Penny told Kading that she was mistaken. Following the months of conflict between the Sheriffs office and the Brown family, on January 26, 2018, Sheriff Nathan Lewis put in a formal request to the Texas Attorney Generals Office. It could be five years from today. BREAKING NEWS The Hemphill County - The Canadian Record | Facebook Podcast re-examines the case of Canadian teen Thomas Brown. Okay. Lewis reported to the media on that it was a suicide. But none of the physical evidence seemed to make any sense. The Unit's first case was to assist the Hemphill County Sheriff's Office in the case of Thomas Brown of Canadian. Chris Jones: I was like, Im not going to go to school in Canadian. . and roughed him up. . Penny Meek: I dont even know where it is, to be honest. In the days and weeks after Tom disappeared, the water treatment plant where his vehicle was found was drained. That weekend, the Wildcats were in the state football playoffs, and Chris said that Lewis told him the gamblers were banking on a Wildcat victory. Leave them blank to get signed up. In early 2019, according to Kleins company, his remains were found near Lake Marvin about 19 miles east of Canadian. Skip Hollandsworth: Is there any evidence that Tom went up to the football parking lot? He said Lewis put him in the back of a police car and handed him a pair of goggles. No evidence was found to support that the photo existed on any HCSO equipment at any time. These billboards were almost immediately vandalized. In February 2017, three months after Tom had vanished, his backpack was found sitting upright off Lake Marvin Road, a few miles north of town. In the months before his death, he unexpectedly had quit the football team and broken up with his girlfriend. While a significant development, the computer didnt provide any further insight into what might have happened to Tom. 2023 National City and Regional Magazine Awards Finalists Announced, Texas Monthly Receives a Nod From the American Bar Association, HBO Max Releases Official Trailer for Love & Death, Step Aside, Perrys: This 30-Ounce Smoked Pork Chop Is Ready to Take the Crown, Love and Death in Silicon Prairie, Part I: Candy Montgomerys Affair, Willie Nelsons Son Lukas on Ancient Texts, Pearl Jam, and I Never Cared for You, I Biked the I-35 Hell Route From Austin to San Antonio So You Dont Have To, Texas-Style Pulled Pork Is Embarrassing, The Astrodomes Decline From Eighth Wonder to Eighth Blunder of the World, 15 Treasure-Filled Spots to Antique in Small-town Texas, Mosquito Hawks Are Flitting All Over Texas, Love and Death in Silicon Prairie, Part II: The Killing of Betty Gore, Matthew McConaughey Is Monetizing His Whole Vibe. You know, the same type of bullet found in Toms vehicle.. Sheriff Lewis needs to be investigated.