Thoroughly enjoyed the entire series. If todays Muslims are even close to the ones displayed in this series, they are getting a bad rap today. Father of Alp Arslan, Sultan of Great Seljuq; Qavurt; Yaquti ibn ar; Bahram-Shah ibn ar; Ilyas ibn ar and 6 others; Uthman ibn ar; Khadija Arslan-Khatun bint ar; Gouhar Khatun bint ar; Safiye bint ar; Fulana bint ar and Solaymn ibn ar Beg less lyas Bey (died 1362) was the second bey (lord) of the Turkish beylik of Saruhan in the 14th century. Saruhan Beylik was a Turkmen principality founded after the disintegration of Seljuks of Turkey by lyas's father Saruhan Bey. The capital of the beylik was Manisa (ancient Magnesia). as if its the now in this day and age, with what is going on in the world, politics, greed no respect or tolerance,rich against poor one rule for them and not a thought for pepple,bring on series 5x. WIkipedia is a pointer only for one to do addtional research. Im now hoping it will remain on Netfix so I can watch it a second time. Brill, 1991), 4. Ive never really been interested watching a movie with subtitles, but I take my hat off for the producers and directors for making this brilliant series Resurrection. ( ) . I was so impressed I already watched 45 episodes of S1 and visited Turkey twice. She gave up her title and her Palaces life due to her love and dedication to Ertugrul Bey. The absolute best! on Ergugrul Gaza. Very informative never new about these facts before watching Ertugrul. I was wondering where the Kaye Tent (settlement) was supposed to be near Aleppo as well as the Templars Castle in the Amnos mountains, Antioch is mentioned in the Ertugrul series also, but I am curious as to the distances between these places in reference to the Kaye Settlement (Suliman Shaws Tent). I have watched the whole series in continuation 3 times over. The actors were wonderful and I thought did a fantastic job it would be great to see them all together again. They acted like real in history. And weve had so little opportunity to see the way their culture developed so different from ours and yet so much the same. 10 stars out of 5! I am glad I found this site, because I found out their will be a season 5. Chaghri had six sons and four daughters. I am hooked! Yce- Sevim p.164^ What a pleasure to see such Cahen, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Vol. We had the same expectation from the people of Pakistan. [Chaghri Beg] was generous and just, a good ruler, one who was conscious of God Almightys favours to him and grateful for them. Stumbled on this series whilst scrolling ,decided to see what it was about, & became seriously hooked Am on series 3 and watch at least 2/3 episodes every evening. Ertugrul good drama, but 85% just fictional, Id say only 15% is Okay. Loved all 5 series and episodes. Iljaz bey was a brave man from the village of Petarjet [i.e. Once you watch the Ertugrul series. He was the fifth and youngest son of Mubariz al-Din Muhammad Bey (r. 13081334). I love every second of it, watched it by chance and was hooked. He had 1 wife Halime Hatun who passed away in 1281 in Sogut ,Turkey. One would really wish that Muslims went beyond social media to learn about their own history, and would invest in serious studies in order to build a great future for the umma, rather than being content with praising an idealized and incorrect historical Infotainment, Okay Calm down, its a good series and there is no doubt about that . Actually one person while acting out in ertugrul reverted into a Muslim with the religion of Islam Near it there is a dervish tekke. app name- ERTUGRAL GAZI, I really love this hero and history of the turks im watching the movie its something that inspire how great these heros wer and stood and followed the truth what greed leads u to no matter what culture or religion it is .. ertugrul was a legend and a true hero and his family suffered alot he deserves a standing evation im in love with the all theses guys playing the characters of ertugrul turget alp ibn arabi mother hayme sulaymen shah halime sultan bamsi dogan humza abdul rahman, This account is so superficial and wrong in several ways. So true it was wrong to betray he like that it took a lot from the Show having other women coming in the help raise and breastfeed her childrens. Thank you indeed. We have tried to tell so many of our friends to watch this historic show because we love it. in 1484 the local lord, Koja Mirahor lyas Bey, a Muslim convert active in the Ottoman siege of Constantinople (1453; now Istanbul), returned to the site and built the mosque that bears his name. and i couldnt find much about him . If youre so concerned and feel you know so much, why not write a book? The wife of Ertugrul was called Can Kiz (Djan Qiz) by Ertugrul and Can Kiz Ana by the tribe and her sons. 2. And thank goodness do. The wife of Ertugrul was still alive when Ertugrul died.. . Also here is the best part, you can watch on Facebook, search for ertugrul online. ??? Fortunately, truth always prevails! His valiant sons are El Gazi ibn Artuk who battled Baldwin II of Edessa at the Battle of Hab, Syria (1119) but lost and Soqman ibn Artuk, the ally of the hot tempered Tugtekin Bey, The Governor of Damascus against the Crusaders in 1104 at the Battle of Harran near Raqqa. He was a barbarian fighting for his own survival which had nothing to do with islam Of his two children, the first one Inebey (there is a mosque in the neighbourhood of Yeni Kapi connected with his name) was killed in the Bagdad front, and the other became mutevelli of the vaqf in Kora. 1403 (1402-1421) . slm Ansiklopedisi Online (in Turkish) PDF TDV Encyclopedia of Islam Archived 2014-11-10 Retrieved 25 March 2015^ Mihael kente Altnkapdan girerek bu kilisede Tanrya kretmitir. A regency council was formed, which appointed Shihab ad-Din Tughril(r) as his guardian. You can learn a lot about how the Turkish people lived in the 1100s, etc. However, when the Sultan Malik Shah I heard about the event he suspected Artuk Bey of dissension. Ive always heard of the Ottoman empire and was always interested to know about its history even before I knew of this series. Thank you for the wonderful historical article. These Muslims were so steadfast nothing could deter them. Humphreys,R. To those complaining that its fictional therefore a waste of time, I dont agree. It helped me understand the history of these people. My sleep is suffering! Artuk Bey left the battle field and attended to Tutush I who was Malik Shahs discordant younger brother in Syria in 1084. You also know what this involves in the way of evil repute and alienation of ones subjects. It only left me wanting it to continue. This is the blog, giving us amazing history of Muslims, just people dont get this type of infos. Bless their hearts to the people of Resurrection!!!!!!!! Since this series, I found out what great actors, writers, producers & directors S. From Saladin to the Mongols: The Ayyubids of Damascus 1193-1260, SUNY Press 1977, Your email address will not be published. It enlightened me about aspects of Islam that I found fascinating. What a great actor, he is amazing. Yce-Sevim, p.68 Great history and culture of loyalty. by the way , Selcans character i really admire, from where she was coming to what she became and im sure all of us could do with an Ibni Arabi in our lives. drama, history is not important to them so dont pay no attention , MS Halime i will till u the meaning of theese ppl ,elephant going to city and dogs barking behind so its mean they wil bark let them bark and we will enjoe the series ertugrul enjoye. I watched it and its really addicting.. but the episodes only go up to 25 or 26. very nice sir for further updates of trt ertugul Gazi visit my website and if you want to see the special message from ertugul click the link, Really appreciated your knowledge but through some posts I read that Ertugrul was even not a muslim he only fought but not any history showed that he was muslim ,but his son was inspired by Islam , Osman and so on muslim fought under his command. you have in Turkey. The rest of the seriew is pure fiction. I think its the best show ever on Netflix. Many of the story lines are part of the entertainment realm but it does reflect the struggles of the Turks entering Anatolia and the Mongol attempt to push their territorial integrity into Europer proper. Which is the authentic version? I will keep my heart and eyes waiting From . The World tries to divide religions, people, countries but we are not really that different in values. May ALLAH bless you allz, I am much interested in watching Erthugrul Deleris . Soqman ibn Artuk become famous and a true honour to the late Artuk Bey. sources: It is very easy to criticise, tell me one movie or drama etc which has given this much information about the Islamic history. If you check out the film on Wikipedia, they say that there is only a limited amount of information available (like 7 pages!) Very informative content I personally want to know about many characters and this make me ready to see other islamic history movies. May Allah grant us death of shared, fighting for his cause. And, Halil Inalcik is the best historian, but you forget to mention he did not even believe it is sure Osman was from Kayi tribe and he believed the coin that says Osman bin Ertugrul was a forgery and that it couldnt be proven. Do watch it..its well presented..the actors are good and you will eventually not miss an episode. Id read about the Seljuks and of course the Ottomans and visited Turkey once so I am familiar with a bit. Turgut, Etugrul, Ares, any of them, would be a terrific romantic lead in anything Hollywood might want to do. In modern era like this one. Fantastic history and the series was so gray I watched it 3 times I could not get enough of the story line great actors I was sad when his wife passed and other parts of the When he died, his son Alp Arslan became ruler of Khurasan after him. Id recommend you study the 2 volumes on Ottoman Empire before you write bragged and fictional history. Loved it!!!!. [5] The earliest records about Chaghri are about his expeditions in Eastern Anatolia. Your kind of thinking leads to the sick minds of ISIS types. The season that episode 1 initially had me eye-rolling and clicking away. Halime was 93 year old when she passed away ,and Osman was a young man by then . I am really enjoying reading your well-written articles. In 1086 he was instrumental in defeating Sleyman, the sultan of Seljuks of Turkey in a battle between Sleyman and Tutush. I just love Ertugrul , his family and Alps. It does not matter to me whether all the events and characters are totally factual. As the initial history states, only 7 pages exist that show these people as part of the heroic struggel to survive in a hostile environemnts and Kinross accounts do verify that reality. Then he went in the vilayet of Yanina, in other offices. I was sad to watch the last few episodes of Season 4 (dont want to spoil it for anyone who hasnt seen it yet). very good drama pm Imran Khan Saab Merhaba ho geldiniz. VERY HELPFULIF THESE ARE HISTORICALLY ACCURATE, THE WRITERS AND PRODUCER OF THE SERIES HAVE DONE A TRULY REMARKABLE JOB . Its mention that he only had one wife but last season he married again (didnt care for her) I was partial to Halime whom I saw as a beautiful person with a good heart. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. How could then lived together? Of course being in Texas they did not teach us about your History. They just did it in drama because the actress needed to leave the drama because of some personal issues. He was a greatly respected figure of that time, he had 4 sons with Hayme Mother. His love life was legendary, since his heart was divided between two loves. Are you going to make season 6 it is a brilliant programme I cant wait anymore ? i am hispanic living in Texas and we are the working class so i donot have the money. Just finished season five of this amazing TV series. Thank you for sharing this piece of historical information. As the Muslim world is sucked into the hysteria of Ertugrul and similar Ottoman dramas, its crucial that we uncover what is historical fact, and what is purely for entertainment purposes, if we want to truly benefit from the history of the Ottoman period. He then proclaimed Sultan Aleaddins third and oldest son (from his first marriage), as a new Sultan through whom Kopek gained a total power. It took me two months to watch all 450 episodes. I am Jewish and proud of it. Had it been presented in historical fashion we probably would not enjoy it. I have learned a lot since I started to watch this show about the history of the Turkish nation. Birth of Alp Arslan, Sultan of Great Seljuq, Birth of Khadija Arslan-Khatun bint ar, Chaghri Beg (Seljuq ruler) Encyclopdia Britannica. swig secret menu; pete postlethwaite brother; My Cart. Updates? this series drama ertugrul has exposed christians and jews. The dialog was so beautiful. Who needs Hollywood. Of course Bamsi Oh Bamsi! [1] After discovering the teachings of Elijah Muhammed in the 1960s, he adopted the name Yusuf Bey and moved to Oakland, California, and then Santa Barbara, California, where in 1968 he opened a bakery. The bakery moved to Oakland by 1971. First episode I was hooked and was lucky enough to get all 5 seasons from a friend. Will probably watch whole series again. iZotope Ozone Crack/, =>.Autodesk Fusion 360 Crack, This is a wonderful explanation if history, I am a Christian but live to learn this history that created the Muslim religion , I must say the performance of these actors are beyond amazing, I have enjoyed it immensely , thank you, This is really beneficial software for both you and myself. After Sultan Aleaddin was poisoned by Sadettin Kopek, he revolted against Kopeks government, and proclaimed his own State, the City of Sogut its capitol. Regards I being born Christian had limited knowledge of the Islamic religion. The movie Ressurection was fabulous. Hello all, All the actors are all so Great playing their parts . I have enjoyed the good guys as well as the bad ones,. Resurrections scenery, pictorial scene of nomadic steppe life and a dash of the history has been enjoyed during these stressful days at home. Loved watching Ertugrul, very meaningful and inspirational messages, we could learn a lot from this show. We all want happy, healthy free lives. Assalamoalaikum. Upon Saruhan's death in 1345, he was succeeded by his son Fahrettin lyas bey, and again in 1362 by Muzafferettin shak bey. And where? Its an amazing tv serial . Although due to the emergence of ISIS and the recent ruin of shrines and tombs from extremists, the remains were temporarily removed last year due to the situation around Aleppo, and brought to Turkey to preserve. Theres nothing from Ertugruls time that records his life at all. Absolutely brilliant series, loved every minute acting was sublime and the historical references fascinating. I am presently watching the series on Netflix and I had to so some quick research on who these people were in Turkish History. Available for both RF and RM licensing. WebYusuf Bey (born Joseph Stephens; December 21, 1935 September 30, 2003) was an American Black Muslim activist and leader who was a member of the Lost-Found Nation It is an epic adventure to really learn deep part of Turkish empire! Want to learn about Islam religion ask around to the proper people. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. My husband and I love this show. That being said the show should tug on your minds to want to know more and dig deeper. [6] However according to Claude Cahen this was highly improbable and of legend. There were many bad people in Turkish side blinded by power/control too. LOL a lot (archaic british words luckily part of whats saved in my trivia-filled brain: ie treachers). Maulana Rumi: 66 yrs Im not a Muslim but I am 4 percent and love to no about Muslim believe s. That show done watched it twice. Chill, No no, this is not your everyday B.S show, Ottoman Empire History is at stake so take it easy with critics , Agree with you 100 % most of these arrogant viewers are interested in b.s. There was not much detail recorded of the life of Ertugrul Gazi. Loved the action, loved the characters, and loved the battles. Mahacrack, good job sir its very interesting and truly informative keep it up, This post provides fantastic data. My dua is that Turkish folk dont just be proud of your history but live up to the Emaan and Takwa your ancestors had. That would be nice. Despite this Engin considers it a great privilege to play Ertugrul as he was the first person in Turkish history to move away from the nomadic lifestyle and look to establish a state that went onto last 600 years. Very educational history. Show me one source of reference that supports what you have said. I started by actually reading the Quran, praying more and caring about others, no matter what their religion. Artuk Bey was one of the commanders of the Great Seljuk Empire army during the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. Enjoy the entertainment but consult the background on your own. [8] Between 1038 and 1040 Chaghri fought against the Ghaznavids, usually with hit and run manoeuvres. I fell in love with characters. Through her marriage to Ertugrul Bey, Seljuk Turks and Oguz Turks, two greatest Turkish branches were irrevocably united by blood ties. After the defeat of the Karakhanids by Ghaznavids, they were able to gain independence. Artuk Bey lived in Qddus up to his death in 1091. It also emphasizes the importance of applying Gods teachings in our everyday life. Im not to lazy to start researching . Its surely addictive!! Al-Aziz was aged just three when his father az-Zahir Gazi died in 1216 at the age of forty-five. Season 5 the the girl playing charecter of ilbilge could have been a better looking and better personality she doesnt suit to her character I am surprised the casting director couldnt find a beeter one, i love this series i cannot get enough of it , i am rooting for ertugurl, Totally fabricated and untrue story I have heard that Ertugrul Ghazi serial is very popular in Pakistan. The Great Seljuq Empire was named after the latter, who was a Turkic clan leader either in Khazar[4] or Oghuz states. But even with the accuracy improvements of subsequent seasons, still only know what Bey, Hatun and Inshallah mean. Realy Im surprising about they. we have YOU Khadiya, which will cast doubt in the curious minds, the one who want to know and arise against dominated hand full of Christians media tycoons like jew Murdoch and likes, Where can we learn the authentic history? Of course, the TV series is a fictionalized story based loosely on real history. I hope you translate to Spanish for better understanding. I hope to learn more about their history. My dad watched the whole thing and so am I. Ive only been able to find Season 5 in Turkish. I am very impressed, with this post, admin is very informative entity. After Ertugrul passed away, Turgut become the main support to Osman, and when Osman established his Sultanate he rewarded Turgut with the highest position, as a Governor of the new State. The subtitles were exasperating, but I picked up the gist of it. ashlihan hatun history birth place anotolia Cant wait for the fifth season. Were you able to find any historical evidence of an actual Korduglu character? Very frustrating because we love it! As the Turkish world had many scholars, scientists and educated holy men I would have thought there would be a great deal more solid evidence stored in libraries or within the vaults belonging to the great families or mosques. Such a wonderful history of the truth was known. The sword fights, ambushes, etc! Real good actor s. nice post am read your article. WebIt represents the commitment on the part of one family to the research, documentation and presentation of the mosque (and associated complex) of lyas Bey, ruler of the Beylik of Mentee, built at the very beginning of the 15th century. Well done. killed local inhabitants or forced them to convert? An example of this is that he sent to his brother Tughril Beg by Abd al-Samad, the Cadi of Sarakhs, saying I have heard that you are ruining the lands you have conquered and taken, whose inhabitants have fled them. Pure belief on Almighty ALLAH can make you a gem. Between 1504 and 1510, Aruj used his fleet of ships to help ferry Moorish Muslim refugees from Spain to North Africa after the Christian Reconquista and the fall of 2nd wife of turgut alp There were no errors detected throughout the audit. Its a very well-done faith series that I will continue watching until its over. II, ed. Very little is known of Chaghri and Tughril's lives until 1025. I watched the rise of the ottoman empire before finding out that ertugrul was the father of osman. I learned a lot about Muslims not taught in the Western societies today [hopefully the story is true to the religion]. And from how I see it , a movie or series historical or whatever should just be an inspiration to the watcher to find out more about the true events or characters if they have real interest. I have watched complete Netflix movie resurrection Ertugrul an Islamic History Project it was brilliant. This series totally captivated me. Arthur Koestler: The thirteenth Tribe (translated by Belks orak), Say, stanbul, 1984, p.164. Very good information i love Islamic history thanks. Watch Turkish dramas series In Urdu subtitles and much more like Dirilis Ertugrul , Kurulus Osman, Giveme5 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 1,2,3,4,5,6 Urdu By TRT. The Quran sessions by Ibn Arabi and other scholars are very interesting and really meant to be seen again & again. My husband and I are watching episode 1-5 for the second time., Lord Kinross, the British military historian in the Book The Ottomans.layed out the path of the series where Ertugrul was mentioned a few tiemes acknowledging that at time of book research, Ertugrul had some basis in historical reality despite the current ignroance about him. Is she is a fictional character? Any person that is aware of The solution will you kindly react? Ameen, Its a great production.I was gripped by the action,the story and the awesome acting of the actors.