Life was routine and good. He landed on D-Day +2 and the book covers a few engagements and on the back cover is the list of those killed which list my grandad. For an instant the Honest John appears to nudge forward hesitatingly on the launcher rail. Others were graduates of rigorous artillery ROTC programs from around the country. For the larger caliber units and the armored field artillery, the number of guns per battalion differed from those of the standard infantry division artillery. I've been to the area. He enlisted into the United States Army in May 1999 as. I remember a black guy (Pvt/Cpl/Sgt? I used to play with Earl (deceased) behind their house in the bomb craters left over from WW II. He listed many names and addresses on the back with their location in the picture. It was some kind of Battery test so the radar crew was given a truck load of C rations and stuck in a remote site away from the rest of the unit. he left for normandy july 2 1944 could he have been assigned after the masacre ? So the personnel without enough points were kept with other units until their time came up. This was important for the married troops who lived off base because it gave them an extra hour and a half in the AM. 419th CSB Sponsorship; 406th Army Field Assistance Trupp. Accountable for providing direct support and ensure the XVIII Air borne Corps' are relocated worldwide meeting their operational readiness timeline in 18 hrs and its subordinate units; manages NCO development and enlisted personnel matters; advises Commander of Soldier issues, and maintained organizational and installation property valued at over $3. The term Red Leg began in the Civil War, First during the Kansas border wars and then the Army adapted it later. My father serverd in the 282nd FAB in Europe.I understand they were loaned out to may units.. Is there a way I can find out more about their unit and the men killed in his outfit. The B Battery commander was 1st Lieutenant Flash Gardner, a man who received a battlefield commission in Korea and still had the enlisted man at heart. Although requiring more personnel and having some technical differences (i.e. The other calibers were the 8-inch, the 240mm, and the 4.5-inch gun. The sight had an alcohol bubble which he had to level prior to firing while using the number wheel to traverse the tube left or right. Enough about me lets talk about the 264th FA Battalion. Nor Would . SFC Stewart saw potential in me as a clerk instead of a gun bunny because when I was at A 3/6 FA, Ft. Riley, I OJT'd as a 94B (cook). Because my Mom didn't want to go back to the States, we lost our PX privleges and had to live "on the economy". The pictures of the 8" Howitzer in the Phillippines, 1944 really brought back memories! or Vilseck at least twice a year and stayed in primitive quarters. I had always thought that he had 175mm SPHs there. The gunner and one canoneer set the firing deflection and elevation and stand by to apply final low level wind corrections. They would follow a dead line some distance, usually to a place that had just been shelled. The 94th division was sent to the Battle of the Bulge. I emailed you about information on his unit. CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on October 14, 2016: Ms. Southall, thanks so much for sharing your dad's story. Each gun crew was considered a section, and within each section was a sergeant (Section Chief), a corporal and assistant gunner (known as the #1), two other assistant gunners, and three cannoneers. 416th Support Units . World War II By the end of World War II, the U.S. Army had established several hundred temporary burial grounds around the world. (1)In January 1955, the 259th FA Msl Bn (Corporal)was deployed to Europe with full Type I CORPORAL field equipment. The Rings lived in our apartment building (behind a motor pool which was at the Army shopping complex (PX, Snack Bar, Magazine store, Library, Movie Theatre, etc) which was located some distance from Rivers Barracks. Many of the other non-firing battery assignments came with a multitude of dangers, and nowhere was that more illustrated than for the men of the wire section of HQ Battery. The tell tale dust cloud makes it imperative that the section displace immediately, to avoid enemy counter fire. A few years ago I ran across a book entitled Private Presley by Andreas Schroer which documents Elviss years in Germany and I swear it is as good as a high school yearbook for memories. This usually creates fear and I was no exception. I do a Red Leg of the Week on FB page and I'm always looking for new guys. No luck so far. The jobs of the enlisted members of each firing battery varied depending on their training and circumstances, with many personnel being cross-trained to do a variety of work. The Division has an excellent veterans association which is very helpful to families, see I'll keep looking and get back to you. Rank was hard to come by because the 280s were being phased out and the battalion seemed to be a place for Officers who were being phased out. You can email me. Both he and the gunner corporal were also responsible for keeping the crew away from the tremendous recoil of the barrel, which could kill or maim, especially in the 155mm. It was a short cut to our apartment complex. From the information provided by the acquisition radar, the target-tracking radar acquires the designated target and tracks it throughout the engagement. Even the famous infantry replacements rarely moved. Please note: Thx. I cannot find either a towed 155mm Howitzer or Long Tom 155mm battalion (non-divisional) designated as the 274th. Gardner. They may have been detached, but these are the assigned battalions. I would like to find out my Dad's route of travel in Europe from his arrival in 1942 to his departure in 1945. CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on September 30, 2017: Just great info. The 264th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (264th CSSB) is a U.S. Army support battalion stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. As you can see from the pictures I sent, the Guns were named Apache and Alley Oop in A Battery, Big Ike and Big Mo in B Battery, and Comanche and Cheryl in C Battery. I have been trying to find information about my father during WW2 and hoping you can answer a question I have regarding field artillery replacement troops. Like Ms. Southall, my father was in two different FABs, and someone at the 83rd site said that because he, my dad, was regular army (West Point), he would be staying for the Occupation, which he did, for another year, and that's about when the change occurred, I think, from the 908 to the 323. The 66th Division consisted of the following units: 262nd , 263rd, and 264th Infantry Regiments, Headquarters Battery, 721st, 870th, 871st, and 872nd, Field Artillery Battalions, 266th Engineer Combat Battalion, the 366th Medical Battalion, 66th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment, 66th Quartermaster Company, 66th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop, the 566th Signal Company, and Headquarters Special Troops, including a Headquarters Company and a Military Police Platoon. He also mentioned Regansburg, Germany and ended the war in Austria and did occupation duty there until coming home to train for the invasion of Japan. I dont know if he found out about my mother before he left or in fact if he ever did? The position of aiming posts could vary depending on the unit and terrain. After the war, they were disbanded. You can use the email provided on my page. Where possible, they could set the scope on a fixed target (e.g. CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on April 16, 2020: Hi Mr. Bowles, try this website It was the sheer weight and logistics involved with the operations of the 155mm ammo that was daunting. FA Msl Bn (Cpl), 557th My plan is to base a novel on his exploits and service. The 762MM Rocket is a short-range weapon designed primarily for targets of opportunity. Thus, once fired, the HONEST JOHN Rocket is a weapon delivering an atomic warhead comparable with the larger missiles requiring intricate and sometimes unreliable electronic guidance systems. Technician Fourth Grade Lou Marinez served in the 264th Field Artillery Battalion in Europe during World War II. He told me numerous times that he served in a 155 mm Howitzer Battalion that used high speed tractors to pull the guns, Corps Artillery attached to the 3rd Army, and at times attached to the 20th Corps. The risk of being spotted by enemy observers was ever-present. The projectile is fuzed and placed on the loading tray, and power rammed into the breech recess. Scott. By having this record the gun could go to a known position and not have to wait for a survey. While the gunner corporal worked his sight, the assistant gunner, positioned on the right side of the breech, operated a hand wheel to set the elevation. By the Korean War, they had added six guns to the standard battery. I guess we will all be pursuing our parents for the rest of our lives. 264th Infantry Regiment HHB Division Artillery 721st Field Artillery Battalion (155mm) 870th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) 871st Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) 872d Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) 66th Reconnaissance Troop, Mechanized 266th Engineer Combat Battalion 366th Medical Battalion 66th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment 999th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (155mm) 99th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) 8219 Artillery Topo Map Service . Running a spool of black telephone cord from HQ to an observation post could put one under fire from mortars, machine guns, snipers, shelling, both friendly and German, as well as enemy patrols. It aids in laying in the guns by taking into account the Y Azimuth distance between true north and magnetic north. about practically any U.S.Army unit contact: There also was a 155 outfit at Rivers Barracks so there was plenty of competition between the troops. Church steeple) and line up the angle on that. My sister cleared some information. The locations are correct for the unit. Their officer would take a reading from the aiming circle so that the four guns of the battery would be aligned and shoot parallel with each other. I understand infantry replacement soldiers were moved frequently from divisions but I cannot find information regarding field artillery replacement soldiers. The 95-pound shell required separate-loading bagged charges that were loaded with the shell according to the orders given by the firing officer. Mostly though we were all E3s or E4s. Also, there is a Facebook page for the Division. I also learned the folly of riding a bicycle around a blind corner of the path around the courtyard of the apartment complex at full speed. Capt Welty was a 20-year man who was a Marine during WW2 and switched to the Army during Korea. We also had black & white Chevrolet station wagon which bit the dust (threw a rod) on the trip down to Munich in 1968. The history of the 26st Field Artillery Regiment from the early days of the horse soldier to the modern, highly trained, mission ready, assault force of today. If we had won, the team would be in a fix because a lot of us would be out of the service before the tournament was played. If you have any artillery regiments, one antiaircraft artillery regi ment, and various services. Find out whether your WWI veteran was awarded medals for battlefield heroism or for wounds received in action. Get this The Cincinnati Enquirer page for free from Tuesday, September 11, 1945 orse Semiannual Inspection Of Autos Pag 6 STICKERS To Remain Valid Even If Council Voles : Keturn Of Kule. If you copy this link into the web this is the small booklet I mentioned. No. ), and a Service battery (ammunition, basic supplies, mechanics, etc.). Walked everywhere! However, it was to inform me I was now in the survey section. CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on September 23, 2019: Using this information, the computer continuously determines a predicted point of interception and issues those steering orders necessary to guide the missile continuously toward the predicted point of interception. The NIKE-HERCULES Battalion consists of a battalion headquarters battery, with 17 officers and 101 enlisted men, and 4 firing batteries containing 8 officers and 133 enlisted men. Thx. There were 238 separate field artillery battalions operating in the ETO by the wars end, with 36 105mm and 71 155mm battalions. I assumed because of the increase to 6 guns that there were more observers, but I was not sure if the 3 FO was a standard. Since going to school and working to pay for it was a drag I figured that if I went in to the Army, Uncle Sam would pay for my college. 264th Pioneer Battalions . In one letter, he sent me a color picture of a 400 pound tiger carcass tied to a pole in the middle of one of the firebases. The fire direction center computes the mission and sends firing data to the weapons. I am trying to write a history of the 147th from November 1940 when his National Guard unit was activated and November 1945 when he was discharged. The Missile Tracking Radar tracks the missile automaticalyl throughout its flight and continuously sends the location of the missile to the computer. CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on September 25, 2017: Hi Mr. Rodgers. Hello- My grandfather served in WWII with the 20th Field Artillery Batallion as a T/5 with the 155 mm Howitzer I believe. We were to fire one round from each gun to give the Russians something to think about, blow up the Breech blocks, and race like hell for the Spanish coast. Contact them. Hopefully the pictures I have attached are self explanatory. He also said that his unit was emplaced for a couple weeks around Kassel, Germany during the Rhineland Campaign as he got strafed by German fighters. Also from my research, I discovered the CIB was only awarded to Infantry men in combat but after the war in 1946, an exception was made for other soldiers who fought in direct combat did earn the CIB and thus awarded the Bronze Star. He may have landed in Scotland. We went to the firing ranges in Graf. Our first formation was 7:30 instead of 6. Artillery batteries also had a fifth section, which was called the machine gun section. The first units which have been described in some detail are the British 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division & British 52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division. If you served in A Battery, 264th Field Artillery Battalion, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. 46 Vaihingen, Germany 7th Army Band Airmail to Cherry Valley, Ill. Light stains. We are planning a trip to Europe to retrace the units movements. Armored field artillery battalions had the same command structure within their organic divisions as the infantry but contained 18 self-propelled howitzers instead of the usual 12 for the towed variety. Appreciate the reminder. Mr. Burr, I do a "Red Leg of the Week" on my Facebook and I would be honored could send a photo. Junior commanders were expected to use their own initiative. CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on September 14, 2016: Passion, you are correct. My father was in Battery B 563RD Field Artillery Battalion and he did not talk at all about his service. 264th Medical Battalion (210)221-0047/0030 After Hours Duty Phone: (210) 834-7725 2745 Harney Path, Bldg. At the end of the 1956 season we had won enough to get into the 7th Army tournament. My duty assignments with the 265th FA Bn (later 3rd Gun Bn, 81st Arty) were as follows: CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on June 09, 2018: I'm going to assume you know these sites? My father was with the 662nd FA Battalion in Europe in WWII. My father was a member of the 264th FA Bn, Btry B. Occasionally fights broke out between the Batterys and the Engineers who were stationed at Rivers Barracks. The technical development between the world wars, particularly in the United States, created a system that was second to none. CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on May 05, 2019: What have you found so far, if anything? Subject: DAVAO; SHIKOKU; YYUSHU '45, '46. Let me know if you have trouble, and I can just list them here. In 1965 it was re-designated as 8th Battalion, 15th Field Artillery and inactivated in 1971 in Homestead Air Force Base, FL. We have since been sent some letters from his family that he wrote home but is does not talk about any action or locations due to security and censorship. objective area. I saw a former A 3/6 member, Pfc David Lee Marcum, in the same unit. If not West Pointers, many were from military schools such as the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) or the Citadel. We were moved to New York by train and loaded onto the USS Callan along with a lot of other troops. His detailed service records were lost in the St.Louis fire. Other sections cleaned the toilets, others swept the halls and cleaned the common rooms. I have quite a bit of information about the Battalion and its history, both during and prior to the period of time I was assigned there. The letter, dated 3 May 1954, shows the Adjutant General, 264th Field Artillery Battalion, requested a copy of the FSM's DD Form 214. There was a setting sleeve located at the base of each fuse. Decades after he got back from Vietnam, he later told me he was moving 155mm howitzers around to different (mobile) firebases. The entire battalion is 100% mobile. Crew of 105mm (M2). His family found out about it and replied. 284th Field Artillery Battalion. The battery is 100% mobile. In a tactical situation the guns are placed in positions of concealment with batteries separated by about 8,000 to 12,000 meters. Interesting article. FAB. 264th CSSB Phone: (910) 396-4218 Location: 2420 Quartermaster St., BLDG M-1433 Fort Bragg, North Carolina Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., M-F Closed on weekends, training and federal. Home These thing never turn up! Red and white aiming posts were laid to the rear of the sight, almost in a straight line. The shells had lifting rings attached to their nose during shipment, and they had to be removed to install the fuse. When a battalion is attached to a Corps, it is normally assigned a mission of general support of the Corps.
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