This second phase of unlawful foreclosures will now be at the hands of LLCs created solely for the purpose of falsely claiming to be a servicer of a non-existing loan to recover hundreds of thousands at foreclosure sales. Sundquist v. Bank of America Judge Christopher Klein. One of the bench warmers present today is Mark Kessler, who works for a number of lenders and giant foreclosure mills, including the one run by David J. Stern, a gazillionaire attorney and all-Universe asshole who last year tried to foreclose on 70,382 homeowners. It Wasnt Lyin Judge Marra, Florida Bar: Yall Are In Contempt for Not Answering Complaints, Mortgage Servicer PHH Ocwen: Scammin Homeowners Since 2008, with Government and Judicial Approval. I have spoken to the Sun Sentinel and I am going public. The obligation of the Press is to hold the government accountable. Soud sighs. At the end the bank bridged our agreement. Her critics say a Broward resident whos about to lose their home and isnt a deadbeat can expect no show of mercy from Gundersen. To get the usually intractable Judge Soud to forestall a foreclosure is considered a real victory, and I later hear Kowalski getting props and attaboys from other foreclosure lawyers. If the court finds for the defendant, the plaintiffs just refile, says Parker, the local attorney. Billionaire Warren Buffett and his Berkshire Hathaway fund, which happens to be a major shareholder in Wells Fargo. The clients have referred Judge Gundersen to the Judicial Qualifications Commission asking that she be removed from the bench. But frequently, the loans in the trust were complete shit. Andrea Gunderson Current Workplace. They made a bet on it and then they realized they made a bad bet, but it was a whole lot of money, she said. President John F. Kennedy warned about the monolithic enterprise (secret societies). But many of these homeowners are just ordinary Joes who had no idea what they were getting into. In their extreme haste to get thousands and thousands of mortgages they could resell to the banks, the lenders committed an astonishing variety of fraud. The judge has been known to assess attorney fees against the side that displeases her. For his work on behalf of the dispossessed, Kowalski was recently profiled in a preposterous Wall Street Journal article that blamed attorneys like him for causing the foreclosure mess with their nuisance defense claims. 954-603-1351, Florida Bulldog Its eerily quiet on the docket. She is a very insecure individual who needs psychological help more than family who appear before her! If you want to read the case and background, we suggest you start at the beginning, as documented by LIT. All told, some 820,000 Americans have already lost their homes this year, and another 1 million currently face foreclosure. LT: FMCE 11007595 (41) , APPEAL CASE: 4D12-2599. These arent judges. . Kowalskis current case before Judge Soud is a perfect example. If a party disagreed with the judgment and felt that the judgment was entered in error, the remedy is an appeal. Both options are priced the same. Akerman, the law firm that opposes Jacobs in the Nicolas case, convinced the Third District to pause trial court proceedings while the firm attacks Butchko and her contempt order. Join Facebook to connect with Andrea Gunderson and others you may know. This is an opportunity to get rid of her and vote for Lauren Melissa Alperstein. To our knowledge, no error was demonstrated in any case that went to sale, Bailey said in her statement. It worked. Really? Judges must report lawyers for unethical conduct, not support it with a wink and a nod. Overview. Consistent with the numbers, Gundersen treats bank lawyers much more courteously than homeowners lawyers who challenge suspicious documents, according to the report. Now all of this the obviously cooked-up documents, the magically appearing stamp and the rest of it may just seem like nothing more than sloppy paperwork. These unopposed cases are the ones the banks know theyll win which is why they dont sweat it if they take the occasional whipping. We cannot continue to allow fraud in our justice system for the convenience of the banking industry and at the expense of homeowners American Dream. One more important point, I am proudly part of BREC as a Committeewoman and Endorsed LAUREN ALPERSTEIN, who successfully beat disgraced Andrea Ruth Gundersen removing her from the Bench! That is exactly what Andrea "Drea" Gunderson made of her jail time. Video: Bob Graham on Unanswered Questions of 9/11, Judge Gundersen ignores tainted bank documents to justify foreclosures Attorney Motion News, Judge Gundersen ignores tainted bank documents to justify foreclosures - Florida Bulldog | Bible Prophecy In The Daily Headlines, Broward judge ignores tainted bank documents to justify foreclosures, watchdog report charges | Livinglies's Weblog, Judge Gundersen ignores tainted bank documents to justify foreclosures - Florida Bulldog - - Daily Tips and Articles, please make your tax-deductible contribution today. Attorney Zulu Ali Renamed Top Ten Criminal & Immigration Lawyer by Attorney & Pr PVA Cal San Diego to Support Paul Ehline Motorcycle Ride Lytle Creek, SEDA Experts Expands its Forensic Accounting Expert Witness Practice. But the banks get to keep filing their foreclosures over and over again, no matter how atrocious and deceitful their paperwork is. THE COVERUP is worse than the crime. At a meeting with the Sun Sentinel editorial board, Gundersen said she always shows compassion within the bounds of the law.. An attorney for Jacksonville Area Legal Aid tells me that out of the hundreds of cases she has handled, fewer than five involved no phony paperwork. HSBC filed a false document to that effect, Gundersen clearly noticed the order that dismissed the surrender claim, but yet allowed the bank to continue with same argument. The state court does not have subject matter jurisdiction over IRS/SEC tax matter partner schemes -; using the homeowners SS# 1099 (a) the homeowner becomes (Creditor/partner) turned Renter (Ordinary) PASS THROUGH INVESTOR. If you lost your job or got too sick to work and suddenly had trouble making your payments, you could call a human being and work things out. At worst, these ordinary homeowners were stupid or uninformed while the banks that lent them the money are guilty of committing a baldfaced crime on a grand scale. I sent most of my material to Nick Timerios at the Wall Street Journal, who later called me to confirm it and my source. We are a 501(c)(3) organization. When judges behave unconstitutionally they aint judges McAllister. When the number history notes that the homeowner has missed three payments in a row, it has no way of knowing that the homeowner was given permission to stop making payments. The bank, in other words, is trying to push through a completely new set of documents in its attempts to foreclose on Kowalskis clients. I was just in court via zoom with Judge Gundersen and everything in the article is TRUE. 954-603-1351, Florida Bulldog The Company increased its legal and regulatory accrual related to the CFPB matter by $13.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 resulting from its efforts to resolve the matter in mediation. I appealed my foreclosure and the mandate said that foreclosure has to stop immediately, but they foreclosed anyway on 1-4-2022. And thats not even accounting for the fact that most of this credit wouldnt have been available in the first place without the Ponzi-like bubble scheme cooked up by Wall Street, about which the average homeowner knew nothing hell, even the average U.S. senator didnt know about it. I have every confidence Judge Gundersen is following that line of cases and if this is a significant issue again, we would hope the Fourth District would once again render decisions if we are not getting this right, he said in a statement. We believe that our system will only work with transparency, honesty, and accountability. Racketeering 101. And though the permutations of small-time scammery and grift in the foreclosure world are virtually endless your average foreclosure case involves homeowners or investors being screwed at least five or six creative ways a single hour of court and a few cases is enough to tell the main story. Just minutes before, I had watched what happens when defendants dont show up in court: kerchunk! Americans Against Foreclosures ( AAF ) applauds the wise decision of Homeowners in Florida to remove this Judge from the bench. Its the same shit now, said a foreclosure defense lawyer who practices in Broward and commented anonymously, fearing retaliation. Moreover, it claimed that it had included a copy of the note in the file, which it did the only problem being that the note (a) was not properly endorsed, and (b) was payable not to Bank of New York but to someone else, a company called Novastar. She is a disgrace of a person! She didnt even give me a chance to speak. All Rights Reserved. Florida Bulldog delivers fact-based watchdog reporting as a public service thats essential to a free and democratic society. It was appalling, said a campaign consultant who spoke on condition of anonymity because of working on another, non-judicial race. BenefitsPro Broker Expo will help attendees prepare for new issues, embrace new challenges and find new solutions. DO YOUR homework! I think she just follows the law and wherever that falls is where it falls, Angione said. Those deadbeat homeowners still owe the money, right? Each complaint filed by the banks attorneys is linked in the second column. Westlaw legal research shows that Gundersen was reversed in 10 of the 61 cases in which she was appealed. Just dont know where to start. Find me. This IS a massive racketeering operation completed WITH THE HELP of the Circuit Courts, the US Bankruptcy Courts, the US Bankruptcy Trustees Office, the Federal Appeals Courts, and law enforcement nationwide. In one case handled by Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, a homeowner refinanced her house in 2005 but almost immediately got into trouble, going into default in December of that year. Lauren Alperstein, a family law attorney at Boies . The Broward County Courthouse is a rigged system with mostly Senior Judges put in place as agents for the bank. The issue of fraudulent foreclosures must be resolved before this new crisis begins. You should see the originating lender (a firm like Countrywide) selling the loan to the next entity in the chain (perhaps Goldman Sachs) to the next (maybe JP Morgan), with the actual note being transferred each time. Soud simply continues Coopers case, telling Kessler to get his shit together and come back for another whack at her in a few weeks. Amendment 4 and 14 illegal government seizures of homestead The right to known Color of Law title 18 sec 242, 241. The report states, The banks reckless greed left millions of properties with mortgages and promissory notes corrupted and the chain of title on those properties broken, putting trial judges in the uncomfortable position of either taking the banking industry to task for these forged documents or kicking a family out of their home. Which means that homeowners can be foreclosed on for all sorts of faulty reasons: misplaced checks, address errors, you name it. They actually tell people to stop paying their bills for three months, says Parker. Lauren Alperstein, a family law attorney at Boies Schiller Flexner, will take on incumbent Broward Circuit Judge Andrea Gundersen in the primary elections this August. Not only by Judge Gundersen but Jade Silver esq absolutely horrible. If Gundersen was not re-elected , why did she preside over my foreclosure case dated 11/16/2022? The American Property Owners Network , a new non-profit umbrella organization for efforts to make justice happen for homeowners in our courts, will certainly broadcast this article!!!! So glad Gundersen has been ousted, shell be lucky to get hired to clean up shit from the cow pasture. They work together to cut deals where the public are falsely led to believe the government watchdog is protecting their interests. Below you can also find a sample of the varied David Spector signatures. Judge Ken Magic Marra is the remaining immediate stumbling block who should have retired in January but they dont know what to do as the Burkes are lurking. We found 1 criminal records from the federal database for Andrea Leigh Gunderson. In September, lenders nationwide took over a record 102,134 properties; that same month, more than a third of all home sales were distressed properties. She was elected to the Circuit Court in 2016. The banks then dumped hundreds or thousands of home loans at a time into tax-exempt real estate trusts, where the loans were diced up into securities, examined and graded by the ratings agencies, and sold off to big pension funds and other institutional suckers. And who else benefited from that $50 billion in bailout money? Ultimately, the people the homeowners over 10 million would be sacrificed and not a single Wall St. Banker went to jail. Andrea Leigh Gunderson - 1 Criminal record(s) found. It says homeowners complained about her to the Judicial Qualifications Commission, which investigates judges for ethics violations. Hopefully it will start happening in every County in the USA. 2017. Angione was disappointed that borrowers and their lawyers wrongly target Gundersen, but said she understands the impulse. She has been referred to JQC, asking that she be removed from the bench. Leonard now has a job and could make some kind of reduced payment. How foreclosure courts are helping big banks screw over homeowners. 73 records for Bruce Gunderson. Due to my imminent death, being hospitalized and recuperating, they file the fraudulent petition to gain my finances. We are headquartered in West Palm Beach, Florida, with offices in the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands and operations in India and the Philippines, and have been serving our customers since 1988. Low-key, earnest and devoted to pro bono work, shes nothing like the scrappy, folksy Gundersen. The Third District Court of Appeal in Miami tabled the case. Not impartial, not professional, not in the spirit of the law, not a good or decent human being. Dan Christensen In the end, the agencies gave large chunks of these mortgage-backed securities AAA ratings which means credit risk almost zero.. They defend organic agriculture, work with nature and production on a human scale! What does that say? A Message to US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer @stephen_breyer from LIT; @StephenAtHome @TuckerCarlson @POTUS @nbcsnl @netflix @PrimeVideo @TexasTribune @ariannahuff @HarvardFedSoc @HarvardLawProf @WSJopinion @ReutersLegal #txlege #appellatetwitter #OperationWhiteout, LawsInTexas (@lawsintexasusa) November 22, 2021. Youve already committed fraud once, says April Charney, an attorney with Jacksonville Area Legal Aid. Some were pushed into dangerous loans when they qualified for safe ones. Real life Groundhog Day. The dates arent the only thing screwy about the new documents submitted by Bank of New York. How can you fight a neverending fraud supported by our government and campaign donations by banks and lawyers? HI everyone! I could not ask for a better litigator. A recent divorcee delinquent in her payments, she has come to court today fully expecting to be foreclosed on by Wells Fargo. Of these cases assigned to Judge Gundersen, 126 of them have been closed, none of which were ruled in favor of the defendant. This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The Judges are corrupt, plain and simple. BURGLARY-3RD DEG-STEAL/COMMIT FELONY OR GROSS MISD; Court: MN078015J - TRAVERSE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT; (Well, more than two, actually, but lets just stick to the two big ones.). In the case of Boucher v. Warren, Gundersen dismissed a domestic violence injunction against the husband in a pending divorce case. If they were advertised as nice, safe, fixed-rate mortgages, they couldnt turn out to be high-interest junk loans. Ocwens counsel at Goodwin Law are rogues. Do society a favor and vote her out of office; she is clearly not judge material. It penetrated all the way down to the individual consumer, who in some cases was a knowing accomplice in the bubble mess. Andrea Gunderson, Agnes Gunderson, Anges Gunderson. FIVE TIMES! But Coopers house is owner-occupied she doesnt even have a tenant, she tells me with a shrug. Ill wait. Selling lead as gold, shit as Chanel No. Shes amazing and shes exactly who we need and get GUNDERSEN GONE. Ive got about three more, Judge, says Kessler. On this level of the game, these lawyers refer to themselves as bench warmers volume stand-ins subcontracted by the big, hired-killer law firms that work for the banks. But the FHL report based on 2019-2020 South Florida court records shows that illegal robo-signing persists.
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