Withdrawals that are the result of plan sponsor actions may be subject to a market value adjustment or paid out in 5 installments over 60 months. All Rights Reserved. Because of their focus on bonds with very short durations, these portfolios offer minimal interest-rate sensitivity and therefore low risk and total return potential. 2A. If the weighted value of certain indexes changes by more than 2%, John Hancock reserves the right to reset the crediting rate on October 1 or April 1. Our prudent approach to risk management helps protect customers' money. A Separate Account or a portfolio related to other benefit responsive contracts may invest in asset-backed securities. Requests may be cancelled if not within our guidelines.Participants are allowed a maximum of two exchanges per calendar month. ***Morningstar Portfolio Ratings All Morningstar data is 2023 by Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. The fund invests a portion of its assets (including cash and cash equivalents) in a separate account of John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company (JHLH). These charges, if included, would otherwise reduce the total return for a participant's account. Seeks to provide steady and stable returns with liquidity and a guarantee of principal and interest. Why stable value? Requests may be cancelled if not within our guidelines.Participants are allowed a maximum of two exchanges per calendar month. This investment option is deemed a 'Competing' investment option with the Reliance MetLife Stable Value Fund and may not be available if the Reliance MetLife Stable Value Fund is selected. Performance charts for John Hancock Stable Value Portfolio Fund (JSJWX) including intraday, historical and comparison charts, technical analysis and trend lines. Issuer Risk for Guaranteed Fund. All other performance data is actual (except as otherwise indicated). Performance data for a sub-account for any period prior to the date introduced is shown in bold and is hypothetical based on the performance of the underlying fund. "Underlying fund" includes the underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or ETF in which a sub-account invests. For more information, please contact your financial representative. Standard Deviation is defined by Morningstar as a statistical measurement of dispersion about an average, which, for an underlying fund, depicts how widely the returns varied over a certain period of time.The placement of each investment option's risk/return category is subject to change. Asset-backed securities include interests in pools of residential or commercial mortgages, debt securities, commercial or consumer loans, or other receivables. The funds right to receive payments for the benefit of, and its ability to distribute payments to, plan participants depends on the timely liquidation of separate account assets. The stability of the investments offsets price fluctuations that may be associated with fixed-income investments. The following two questions are made available to the Financial Representative (FR) on this plan to address questions relating to 408(b)(2) or John Hancock's 408(b)(2) disclosures. Please call 800-395-1113 to obtain the Fund Sheet for the group annuity investment option sub-accounts and/or to obtain a prospectus (or Offering Memorandum/Trust Document) for the sub-accounts' underlying fund, that are available on request. The lowest investment-grade rating is Baa3. 800-395-1113 (Participant Service Center) 800-294-3575 (Open Architecture Plans) Mail to: John Hancock Retirement Plan Services. In particular, allocating assets to a small number of options concentrated in particular business or market sectors will subject your account to increased risk and volatility. The John Hancock Stable Value Fund invests a portion of its assets in a separate investment account maintained by John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company ('John Hancock Life & Health'), an affiliate of John Hancock USA, which has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term 'Commodity Pool Operator' under CFTC Regulation 4.5 under the Commodity Exchange Act with respect to its . Crediting Rate is an Approximation. Performance does not reflect any applicable contract-level or certain participant-level charges, fees for guaranteed benefits if elected by participant under the group annuity contract or redemption fees imposed by the underlying Portfolio. In either case, the redemption of your interest by the affected fund, as well as the investment of the redemption proceeds by the ''new'' fund, may result in transaction costs to the funds because the affected funds may find it necessary to sell securities and the ''new'' funds will find it necessary to invest the redemption proceeds. The highest speculative-grade rating is Ba1. Fund Expense Ratio or FER). Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information.For each underlying fund with at least a three-year history, Morningstar calculates a Morningstar Rating based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return measure that accounts for variation in the underlying funds monthly performance (does not include the effects of sales charges, loads, and redemption fees), placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. 142. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This investment option is deemed a "Competing" investment option with the John Hancock Stable Value Fund and may not be available. Increased rates of prepayments will generally result in a loss of interest income if the portfolio manager is required to reinvest at a lower interest rate. Source: Morningstar Direct for Mutual Funds, as of the most recent month end. For these services, John Hancock and its affiliates receive additional fees which are included in the underlying fund expense ratio (i.e. Depending on the Funds selected or recommended by the plan fiduciaries (and whether or not any Funds are recommended or selected), John Hancock and its affiliates may receive additional compensation from the Funds, in the form of 12b-1 fees, transfer agent fees, investment management fees, or otherwise. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. For current ratings, please visit www.johnhancock.com/who-we-are.html and refer to the Fact Sheet. These investment options may be sub-accounts (pooled funds) investing directly in underlying mutual fund, collective trusts, or ETFs, or they may be Guaranteed Interest Accounts.The Funds offered on the JH Signature platform are classified into five risk categories. For more details, see Risk Disclosures section of this booklet. The performance data for a sub-account for any period prior to the sub-account Inception Date is hypothetical based on the performance of the underlying investment since inception of the underlying investment. The availability of products, Funds and contract features may be subject to Broker-Dealer Firm approval, State approval, Broker Licensing requirements, tax law requirements, or other contract-related requirements. NOT BANK GUARANTEED. 2023 John Hancock. The John Hancock Stable Value Guaranteed Income Fund seeks to preserve capital and provide stability of principal while earning current income that exceeds money market rates over the long term. The cumulative effect of fees and expenses can substantially reduce the growth of your retirement account. The fact that assets are exposed to credit risk of the insurance company. Because the fund invests in the separate account, the value of the fund and its ability to honor withdrawal requests from plan participants depends, in part, on the performance of JHLH. The financial statement effects of a tax position are recognized when the position is more likely than not, based on the technical merits, to be sustained upon examination by the IRS. Many fixed income investments face the risk that the securities will decline in value because of changes in interest rates. For more information on a particular investment option, please refer to John Hancock USA's Fund sheets, available through the Web site or your John Hancock USA representative. Exchange traded funds and open-ended mutual funds are considered a single population for comparative purposes. Equity, or stock underlying funds may be categorized by the size of the securities in which the fund invests (market capitalization). 128. If the sub-account inception date is after December 8, 2014, then the Signature Menu introduction date is the same as the sub-account inception date.Returns for any period greater than one year are annualized. 52. Net assets represent the sum of participant balances on deposit in this plan's stable valueinvestment option. These transactions qualify as party-in-interest . John Hancock does not provide advice regarding appropriate investment allocations. **A funds investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses should be considered carefully before investing. NOTE F - NEW YORK LIFE STABLE VALUE FUND . Categories may be changed based on recent changes to the portfolio. From time to time, changes are made to Funds, and the availability of these changes may be subject to State approvals or other compliance requirements. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at myplan.johnhancock.com. Manager or Sub-Adviser refers to the manager of the underlying fund, or to the sub-adviser of the underlying John Hancock Trust, John Hancock Funds II, or John Hancock Funds III fund in which the sub-account invests. This investment option is deemed a 'Competing' investment option with the Reliance Trust New York Life Anchor Account and may not be available if the Reliance Trust New York Life Anchor Account is selected. 239. Stable Value Options invests in Voya's Stabilizer managed separate account annuity contract, issued by Voya Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company. Risk of Increase in Expenses for Sub-Account. An investment in a sub-account will fluctuate in value to reflect the value of the sub-account's underlying fund and, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original cost. Securities with longer maturities or durations typically have higher yields but may be subject to increased interest-rate risk and price volatility compared with securities with shorter maturities, which have lower yields but greater price stability. The current crediting rate is guaranteed only until the next rate reset date; crediting rates in future periods may be higher or lower, but in no case less than 1%. A.M. Best RatingAM Best's methodologies for rating is a comprehensive overview of the credit rating process, which consists of quantitative and qualitative evaluations of balance sheet strength, operating performance, business profile, and enterprise risk management.Fitch RatingsThe terms investment grade and speculative grade have established themselves over time as shorthand to describe the categories AAA to BBB (investment grade) and BB to D (speculative grade). For further details, please refer to the Offering Circular and Declaration of Trust. The obligations of each Stability Provider are general, unsecured obligations of such Stability Provider. Although there can be no assurances that all risks can be eliminated, John Hancock as manager of the underlying funds will use its best efforts to manage and minimize such risks and costs. "Underlying fund" or "fund" refers to the underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or exchanged traded fund ("ETF") in which the investment option invests.The FER is determined by the underlying fund and may be subject to fluctuation. Plans that select the Fund may not select any "competing fund" in their plan. An investment in a sub-account will fluctuate in value to reflect the value of the sub-account's underlying fund and, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original cost. The availability of products, Funds and contract features may be subject to Broker-Dealer Firm approval, State approval, Broker Licensing requirements, tax law requirements, or other contract-related requirements. MetLife says that more than eight in 10 defined contribution plan sponsors offer stable value funds as an option to preserve capital, and retirement savers would do well to consider adding this asset class to the mix if it's not already part of their portfolio. John Hancock Life Insurance Company has a more than 30-year track record of backing guaranteed interest contracts and has been a stable value asset manager since 2006, with total stable value assets under management above $2.7 billion with over 12,000 plans 1. 4A. John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.) makes available a platform of investment alternatives to sponsors or administrators of retirement plans without regard to the individualized needs of any plan. 26. Although gathered from reliable sources, the information is not represented or warranted by Morningstar to be accurate, correct, complete or timely. Morningstar ratings are applicable to the underlying only and reflect historical risk-adjusted performance as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. The ticker symbols shown are for the underlying mutual fund, collective trusts or ETFs in which sub-accounts are invested. The John Hancock Stable Value Guaranteed Income Fund seeks to preserve capital and provide stability of principal while earning current income that exceeds money market rates over the long term. These impacts are absorbed by other fund investors, including retirement plan participants. S&PCredit ratings of AA- or better are considered to be high credit quality; credit ratings of BBB- are good credit quality and the lowest category of investment grade; credit ratings BB+ and below are lower-rated securities (junk bonds); and credit ratings of CCC+ or below have high default risk. Contact your John Hancock representative if you wish to obtain a copy. The fund is not a mutual fund and is privately offered. As a result of this review, or if requested by a fund company, additional restrictions may be imposed on a participant's retirement account, including but not limited to:Applying redemption fees and/or trade restrictions as requested by the underlying fund manager. Peer Group Performance: With respect to the Funds that display a Peer Group Performance. Redemption fees or market value adjustments associated with exchanges from particular investment options are described on applicable fund sheets, which are available online. Source: Morningstar Direct for Mutual Funds, as of the most recent month end. Manager or Sub-Adviser refers to the manager of the underlying fund, or to the sub-adviser of the underlying John Hancock Trust, John Hancock Funds II, or John Hancock Funds III fund in which the sub-account invests. ** Performance of the Sub-account The performance data for a sub-account for any period prior to the sub-account Inception Date is hypothetical based on the performance of the underlying portfolio.+ The Signature Menu was introduced December 8, 2014. Information Concerning John Hancocks Short-Term Trading Policy The group annuity contract is not designed for short-term trading. Investment style tells you whether the underlying fund invests in securities of companies that exhibit growth-style characteristics, such as above-average revenue and earnings growth, or in securities that exhibit value-style characteristics, such as shares considered to be underpriced in relation to fundamental measures such as revenues, earnings and assets. The Fund will be launched on John Hancock's Signature Platform next year. Market Risk for Fixed Income. The lowest investment-grade rating is Baa3. The information shown is based on the most recent available information for the underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or ETF (collectively referred to as underlying fund) as of the date of printing and is subject to change. The John Hancock Stable Value Fund is invested primarily in benefit responsive contracts issued by state regulated insurance companies and banks, including but not limited to John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company. Stable value funds are a type of principal preservation investment available to 401 (k) plans, pensions, and other institutional funds. Your company's qualified retirement plan offers participants the opportunity to contribute to investment options available under a group annuity contract with John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.) (John Hancock USA). Contributions under a group annuity contract issued by John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.) (John Hancock USA) are allocated to investment options which: (a) invest solely in shares of an underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or ETF; (b) invest in a combination of these; or (c) are Guaranteed Interest Accounts and which will be held in the John Hancock USA general account. Your actual costs of investing in the fund may be higher than the expenses shown in "Annual fund operating expenses" for a variety of reasons. . Ratings are a comprehensive measure of financial strength. Contact your John Hancock representative if you wish to obtain a copy. This investment option is deemed a 'Competing' investment option with the Reliance MetLife Stable Value Fund and may not be available if the Reliance MetLife Stable Value Fund is selected. The highest speculative-grade rating is Ba1. apply to regular allocations, loans, or withdrawalsIn addition, on an ongoing basis, participant account activity is reviewed for trading activity that, though within the monthly exchange limit, could be detrimental to an underlying fund and/or contrary to its exchange policies, as described in the funds prospectus. For more details, see Important Notes (52). Performance does not reflect any applicable contract-level or participant-level charges, fees for guaranteed benefits if elected by participant, or any redemption fees imposed by an underlying mutual fund, collective trust or ETF. You can visit the Employee Benefit Security Administration's Web site for an example demonstrating the long-term effect of fees and expenses. AThe amounts displayed below represent the gross and net expense ratios of the underlying fund in which the sub-account invests. Ultrashort Bond: Ultrashort bond portfolios invest primarily in investment-grade U.S. fixed-income issues and have durations of less than one year (or, if duration is unavailable, average effective maturities of less than one year). Once the plan fiduciary has been notified and unless they elect otherwise, in the case of fund mergers and replacements, the affected funds that are being merged or replaced may implement the redemption of your interest by payment in cash or by distributing assets in kind. Group annuity contracts and recordkeeping agreements are issued by John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), Boston, MA (not licensed in New York). Fixed income, or bond Funds are often categorized by the duration and credit quality of the bonds held in the underlying fund. An exchange is defined as the full rebalance of a participants account, or single or multiple fund-to-fund transfers that involve multiple investment options (also referred to as inter-account transfers) on one day, and may be made over the Web, by fax, courier or mail, through our toll-free participant services line, or with a client account representative.Recognizing that there may be extreme market or other circumstances requiring a participant to make a further change, John Hancock will allow a participant to move 100% of their assets to a Money Market or Stable Value Fund (as available under the contract after the exchange limit has been reached; no subsequent exchanges may be made for 30 days.Once the 30-day hold has expired, participants can trade again in accordance with the above guidelines.The guidelines do not. Investments in the Fund will accrue interest at the applicable monthly crediting rate, which rate will be set based upon a formula but may be adjusted from time to time as agreed upon by the Stability Provider(s) and John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA). Withdrawals that are the result of plan sponsor actions may be subject to a market value adjustment or paid out after a 12-month delay.The FER for the underlying fund includes an advisory fee payable to John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.) for services provided to the Trustee, as well as a management fee to John Hancock USA and/or its affiliates in connection with the management of one of the underlying investments. Contact your John Hancock representative if you wish to obtain a copy. Redemption fees or market value adjustments associated with exchanges from particular investment options are described on applicable fund sheets, which are available online. a) The following Plan financial statements, schedules and reports are attached hereto: . : redemption fees), associated with the investment optionsselected under your Contract. You can visit the Employee Benefit Security Administration's Web site for an example demonstrating the long-term effect of fees and expenses. Index Performance: With respect to the Funds that display an index performance. For example, expense ratios may be higher than those shown if a fee limitation is changed or terminated or if average net assets decrease. Although the portfolio will seek to maintain a stable value, there is a risk that it will not be able to do so, and participants may lose their investment if both the Fund's investment portfolio and the Stability Provider(s) fail. Fund availability subject to regulatory approval and may vary from state to state. Sub-Account Inception Date: May 14, 2004 Underlying fund Inception Date: May 8, 2006. Merger and Replacement Transition Risk for Sub-Account. Performance does not reflect any applicable contract-level or certain participant-level charges. See important note (52) for more details. If the fund is new and has no portfolio history, Morningstar estimates where it will fall before giving it a permanent category assignment. Performance information current to the most recent month-end is available on our website myplan.johnhancock.com. Contributions under a group annuity contract issued by John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.) (John Hancock USA) are allocated to investment options which: (a) invest solely in shares of an underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or ETF; (b) invest in a combination of these; or (c) are Guaranteed Interest Accounts and which will be held in the John Hancock USA general account. Standard Deviation is defined by Morningstar as a statistical measurement of dispersion about an average, which, for an underlying fund, depicts how widely the returns varied over a certain period of time.The placement of each investment option's risk/return category is subject to change. "Underlying fund" or "fund" refers to the underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or exchanged traded fund ("ETF") in which the investment option invests.The FER is determined by the underlying fund and may be subject to fluctuation. Listed holdings do not represent all of the holdings in the underlying fund. Seeks to preserve capital and provide stability of principal while earning current income that exceeds money market rates over the long term. From time to time, changes are made to Funds, and the availability of these changes may be subject to State approvals or other compliance requirements. Principal Amount or Shares Cost Fair Value Guaranteed Investment Contracts - 94.3% Great-West Guaranteed FundingAgreement 599950-01 1,539,665,223 $ 1,539,665,223 $ 1,539,665,223 Moody's appends numerical modifiers 1, 2, and 3 to each generic rating classification from Aa through Caa. Key stable value due diligence areas Stable value isn't built like a mutual fund or a money market fund, and anyone evaluating a stable value fund should understand how it works. 143. It is divided into two sections, investment grade and speculative grade. All rights reserved. The John Hancock Stable Value Fund is a collective investment trust that invests in diversified fixed-income mutual funds and contract value stabilizing agreements. Recognizing that there may be extreme market or other circumstances requiring a participant to make a further change, John Hancock will allow a participant to move 100% of their assets to a Money Market or Stable Value Fund (as available under the contract after the exchange limit has been reached; no subsequent exchanges may be made for 30 days Credit and Counterparty Risk for Fixed Income. The fixed income portfolios. The John Hancock Stable Value Fund invests a portion of its assets in a separate investment account maintained by John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company ('John Hancock Life & Health'), an affiliate of John Hancock USA, which has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term 'Commodity Pool Operator' under CFTC Regulation 4.5 under the Commodity Exchange Act with respect to its operation of such separate account and, therefore, John Hancock Life & Health is not subject to registration or regulation as a pool operator under Regulation 4.5 for such separate account. The John Hancock Stable Value Fund Collective Investment Trust (the "Trust") is a bank-maintained collective trust fund ("BCT") . Contact your John Hancock representative if you wish to obtain a copy.
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