{**182 AD3d at 27}It is notable that proceedings took place on April 6, 2016, without Marianne's participation, in the context of the accounting proceeding. However, none of our cases stand for the proposition that the CPLR 321 (c) stay applies only where the client objected to counsel's motion for leave to withdraw. While the objectants' brief discusses the March 14, 2016 order, the objectants do not respond to Marianne's contention that the March 14, 2016 order was not released to the parties until May 23, 2016. Since both before and after the interposition of the June 28, 2016 motion, Marianne clearly sought the services of counsel, we cannot say the June 28 motion reflected her volitional determination to represent herself as of that date. But Marianne Nestor Cassinis attorney Vincent Reppert of Reppert Kelly said he will be back in court Friday to oppose an application to seek the sale of the According to Kelly, when after more than one month had passed and he had not received either a response from Keller or a decision on the motions, he called the court on March 1, 2016, and spoke with both Keller and a secretary, Lori Muscarella. However, as above noted, there is nothing in the record before us that indicates that anyone served the March 14, 2016 order on anyone else, or that any of the counsel involved in this matter had any contemporaneous awareness of the existence of this order. Marianne petitioned in the Surrogate's Court to judicially settle the intermediate account of the decedent's estate. The Judge overseeing this case is RICHARD FRUIN. Whether the CPLR 321 (c) stay took effect on February 16, 2016, or March 14, 2016, the stay was in still in effect when the motion was marked submitted by the court in April 2016 and was still in effect on June 9, 2016, when the court confirmed that marking in its order of that date. Where the stay has been violated, the remedy is to vacate the judicial determinations rendered in contravention of the statute (see Livore v Malik, 305 AD2d 641, 642 [2003]; Galletta v Siu-Mei Yip, 271 AD2d at 486; McGregor v McGregor, 212 AD2d at 956; see also Moray v Koven & Krause, Esqs., 15 NY3d at 389; Vincent C. Alexander, Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, CPLR C321:3 ["A party against whom an order or judgment is entered in violation of CPLR 321(c) may have the order or judgment vacated"]). After the decedent died in 2006, Marianne Nestor Cassini (hereinafter Marianne), the decedent's widow, was issued letters testamentary as the executor of his estate. Seddio & Associates, P.C., Brooklyn, NY (Frank R. Seddio and Mischel & Horn, P.C. In denying payment of executor's commissions to Marianne, the court stated: This Court denied Marianne's motion, among other things, to stay enforcement of the decision dated December 19, 2017, pending hearing and determination of the appeals. Decided on February 13, 2020 We must now apply our legal conclusions to the resolution of the particular appeals before us. Mtge. B230315]); in litigation she commenced in New York County, alleging defamation "based on allegedly false and {**182 AD3d at 54}disparaging statements in an article published in the September 2010 issue of Vanity Fair (Cassini Royale) that reports on plaintiff's secret marriage to the late designer, Oleg Cassini, and her conduct in litigation concerning his estate" (Cassini v Advance Publs., Inc., 125 AD3d 467, 468 [2015], affg 41 Misc 3d 1202[A], 2013 NY Slip Op 51553[U] [Sup Ct, NY County 2013] [affirming order granting defendants' motion to dismiss complaint and denying plaintiff's cross motion pursuant to CPLR 306-b for an extension of time to serve]); and in litigation she commenced alleging legal malpractice against the estate's former attorneys (see Nestor v Putney Twombly Hall & Hirson, LLP, 153 AD3d 840 [2017]). She was also given a period well in excess of 30 days in which to retain counsel. Repairs, Inc. v Uretsky, 39 AD3d 675, 676-677). The August 2015 order also vacated a prior decree, in a related matter, to the extent that such decree had appointed Peggy Nestor (hereinafter Peggy)Marianne's sisterto run the day-to-day business operations of OCI and CPL. Marianne commenced an action, in California, for declaratory relief, seeking a judicial determination regarding the parties' respective rights and obligations under the judgment of divorce. 182 AD3d 1 [2020]). The attorney must demonstrate that good cause exists to end the relationship with the client, such as by showing an irretrievable breakdown in the relationship or a failure of cooperation by the client (see Farage v Ehrenberg, 124 AD3d at 165). By Assignment of Judgment dated June 13, 2019 (the Assignment), Joseph DeFino, original petitioner herein, assigned a certain judgment against respondent that was filed in the office of the New York Clerk on September 12, 2014 to Here, Marianne was given such notice by the Surrogate's Court. In Moray, the Court of Appeals referenced Telmark by stating: Thus, in Moray, the Court of Appeals distinguished Telmark but did not overrule Telmark or call into doubt its conclusion on the facts there presented that there was no violation of CPLR 321 (c). Although not part of these appeals, the record reflects that the Surrogate's Court issued a decision after trial dated December 19, 2017. {**182 AD3d at 40}, VIII. According to Harper, the court granted Marianne time to retain new counsel, scheduling an appearance on the cross motion for March 2, 2016. We do so because. The evidence presented included exhibits numbered up to 171 and Marianne, in a later affidavit, asserted that Keller entered the courtroom and directed the parties to a conference/library room, but Keller told McKay that he could not accompany Marianne to the room; McKay then left the courtroom. The case That action was dismissed for lack of personal jurisdiction over an indispensable party (see Cassini v Belmont, 2012 WL 3594378, 2012 Cal App Unpub LEXIS 6167 [Aug. 22, 2012, No. Citations Copy Citations. The Court of Appeals doubtless did not envisage Telmark as eviscerating the shield afforded litigants by CPLR 321 (c), but rather as preventing a litigant from using the statute as a sword by taking undue advantage through the stratagem of voluntarily proceeding pro se while keeping the CPLR 321 (c) issue in a back-pocket in order to belatedly nullify any adverse results. In an affirmation executed December 9, 2015, bearing a caption indicating that it pertained to the accounting proceeding, Reppert asserted that he was a member of RK, attorneys for Marianne "in connection with this action," and that he submitted the affirmation in support of counsel's application for leave to withdraw as counsel for Marianne. According to the decision after trial, the trial took place on July 25, 26, and 27, 2016. The stay provided for in CPLR 321 (c) went into effect upon the Surrogate's Court's finding that Reppert was disabled, which was first made in its orders dated February 16, 2016, relieving RK in the turnover and SNT proceedings. Ordered that the amended order dated November 13, 2017, is reversed, on the law, the petitioner's motion to vacate and declare void all decisions, orders, and judgments entered after March 14, 2016, is granted to the extent that all decisions, orders, and judgments entered in all proceedings herein between March 14, 2016, and July 25, 2016, are vacated, and the motion is otherwise denied; and it is further. [FN7] However, Marianne, in a later affidavit, claimed that no one at the June 8th conference mentioned the cross motion. During or around the time these probate matters were pending in the Surrogate's Court, Nassau County, Marianne also was involved in litigation she commenced in California, seeking a judicial determination regarding the respective rights and obligations under the judgment of divorce between the decedent and his former wife, Gene Tierney (see Cassini v Belmont, 2012 WL 3594378, 2012 Cal App Unpub LEXIS 6167 [Aug. 22, 2012, No. three witnesses. The court, in the October 9, 2015 decision, attributed the delay in the trial partly to the health issue of counsel and partly due to the necessity for a decision on the matters addressed in the November 5, 2015 order. However, no order or other written documentation of this court action was issued. No order of severance or other formal documentation of this court action was issued. Sign up for our free summaries and get the latest delivered directly to you. Again, we disagree. The objectants neither demanded such proof nor opposed the withdrawal motion. He asserted that he was "physically unable to provide the representation that is necessary to properly represent [his client]," Marianne. WebMarianne Nestor (m. 1971) Oleg Cassini (11 April 1913 17 March 2006) was a fashion designer born to an aristocratic Russian family with maternal Italian ancestry. The terms of the March 14, 2016 order are essentially similar to those set forth in the February 16, 2016 orders. Marianne served as executor of the decedent's estate for several years (see id. Seddio & Associates, P.C., Brooklyn (Frank R. Seddio and Mischel & Horn, P.C. Keller offered to, and did, send a copy of the order to Kelly by facsimile. In late January, Nestor Cassini was released after being held for six months in a Nassau County jail for defying a judges order to turn over financial statements and business records, among other material. At that time, she described the incident as an abuse of power and alleged the judge breached her own served order. This appeal is one of several arising out of a protracted and vigorously contested probate proceeding involving the estate of the internationally renowned fashion designer Oleg Cassini (hereinafter the decedent), who died in March 2006. Marianne, who was nominated in the decedent's will as the executor of his estate, was issued letters testamentary. [Scott T. Horn], of counsel), for petitioner-appellant, and Peggy Nestor, New York, NY, respondent-appellant pro se (one brief filed). Skip Harper asserted that, after the March 2nd appearance, neither Marianne nor anyone on her behalf requested time to respond to the cross motion. In particular, Marianne filed the petition for judicial settlement of her intermediate account in December 2010 or January 2011. together the objectants) were substituted into the proceeding as executors of Christina's estate and successor administrators of Daria's estate. The statute is designed for the protection of a litigant who, through no fault of his or her own, has been deprived of the services of one's attorney of record and who, therefore, should be given a reasonable opportunity to obtain new counsel before further proceedings are taken against such party. The Public Administrator joined in that cross motion. On June 29, 2016, Marianne again appeared in court with McKay. This case was filed in New York County Courts, The widow of fashion icon Oleg Cassini was released Friday after spending six months in jail for contempt of court. In this Court, Marianne unsuccessfully sought to stay the accounting trial (2016 NY Slip Op 81906[U] [2016]). It must be recognized that Marianne, by her own statements, knew, as of April 2016, that she would have to find new counsel,{**182 AD3d at 52} though there is nothing in the record that indicates that she knew, or was informed, that there was any deadline or urgency to that search. Marianne contends that she was denied procedural due process when the court decided the cross motion to appoint a receiver without giving her notice of the return date and of a deadline for submission of opposition papers. The defendant then proceeded pro se, which she had the right to do (see id. Accordingly, this Court concluded that raising that statute in the Surrogate's Court proceeding would not have resulted in a determination that Christina's claim was barred (see id. In an affirmation executed two week later, in support of Sills Cummis's motion for leave to withdraw, Kaplan asserted that his firm's role in the matter was ending "[n]ow that Mr. Reppert's health prevents him from continuing to represent Marianne before this Court." Of course, some further action must be taken in order for the discharge to be made known to the other parties to the action and to the court. In her affidavit submitted in support of that motion, Marianne claimed that there was never a briefing schedule set on that cross motion, and that she was never given an opportunity to submit an opposition to that cross motion. He was survived by his wife, Marianne Nestor Cassini, and two daughters from his marriage to the actress Gene Tierney, Daria Cassini and Christina Cassini (see id.). One of those motions was to adjourn the trial. Case Summary. (hereinafter Sills Cummis). The objectants also argue that neither the November 14, 2017 nor the December 21, 2017 orders are appealable and that, in any event, such orders are valid. By order dated October 19, 2016, the Surrogate's Court, inter alia, directed Marianne to perform certain tasks and deliver certain information and documents to the receiver. Get free summaries of new New York Appellate Division, Second Department opinions delivered to your inbox! Keller told Kelly that RK's motion for leave to withdraw in the accounting proceeding had been granted in March 2016. According to Marianne, the stay continued until 30 days after the attorney for the adverse party sent the notice to appoint attorney required by CPLR 321 (c). Furthermore, Marianne's decision to absent herself from the trial after her motion for an adjournment was denied reflects her affirmative decision to forgo appearing at the trial at all rather than to represent herself at the trial without the aid of counsel. The Florida statute, on its face, " wipe[s] out the substantive right'" by declaring nonliability upon the passage of time, while the California statute at issue here " merely suspends the remedy'" (Tanges v Heidelberg N. Thus, she had some level of awareness that she had to seek new counsel, either because she was aware of the pending motions for leave to withdraw and/or was aware of the February 16, 2016 orders relieving RK in the turnover and SNT proceedings. In Moray, this Court affirmed the Supreme Court's order granting the defendant's motion pursuant to CPLR 3012 (b) to dismiss the action for failure to timely serve a complaint, holding, inter alia, that the plaintiff's contention that the action{**182 AD3d at 44} had been stayed pursuant to CPLR 321 (c) was raised for the first time on appeal and, thus, was not properly before us (see Moray v Koven & Krause, Esqs., 62 AD3d 765 [2009], revd 15 NY3d 384 [2010]). However, several months later, the petitioner appeared with prospective new counsel at a court conference and was advised by the court that a trial would be conducted some six weeks later, regardless of whether the petitioner was present and regardless of whether the petitioner had representation. The court stated that the same relief was requested and denied at the trial, and that the trial had taken place. WebMarianne served as executor of the decedent's estate for several years (see id. The objectants asserted that Marianne commenced the Accounting Proceeding in January 2011, that the trial was originally scheduled for August 2015, but In contrast to the February 16, 2016 orders which allowed RK to withdraw based on Reppert's{**182 AD3d at 25} health, the March 3, 2016 order did not specify the precise reasons for allowing Sills Cummis to withdraw; the court stated only that it had determined that Sills Cummis was unable to continue to represent Marianne. The Surrogate's Court issued an order dated December 12, 2016, which denied, as "moot," Marianne's motion to adjourn {**182 AD3d at 34}the trial. At the conclusion of the June 8th conference, Marianne claims she was told that there would be another conference on June 29, 2016. Nor is there any evidence as to whether and when Reppert advised Marianne of his health condition, apart from his disclosures to the court. Accepting Marianne's version of events, she stated that she had engaged McKay to represent her, with both Marianne and McKay understanding that no trial date had been set. This opinion is uncorrected and subject to revision before publication in the Official Reports. WebMatter of Cassini 2020 NY Slip Op 01054 Decided on February 13, 2020 Appellate Division, Second Department Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to The March 14, 2016 order, granting RK's withdrawal from representing Marianne in the accounting proceeding, did not explicitly state that Marianne had to find new counsel. She was no stranger to litigation. In an order dated June 9, 2016, the Surrogate's Court memorialized the conference held the day before. In a decision and order dated August 23, 2017, this Court affirmed the grant of a motion pursuant to CPLR 3211(a)(7) to dismiss portions of the legal malpractice complaint (see Nestor v Putney Twombly Hall & Hirson, LLP, 153 AD3d 840). Kelly emailed Keller that day, with copies to Harper, among others. The statute does not make any one of these three pathways exclusive, though, as a practical matter, where an attorney has died or has become so incapacitated to be unable to execute an instrument, that attorney would not be able to effectively execute a stipulation of substitution or an affirmation in support of a motion for leave to be relieved. But Marianne Nestor Cassinis attorney Vincent Reppert of Reppert Kelly said he will be back in court Friday to oppose an application to seek the sale of the Oyster Bay Cove property. Again, Marianne did not raise any issue regarding a stay under CPLR 321 (c). Moreover, the objectants contended that Marianne, by actively participating in this proceeding as a pro se litigant since at least May 25, 2016, charted her own course as a self-represented party and could not now claim that vacatur was warranted.
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