I wrote to Jerry, way to go, Jerry! I met David Lane in San Diego. The teachings of Eckankar are presented to the public through books, free brochures, advertised meetings and lectures, and, of course, word of mouth. To come up with original material takes time, and time is money. If theyre going to sue you about a 120-page term paper when youre 20 years old, you know somethings up. The air is cool as I listen to the soft lapping of waves. I imagine we have a wide spectrum. I would ask a question and get an answer, and I would jot it down. Its the reason, I believe, that he plagiarized so blatantly.. Eckankar - religious cults, sects and movements - Apologetics Index I dont think so. For free downloadable books, check out our Web site at www.Eckankar.org. Eckankar is still very much open to and supportive of whatever religion a person belongs to. On the Marie Vega [TV] show in Los Angeles, I said, John-Roger Hinkins robbed my house. He threatened to sue the TV station for a million dollars if they ever ran the program again. They were dressed up in suits. Charan Singh forwarded it to Lane. My group is for dumbshits. Eckankar is not for everybody. When I sit down on the cream-colored day bed, he suggests I might be more comfortable in the armchair facing him. Dropping out, of a religion, one in which one attempts to focus ones every thought, every action on those teachings, is a horrible experience. Their divorce was final in 1960. And so I had handwriting analysis done on the writing on the diaries and on that NO MORE sign. I am afraid my beliefs will cause conflict within the Eckankar community and it may be best that I leave Eckankar. Lane is convinced John-Roger was involved. 195 views 10 months ago Talk probes a statement made by many in the Eckankar organisation, that their group is 'uplifting'. I hook my mike over the breadbasket and turn on the tape recorder. According to one brochure, which invites me to experience the miracle of spiritual growth and to climb the stairway to spiritual freedom, Eckankar membership is said to be renewable on a yearly basis. But its just a few blocks off University.. Lane shakes his head. Gross enters and takes his position behind the gold-toned vibes. Eckankar - Hinduism - Oxford Bibliographies - obo I urge, Come on, Dave, its starting. I practically have to pull him into the concert. But Im amazed that after all the dirt hes dug up on religions, he could be seriously involved in any spiritual path. The Living Eck Master gives support and guidance for the things that we choose to do. Yelman pauses for emphasis. Gross actually received the mantle on the inner planes when he was handed, not a flower, but the Rod of Power. Hes sitting on a couch in the small lobby outside the conference room. He was obsessed. No part of this site may be reproduced without our written permission. For a hundred bucks per year he gives you the divine connection. He resigned in June 1993 following a direct threat to kill from another member, Ebenezer Egunjobi, and a series of violent and disorientating mind control attacks emanating from the leader, Harold Klemp. Its even available for community events. box that John-Roger had personally paid for. Every thriller these days has a false ending and then a real ending, to the point that when I watch a pre-Carrie film, I am disappointed at how easily chaos is defeated. Murdochs obsession with water suddenly makes sense. But he refuses to reveal details for publication and will only repeat the facts as listed on the death certificate. I know that here in San Diego, when we had our Eck center, elderly members of Eckankar who were sitting at the center got threatening telephone calls from Christian organizations., No, it had nothing to do with him. Sitting in this pathetic room with its riotously floral turquoise-and-purple carpet, it feels as if nobodys dreams will ever come true. As Eckankar filled my life, I felt like I was entering Shangri-la; a new glistening world of love, of possibility opened before me. Yelmans studies at UCSD brought her to San Diego in 1974. His critique was instrumental in my dropping out of Eckankar in the early 80s. This must not be true. I ask, How do you account for Eckankars success? Eckankar uses two things that everybody has to have. This is helf to be the sustaining force of all life and the equivalent of the Holy Spirit. It went through the roof a lot quicker than he expected. And the sex though Eckankar in no way encourages sexual contact among its members with that degree of trust and the sense of two souls meeting, the sex was great. Those answers were so far-reaching in their depth and breadth, they still help me today, nine years later. A line will leap out and inspire you. 2 Bud Light Executives on Leave After Promotion With Dylan Mulvaney It's. Two figures emerge from the stilted style: the protean Paul Twitchell and his young, vivacious wife Gail, who, after Twitchells death, married his successor, Darwin Gross, in a Dynasty-like power play that troubled and thrilled the faithful. In my copy of The Making of a Spiritual Movement, he signs himself the Kal force, Dave. The Kal force, remember, is the power of negativity. Lane has countered with a point-by-point rebuttal, When God Responds: Sri Darwin Gross versus David Lane, which hes including in his new book, Gakko Came from Venus. Its hard to leave the magical vistas of Del Mar. Within two years Klemp fired Gross, accusing him of negativity, spiritual decay, and embezzlement. Second, everybody has to dream at night, or most people dream at night, and Eckists dream about Fubbi Quantz or Rebazar Tarzs or Paul Twitchell. At one Eckankar seminar in Florida, a panhandler happened to station himself outside the hotel where the seminar was held. Lane and Walsh had put a circle with a slash through it over Eckankars logo, which is EK formed into a circle. Here's why Eva Burley has left the Parkway softball program I keep waiting for Gross to give a speech, but he never does. The term God no longer had use for me. Many Eckists regard this death with the same mixture of awe and curiosity with which we regard the death of JFK. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Members are deluded into believing they make spiritual progress, while they are merely psychologically entrapped. He was advertising in Fate magazine, Orion magazine, Cosmic Star." Scientology is worse but that is a difference in degree and magnitude. Many events are open to the public, including the Sunday worship services, which tackle spiritual topics of broad interest. Anyway, there was an intensification of that, and I knew undoubtedly something was going on. In Understanding Cults, Lane published The Criminal Activities of John-Roger Hinkins, a laborious account of Hinkinss alleged break-in and smear campaign. At 17, Lane, who was raised Catholic in the San Fernando Valley, became interested in Radhasoami, a branch of surat shabd yoga founded in India in the 19th Century. Why do you make a point of fingering Eckankar?, I do think Christianity has fucked up more people in its history than Eckankar ever has. Im under your spell, but how can I help it. There is a double edge to this torch song; from the way she keeps glancing affectionately over at Gross, it is the Masters spell that Driggs cant be blamed for falling under. Hes a friendly guy with lots of dreams of his own, but I just want to stare at the streams of headlights along the highway. Twitchell was living in Point Loma in 1965 when he started teaching workshops and selling booklets on how to leave your body. Two different analysts verified they were all written by John-Roger Hinkins. I dont remember it looking this way, he says pensively. Why Ex-Eckists Left Eckankar - Angelfire So I sent my term paper to Eckankar, and then they turned around two months later and said they were going to sue me if I published it. I wonder how long it takes new Eckists to even learn of his existence. Eckankar lost. Indeed, as Lane, Melton, and others have pointed out, most of Paul Twitchell's writings are derived from two Radhasoami publications, With a Great . The other one is, I overslept. You can explain it in a lot of different ways. For years after I left Eckankar, I was plagued with wrenching spasms of primal fear, emptiness, collapse, and betrayal. When I came back to the States, I read a book by Paul Twitchell called The Tigers Fang. Ellen Burstyn, maybe.) Some left the movement. I never stopped, not even for a minute even though they, pardon my expression, treated me like shit. As I walk away he yells after me, Hang in there!. I didnt know why it happened. Hed read the book and wanted me to visit him. The think any actual activ long time member of Eckankar is very happy with Eckankar. Members receive a monthly discourse, which they have the option of studying alone or in classes. With the blink of an eye, he could vanish forever. I dont have a real axe to grind., At a Hillcrest cafe, Lane confides, The people who scare me are John-Rogers people, not Eckankars. John-Roger Hinkins, founder of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSI A, pronounced Messiah), has gotten a lot of bad press lately. I looked like a little kid. In 1983 Lane and Brian Walsh issued a glossier version of The Making of a Spiritual Movement through their own Del Mar Press. He jokes about his Nevada cold, blaming it on the dust from the Indian burial grounds being dug up to build housing. Eckankar is against psychic . On the desk behind him sits a teddy bear. "Race me!" 4-year-old Lucia demands. And he didnt know anything about Eckankar., The guide was a bearded man in this maroon robe. This most incredible feeling came over me, literally like light inside of me. The 69-year-old joined the broadcaster in 2008 after 22 years in football management. One of the reasons he may have relinquished his spiritual role to Harold is that it didnt jibe with him. When I called to sign up, they told me that I never had to go to a class if I didnt want to. Sex. Finally, as a last resort, Lane suggests we exit the parking garage and then walk down the ramp where we drove in. Sri Harold Klemp has immense financial resources available to guide the spiritual lives of his tens of thousands of believers. Nobody knew hed been married before. Peebles, says Lane, got so disgruntled when he realized there was some kind of fraud being perpetuated that he wrote Eckankar himself about these findings. Peebles returned to his Baptist roots and sent his paper to Professor Ed Gruss of the Los Angeles Baptist College. The mastership of Darwin Gross is a black cloud in Eckankar history, a history that Eckankar wants to erase. I wrote to him, and he wrote a real nice letter back, saying that we should get together and talk. Theyre very much like physical exercises, but theyre for Soul, to strengthen Souls connection with spirit. Recently I have had a spiritual crisis where I stopped believing in the concept of the Abrahamic God. As I stroll toward the ocean, through a lush, affluent neighborhood, disappointment creeps over me like the tide. But Eckankars attorneys mailed the package back to me. WHY I LEFT THE MASTER. I noticed in Baja a highway sign that said Rebasar. I said to myself, I bet this is where Twitchell got the name Rebazar Tarzs! He read thousands and thousands of books, and he was a spiritually hungry man. Although the Hindi/Punjabi term Ek Onkar (literally "One God/Power") was most likely derived from Guru N nak's Japj (the first set of hymns in the Sikh holy book, Gur Granth S hib), Twitchell altered its original phonetic spelling and definition, claiming that "Eckankar" was a Tibetan . Simply put, Twitchell cut his connection with Radhasoami for good marketing reasons. That is, people have to find meaning in their lives, regardless. Eckankar and I finally reached a point where decades of lies, of half truths, of disappointments, finally came to a head. A volunteer raises one arm straight out to the side, and Dawn easily pushes it down. If thats his focus in life, then he has a very limited view of life. McMahon explains that plagiarism isnt always what it seems. Well, the upshot of it is, we were friendly for five years, and then in 1983 four of his closest disciples defected. But its my vivid imagination, the projections of my own mind, my own day-to-day experiences. Here it is. As members are leaving in droves, the speaker looks into why. A skeptic goes to an Eckankar meeting, or anybodys meditation meeting, and says, Well, now wait a second, are you sure you saw the astral body of Rami Nuri? I was a member for almost 15 years, but thanks to the internet, I found out the truth about it and got out. 'Ohoh! "We use more discriminating intelligence when we buy a used car than when we buy a religion, says philosophy professor and cult-buster David Christopher Lane. And curtain after curtain of gauze was quietly removed, and I saw stars behind stars behind stars, as in the magical Odeons of my youth. At the time I didnt know who he was. Be very careful with Eckankar. The term Eckankar is also a word used to refer to the name of God in Sikhism. After dinner, she confides, I walked along the beach and sat down beneath a tree to do a contemplation. Del Mar Press agreed to change the cover on future editions. Hes got his music. Lane and I drive to La Jolla for leaden upscale Mexican food. Plagiarism charges fall on deaf ears with Eckists because weve had experiences outside of book learning. And they looked at me like, Whats this geek doing? We sat down, and they were really uptight, because they knew the impact of my research. I saw myself very clearly as the roman centurion responsible for maintaining order and preventing any trouble. Lifes kind of sad. I think it would be wrong of me to say that Eckankar is unique. It never existed. I'm a former member of this cult, in America. After giving lectures and teaching Eckankar classes for ten years, I already knew them well. I kind of [thought he was a fraud, but at the time he was being nice to me so I wasnt in the mood to expose him. Houdini longed to communicate with her beyond the grave. Dont you feel like the Great White Hunter attacking the endangered rhinoceros? Lane responds with animation. It controls their minds using sophisticated thought control systems, and demand absolute obedience to Klemp and to the cult. With all this information you have, you could start your own thing. I go, Jerry, I cant do that third-eye patch, turban, the flowing robe I cant do it.. I remember he took my hand and I could feel it, a concrete thing. (Such a quake did occur in 1812.) His new title was President of Eckankar. Around his neck hangs a similar pendant. Lets try to make it easy for them to at least understand what were doing, what were about, and what the potential of the teaching is. A lot of people would see Eckankar as a cult. He also gave full accounts to the San Diego Sheriff s Department and to numerous news agencies. May the Force be with you.). Lane looks like hes swallowed a mouse, grinning and biting his finger. Geraldo was in New York, and I was on satellite hookup at Universal Studios in the San Fernando Valley. There was music and noise and clamor, and I turned to look at my friend. He publishes books through an organization called Be Good to Your Self, located in Las Vegas. Not the truth itself. Remember, hed been kicked out of Swami Premanandas church in 1955. What I find interesting is that his material doesnt shake the belief of most Eckists., This is why, he responds immediately. The report made claims of tax irregularities and personal misconduct by an Eckankar leader. Any of these 900-plus masters may appear to spiritual seekers on the inner planes or in the physical world, often in disguise. She agrees to provide us with an official photograph of Gross at the vibes, and I leave to find Lane. I imagine them as the tormented souls of all the cultists who have lost their faith because of Lane. When I get home, my hosts greet me with a Manhattan. Rosanne Cash sings, Some dreams die with dignity. All, I have been an official member of Eckankar for 10 years. I dont believe anything until its proven to me. , Im sure they said that about Jim Jones; Im sure they said that in David Koreshs group. Lane phoned Hinkins to ask him about these charges. I only accept that thing which I can verify or that thing which I consider to be somewhat genuine. All rights reserved. I stood up and said, You know, Im a member of the community, Im a coach in the Little League, Im involved with the schools. I gave a list of my involvements with the community, and then I said, Im an Eckist and I believe in God. How wonderful after Eckankar, when I was able to experience the exquisiteness of other musicians and various teachers and realize fully: "This is it. They say, the message works for me, the contemplation works for me. Yet it has a sweetness to it. Dr. Bluth, Twitchells personal doctor and vice president of Eckankar at the time, has confirmed that he gave Twitchell books from the Radhasoami library. That i owed it to myself to know for sure that what i. Should I send this to the IRS? 'Should I send this to Eckankar? Little notes he was making to himself. The treatment of critics, the phony official organizations that are merely cult front groups, and the lies are all the same. On October 22, 1965, Twitchell claimed to have received the Rod of Power from Rebazar Tarzs, becoming the 971st Living Eck Master. The following article hopes to help you make more suitable choices and get more useful information If you were going to visit a new city, wouldnt you want a guide, wouldnt you want to stay away from the places where the prostitutes are, from the dark streets and the hoodlums? Read full review of Eckankar Helpful? It has its positive aspects, a sense of community, a sense of focusing on the individual and his or her experiences of the divine. Its going to be interesting to see how this information gets back to me. Lanes research indicates, however, that Twitchell was born between 1908 and 1912, in Paducah, Kentucky. In October, at a seminar in Las Vegas, Gross was revealed to be the new Living Eck Master when Atkinson walked over to him and handed him a blue carnation. They had this little tape recorder, and I was impressed I thought it was very professional. Several hundred members of Eckankar live in the San Diego area, but not all of them participate in local events. "Journal Journeys" Eckankar information Hes unimpressed on both counts. McMahon generously drives me to my interview with holistic health practitioner Bettina Yelman, whose Del Mar office is just down the hall from Richardss. Yelman is stunning tall and extremely thin, clad in a pale-beige pantsuit, her natural blond hair pulled back into a bun, the bangs teased like feathers across her forehead. He said, 'Some of us live the spiritual life, others intellectualize it. According to Lane, members of various cults have threatened lawsuits, written him letters with skeletons on them, broken into his apartment, made death threats, and generally harassed him. Leaving Eckankar? : r/Eckankar - Reddit When Paul Twitchell suddenly died in September 1971, he left no word as to who his successor should be. Twitchell married his second wife, Gail Atkinson, in San Francisco in 1964. He tells me hes currently working on a second book about Eckankar, entitled Gakko Came from Venus: Exploring the Hidden World of Eckankar, an Unauthorized Expedition. It was like in my imagination. Opinion | Tucker Carlson's Great Replacement - New York Times How would you address that issue?, Richards takes a long, reticent pause before he answers. He reminds me of the bloated, near-death Elvis, only fatter and older. The problem is that John-Roger claims to be celibate. I still have those notes. He had to make it seem like its his own creation, because if he linked the two hed lose his potential clientele., It was to hide these past connections. The idea that people are leaving Eckankar based on what they read in a single book is IMO an advertizing tactic to sell more copies. So you were awake when you had this experience? I ask, intrigued. Lane leans across the cafe table, excitedly tapping his straw. The sound current was very loud. FFCA home - Ritual abuse Dont miss out. In Eckankar there is a technique called the Golden-Tongued Wisdom, in which you find spiritual guidance through an overheard conversation, a voice on the radio, or the lyrics of a popular song. We see that all the time.. Everybodys sexuality is different than everybody elses. Fie has a personal thing against Eckankar, he briskly replies. We have a tendency to want to inflate our lives with spiritual meaning, and skepticism is not much fun. An example is Jagat Ho. Nine years later she read Paul Twitchells Eckankar: Key to Secret Worlds. It may be a game for Lane, but believers are playing for high emotional and intellectual stakes. It gets tiresome., For ten years I was a member of Eckankar,one of the groups Lane has written about most extensively. On an Internet alternative religion bulletin board, a former Eckist writes that after reading Lanes book, I felt as if someone had just torn out my insides and served them to me over rice. Losing ones cult is like losing the love of ones life. Lane and his friends playfully call one another by the names " of Eck Masters. ", The following year Lane wrote a second paper, The Making of a Spiritual Movement: The Untold Story of Paul Twitchell and Eckankar. I was obsessed, Lane admits. Basically, I feel that David Lane is making a name for himself by being an antagonist to Eckankar. Garland decided to withdraw it. Eckankar, which is now called the Religion of Light and Sound, teaches that each individual is Soul inhabiting a human body. The Living Eck Master acts as the organizational head and as a guide to the aspirants spiritual journey. Hes touring the Southwest, as we speak. We dont rely on the written word. You need a guide who knows the city. Theres no calm center to this storm. And it continues to rain. Sipping his virgin strawberry margarita, Lane says, I got a sense of authenticity when he played his vibes, like thats who he really was, a musician, instead of trying to be a master. The Genealogical Connection: Kirpal Singh, Paul Twitchell, and Eckankar Outsiders would think they had stumbled into a convention of traveling salesmen. I dont mean just an idea or a thought, Im talking about the reproduction of grammatical mistakes, semicolon misuse. Now what do you do when your group is charging money and does not follow any of the restrictions of this Indian group it evolved out of, one whose teachings are free? The next day Channel 8 news came out and did as their lead story Cult Researcher Robbed. They took a copy of my article The J.R. Controversy. But they didnt name John-Roger.. I just arrived here because the cult Eckankar was mentioned by someone, along with a few other cults. So I asked, 'Who is this enlightened being? It was Jerry Mulvin! The similarities are there because they are both cults. The Kal is similar to Satan, representing everything that is materialistic and evil, a being of vileness, wrath, and vengeance. What is Eckankar? Religious History & Beliefs - Study.com The minute he saw me he canceled all of his appointments and spent six hours with me., Lane leans across the table toward me and grins. We dont do that in Eckankar. I have a nightmare in which Lane and I go to the wedding reception of a couple we do not know, and Lane abandons me. He also does private executive coaching. He totally doesnt know; he doesnt know what the guys talking about. One of the disciplines that we employ is the law of discrimination. The term God no longer had use for me. In fact, we find more in common with people of other religious or spiritual beliefs than we have with people who dont have any religious or spiritual beliefs, simply because they have a commitment to spirit on some level., Im curious about how Eckankar has changed since I left it in the early 80s., Well, Richards says slowly and thoughtfully in a charming Southern accent, I think the present Living Eck Master has not changed the essence of the teachings, which is basically about self-realization and god-realization in the most direct way the individual can achieve that. His previous associations were tainted. I always have been.
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