His promises included that God would bless Abraham, that God would make a great nation out of Abraham, but also that God, through Abraham, would bring blessing to all the nations of the earth. We have so many examples in the Old Testament of various individuals and groups who were more or less faithful to their covenants. Rebekah receives a revelation concerning her unborn twin sons ( 25:22-23 ). But, like many of God's mustard-seed size actions, it is obscure and seemingly insignificant. Thus, by proclaiming the gospel, perfecting the saints, and redeeming the dead, we are ultimately fulfilling our part of the great covenant God established and named the Abrahamic covenant. The main thing that I want to show this morning is that God's 4,000 year old relation to Abraham is of immense importance for your life as a believer today. He will father descendants who belong to many nations (cf. These three promises have more than local significance to Abraham and his family. The Abrahamic Covenant is the most important of the Covenants for understanding the Bible. Second, agreements concerning land carried different connotations than they did later. This article discusses how women figure into the Abrahamic covenant and points out that they receive equal blessings through marriage.