Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, Together, these findings reveal the biological activity of S1P in erythrocyte oxygen delivery, indicating that IPC may enhance erythrocyte oxygen delivery through S1P, thereby enhancing cerebral metabolism to defend against ischemic stress. An increasing number of studies have shown that epidemiologic changes are likely responsible for the observed rise of stroke incidence (Table 1). In subsequent hours after IPC, the brain regresses to its nave state. Direct intracerebroventricular or intravenous administration of lactate protected mouse brains against ischemic injury [22]. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Li M., Zhou Z.P., Sun M., Cao L., Chen J., Qin Y.Y., Gu J.H., Han F., Sheng R., Wu J.C., et al. Bahadoran A., Bezavada L., Smallwood H.S. Yamamoto T., Byun J., Zhai P., Ikeda Y., Oka S., Sadoshima J. Nicotinamide mononucleotide, an intermediate of NAD+ synthesis, protects the heart from ischemia and reperfusion. (1)H NMR metabolic signature of cerebrospinal fluid following repetitive lower-limb remote ischemia preconditioning. In this review, we summarize the metabolic disorder and metabolic plasticity in the incidence and progression of ischemic stroke. The ischemic penumbra (defined as local cerebral blood flow (LCBF) of 20-40% of control) forms an irregular rim around the ischemic core and tends to be greatest in frontal and occipital cortex . sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Background and Purpose In ischemic stroke, diffusion-weighted (DW) and perfusion-weighted (PW) magnet resonance imaging (MRI) is used to define the mismatch as the therapeutic target. Preserving pools of NAD+ confers neuroprotection after ischemic stress. Stockwell B.R., Friedmann Angeli J.P., Bayir H., Bush A.I., Conrad M., Dixon S.J., Fulda S., Gascon S., Hatzios S.K., Kagan V.E., et al. Previous evidence has revealed that IPC diverts excess glucose to oxPPP. However, a controversial finding has been observed in the plasma of ischemic rats and the CSF of humans after IPC: Both of their glucose levels increased significantly [74], indicating the metabolic regulation of IPC may be metabolic compartmentalization. Trial of 2860 patients and followed them for 3.5 years. It is common that tumor cells reside in nutrient- and oxygen-poor environments, such that they adapt, through multiple metabolic reprogramming, to meet the energy, macromolecular biosynthesis, and redox needs required for rapid proliferation [63]. Wang S., Xing Z., Vosler P.S., Yin H., Li W., Zhang F., Signore A.P., Stetler R.A., Gao Y., Chen J. Direct IPC is conducted by brief, direct, repetitive clamping of the target artery, while regional IPC involves a repetitive occlusion of the circumflex artery, which is near to the target artery. Patients underwent computer tomography . Mitochondria are major contributors to cellular ROS, and there are multiple antioxidant pathways to neutralize ROS, including superoxide dismutase (SOD2), glutathione, thioredoxin, and peroxiredoxins. Once ischemic stroke occurs, the PPP is boosted and more glycolytic intermediates are diverted into the PPP to sustain NADPH production [18]. Increasing understanding of the related pathogenic mechanisms serves to highlight the importance of metabolic regulation. Ischemic Neuroprotectant PKCepsilon Restores Mitochondrial Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase in the Neuronal NADH Shuttle after Ischemic Injury. Hatten M.E. Dirnagl U., Endres M. Found in translation preclinical stroke research predicts human pathophysiology clinical phenotypes, and therapeutic outcomes. found that ketone treatment in mice at 30 min after ischemia enhanced mitochondrial function, reduced oxidative stress and, therefore, reduced infarct volume [49]. This research was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China [No.81971198]; Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation [No.7192103]; Chinese Ministry of science and Technology [No.2019YFA0508603]; and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2020M670103). Fructose can be readily catabolized to fuel fatty acid synthesis and palmitoleic acid generation by lung cancer cells, as a glucose alternative [65]. The regulation of NAD+ by IPC is related to NAMPT (nicotinamide phosphoribosyl transferase). Metabolic syndrome (MetS) increases stroke incidence. Fluorodeoxyglucosepositron emission tomography (FDG-PET) has demonstrated the preferential utilization of lactate over glucose to fuel neurons, when both were available [85]. 2 The penumbra includes ischemic areas that recover spontaneously (benign oligemia; Figure 1, area a) and areas that progress to irreversible changes, unless effective treatment is used (referred to as penumbra; Figure 1, area b). It was shown that free and protein-bound NADH differs regarding lifetime. Brainin M., Feigin V.L., Norrving B., Martins S.C.O., Hankey G.J., Hachinski V. Global prevention of stroke and dementia: The WSO Declaration. In 2020, Per E. Andrn et al. We also elaborate how IPC fully mobilizes the metabolic reprogramming to maintain brain metabolic homeostasis, especially for energy and redox homeostasis, and finally protects brain function in the event of an ischemic stroke. L-carnitine is the only transporter of fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane, to be metabolized with the generation of energy, indicating an energetic compensatory mechanism by IPC for neuronal survival. 40.2% ischemic stroke individuals were diagnosed with MetS. Vascular and metabolic diseases are common correlates of stroke, and these influences on the balance between cell death and recovery must be understood. Eckel R.H., Grundy S.M., Zimmet P.Z. Morris-Blanco K.C., Cohan C.H., Neumann J.T., Sick T.J., Perez-Pinzon M.A. Yu Z., Li J., Ren Z., Sun R., Zhou Y., Zhang Q., Wang Q., Cui G., Li J., Li A., et al. Creatine generally occurs as phosphocreatine (PCr), which is a storage form of high-energy phosphate and a shuttle for the transfer of high-energy phosphate from mitochondria to the cytosol. MetS patients had a 3.542-fold increased odds ratio (OR) for cognitive impairment. Chen W.L., Jin X., Wang M., Liu D., Luo Q., Tian H., Cai L., Meng L., Bi R., Wang L., et al. Katsyuba E., Romani M., Hofer D., Auwerx J. NAD. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and permanent disability worldwide. Though glycolysis is advantageous for rapidly producing ATP to meet the high energy demands, hyperglycolysis can aggravate the brain damage caused by lactic acidosis and ROS overproduction [76]. Astrup J, Siesj BK . The Ischemic Penumbra: Correlates in Imaging and Implications . All brain cell types are able to uptake ketones; the ketones are then metabolized to acetyl-CoA to support the cell energy [29]. Furthermore, acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) induces hyperammonemia and hypoxia in hepatocytes. In biosynthetic pathways, cancer cells require that intermediate pools are maintained. Stankovic S., Majkic-Singh N. Genetic aspects of ischemic stroke coagulation homocysteine, and lipoprotein metabolism as potential risk factors Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory. During ischemia, the depletion of GSH and NADPH causes an iron-dependent accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides to lethal levels, thus inducing cell death, which is defined as ferroptosis [42]. Methods One hundred ten anterior circulation ischemic stroke patients presenting to hospital within 4.5 h of symptom onset and treated with intravenous thrombolysis were studied. Goyal M., Menon B.K., van Zwam W.H., Dippel D.W., Mitchell P.J., Demchuk A.M., Dvalos A., Majoie C.B., van der Lug A., de Miquel M.A., et al. An increasing number of studies have shown the time-dependent metabolic changes during IPC or the acute-to-chronic post-stroke phase. Metabolic reprogramming is notably crucial in this regard, especially for energy and redox homeostasis maintenance. In the mammalian brain, neurons are outnumbered 10:1 by astrocytes in most regions. It has been noted that a minimal CBF of 18 mL/100 g per minute is needed to maintain normal electroencephalographic (EEG) activity. After ischaemic stroke, brain damage can be curtailed by rescuing the 'ischaemic penumbra' that is, the severely hypoperfused, at-risk but not yet infarcted tissue. Most ketones are generated in the liver, while the transport of ketone bodies across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is the limiting step. Ischaemic conditioning and reperfusion injury. Over the past few decades, considerable progress has been made in ischemic stroke treatment, typically in intravenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy. As the main product of the oxidative PPP (oxPPP), NADPH provides the essential redox equivalent for GSH regeneration, enhancing the antioxidant defense capacity. Wender et al. The accumulation of glucose and glycolytic intermediates is a prominent feature of brain ischemia-induced metabolic disturbance in rodents. energy metabolism might be intermittently compromised within the ischemic penumbra. However, due to the structural complexity and their specific physiological functions and metabolic patterns, the conclusive details on whether the dynamic metabolic reprogramming behavior accompanied with astrocyte-neuron interaction is induced by ischemia or IPC are still lacking. More glycolytic intermediates divert into the pentosephosphate pathway (PPP), while the entrance of pyruvate for mitochondrial oxidation is downregulated [18]. Role of Mitochondria in Cerebral Vascular Function: Energy Production, Cellular Protection, and Regulation of Vascular Tone. CEREBROVASC DIS. Lemasters J. Furthermore, there exist some serious contraindications and complications; for example, thrombolytic agents have been associated with symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage [6]. It should be noted that metabolic reprogramming is a double-edged sword: the overactivation of metabolic reprogramming under ischemia may lead to secondary brain damage (Figure 2). Mech. Parsons M.W., Barber P.A., Desmond P.M., Baird T.A., Darby D.G., Byrnes G., Tress B.M., Davis S.M. Bouzat P., Sala N., Suys T., Zerlauth J.B. Cerebral metabolic effects of exogenous lactate supplementation on the injured human brain. There are two major affected zones in an ischemic brain: The infarct core, surrounded by an ischemic penumbra. Polyzos A.A., Lee D.Y., Datta R., Hauser M., Budworth H., Holt A., Mihalik S., Goldschmidt P., Frankel K., Trego K., et al. NAMPT levels were enhanced by protein kinase C (PKC) in an AMPK-dependent manner, which was required for increased mitochondrial NAMPT after IPC [77]. It was first discovered by Murry et al., in the canine heart, in 1986 [7]. Hu S., Dong H., Zhang H., Wang S., Hou L., Chen S. Noninvasive limb remote ischemic preconditioning contributes neuroprotective effects via activation of adenosine a1 receptor and redox status after transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Busija D.W., Rutkai I., Dutta S., Katakam P.V. Studies have revealed that inhibitors of ferroptosis, such as ferrostatins, carvacrol, and liproxstatins, could protect against cerebral ischemic injury in rodent models [43,48]. When ischemic stroke occurred, patients who had a target LDL cholesterol level of 90110 mg per deciliter had a higher risk of subsequent cardiovascular events than those who had a target range of less than 70 mg per deciliter. Stroke incidence rates for those with and without MetS were 2.6% and 1.1%, respectively. Studies have shown that IPC upregulates NAMPT protein, and the protective effect of IPC against ischemia (30 min) and reperfusion (24 h) was attenuated in NAMPT knockdown mice, suggesting that NAMPT is essential in mediating the protective effect of IPC [80]. Moreover, the brain utilizes metabolic plasticity, a protective response to stroke injury. Ketones: Growing evidence has indicated that ketone bodies are beneficial in treating stroke [26], mainly -hydroxybutyrate (-HB) and acetoacetate, which can substitute for glucose under conditions of energy deficiency in the brain for cellular fuel [27]. investigated genomic DNA from 501 ischemic stroke patients and 1211 comparable controls, and identified significant genetic associations between premature ischemic stroke in BHMT, CBS, FOLH1, MTR, PON2, TCN2, and TYMS genes, which are involved in methionine metabolism [35]. Ischemic heterogeneity is also demonstrated by recent PET studies. alpha-ketoglutarate orchestrates macrophage activation through metabolic and epigenetic reprogramming. IPC is neuroprotective for ischemic stroke, but the precise mechanisms through which it exerts protection against ischemic insults remain unclear at present. It is well-known that lysine, being an energy-providing amino acid, is necessary for the biosynthesis of L-carnitine. The ischemic core . Mortality, morbidity, and risk factors in China and its provinces, 19902017: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Objectively, the study on metabolic reprogramming of ischemic preconditioning is still in its infancy, such as, there are extremely few studies on the spatiotemporal variation, aging influence, and astrocyte-neuron interactions in metabolic reprogramming of ischemic preconditioning. The relaxation of VSM can also be indirectly regulated by the action of NO and other vasoactive agents. (2) Excitotoxicity. In the absence of glutamine (or when glutaminolysis is inhibited), cystine starvation and ferroptosis occur. Therefore, the provision of a summary on the progress of the metabolic regulation in ischemic stroke and IPC will serve to provide new ideas for ischemic stroke therapies. However, in response to changes in the micro-environment, metabolic reprogramming is notably crucial to maintaining metabolic homeostasis. IPC has been reported to exhibit a significant neuroprotective effect, remarkably reducing the incidence of ischemic stroke and improving the prognosis in patients with stroke [9]. These multifaceted functions make them important cellular stress sensors, and they drive metabolic reprogramming for cellular adaptation to harsh environments, such as nutrient depletion or hypoxia [15]. Erythrocyte Metabolic Reprogramming by Sphingosine 1-Phosphate in Chronic Kidney Disease and Therapies. Shariatgorji M., Nilsson A., Fridjonsdottir E., Vallianatou T., Kllback P., Katan L., Svmarker J., Mantas I., Zhang X., Bezard E., et al. Regulation of glycogen metabolism: Physiological, pharmacological and pathological aspects. Meanwhile, IPC also boosts the PPP, providing an essential redox equivalent for GSH regeneration and enhancing the capacity of antioxidant defense. Furthermore, the accumulation of the TCA intermediate succinate is also responsible for mitochondrial ROS production during ischemic reperfusion [39]. Thus, the pretreatment of cells with taurine could reduce oxidative stress [50]. The ischemic penumbra: operationally . Therefore, given the critical role of these organelles in disease onset and progression, strategies . Recent research has shown that metabolic disorders have significant effects, both before and after the onset of ischemic stroke. Vessey D.A., Li L., Honbo N., Karliner J.S. These preliminary results prompt the research on pathway-specifics alterations in metabolic reprogramming with aging during the stroke and IPC, which will be crucial for precision intervention for individuals of different ages, especially for patients with advanced age and a higher ischemic stroke incidence rate. FOIA Lactate levels have been shown to decrease 24 h after IPC treatment in MCAO rats, indicating that the glycolytic pathway is downregulated by IPC; meanwhile, the activity of fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 3 (PFKFB3) was inhibited by IPC. Ischaemic accumulation of succinate controls reperfusion injury through mitochondrial ROS. Chen S.Y., Liu J.W., Wang Y.H., Huang J.Y., Chen S.C., Yang S.F., Wang P.H. Magistretti P.J., Martin J.L.
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ischemic penumbra metabolic demand 2023