[167], The prevailing Y-chromosome in Wallachia (Ploieti, Dolj), Moldavia (Piatra Neam, Buhui), Dobruja (Constana), and northern Republic of Moldova is recorded to be Haplogroup I. [155][156], According to the 2011 census, 93.6% of ethnic Romanians in Romania identified themselves as Romanian Orthodox (in comparison to 81% of Romania's total population, including other ethnic groups). After the Roman Catholic-Eastern Orthodox Schism of 1054, there existed a Roman Catholic Diocese of Cumania for a short period of time, from 1228 to 1241. Count Dracula is a worldwide icon of Romania. In 1916, Romania joined the war on the side of the Triple Entente. 341836. 137-177. [74], During the Middle Ages Romanians were mostly known as Vlachs, a blanket term ultimately of Germanic origin, from the word Walha, used by ancient Germanic peoples to refer to Romance-speaking and Celtic neighbours. sfn error: no target: CITEREFUnderhill_et_al.2009 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFUnderhill_et_al.2014 (, Molotov-Ribbentrop Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact, third largest ethno-linguistic group among Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic-Eastern Orthodox Schism of 1054, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "68 Million Romanians live outside Romania's borders", "Rezultate definitive ale Recensmntului Populaiei i al Locuinelor 2011 (caracteristici demografice ale populaiei)", "// Recensmntul populaiei i al locuinelor 2014", "Romeni in Italia - statistiche e distribuzione per regione", "Publikation Bevlkerung Bevlkerung mit Migrationshintergrund Ergebnisse des Mikrozensus Fachserie 1 Reihe 2.2 2015 Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis)", "Anzahl der Auslnder in Deutschland nach Herkunftsland in den Jahren 2014 und 2015", "Poblacin extranjera por Nacionalidad, comunidades, Sexo y Ao. The early Romans adopted culture from their neighbors, the Greeks, and Etruscans, in particular, but imprinted their unique stamp on their borrowings. [122][123] The contemporary Byzantine historian Niketas Choniates however distinguishes "Great Vlachia" as a district near Meteora. [172] Haplogroup R1a, is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup which is distributed in a large region in Eurasia, extending from Scandinavia and Central Europe to southern Siberia and South Asia. In the 14th century the Danubian Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia emerged to fight the Ottoman Empire. "Scythia Minor". Tartu University Press. Romanian nationalist believe their are descanded from Dacians. Lazr Edeleanu was the first chemist to synthesize amphetamine and also invented the modern method of refining crude oil. The Romanians (Romanian: romni, pronounced[romn]; dated exonym Vlachs) are a Romance-speaking[56][57][58][59] ethnic group. [83][84][85] However the document was written between 1200 and 1230, around 300 years after the described events and some modern historians have reservations about it and find it unreliable. Two-thirds of the ethnic German population either left or were deported after World War II, a period that was followed by decades of relatively regular (by communist standards) migration. Boulder. More recently, filmmakers such as Cristi Puiu and Cristian Mungiu have attracted international acclaim, as has fashion designer Ioana Ciolacu. [6] With a population of about 19,000,000 people in 2022, Romania received 989,357 Ukrainian refugees on 27 May 2022, according to the United Nations (UN). N.N. In the arts and culture, prominent figures were George Enescu (music composer, violinist, professor of Sir Yehudi Menuhin), Constantin Brncui (sculptor), Eugne Ionesco (playwright), Mircea Eliade (historian of religion and novelist), Emil Cioran (essayist, Prix de l'Institut Franais for stylism) and Angela Gheorghiu (soprano). ISBN 978-0-88033-440-2. sfn error: no target: CITEREFMadgearu2001 (. total population: 75.6 years (2018 est.) School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education). However, ethnic Hungarians and Germans were the dominant urban population until relatively recently, while Hungarians still constitute the majority in Harghita and Covasna counties. Or maybe descended from a Daco-Roman population. Europeans have long portrayed the Roma/Gypsies as cunning outsiders who steal from local residents before moving. It also includes an unspecified allowance for second- and third-generation Romanians, and an indeterminate number living in Canada. [38], Romania is one of the least urbanised countries in Europe. Anna Comnena, The Alexiad, English translation: Elisabeth Dawes, London, 1928: Annals of Niketas Choniates, Translated by H.J. Nowadays, the term Vlach is more often used to refer to the Romanized populations of the Balkans who speak Daco-Romanian, Aromanian, Istro-Romanian, and Megleno-Romanian. Although the relatively newly founded Kingdom of Romania initially allied with Austria-Hungary, Romania refused to enter World War I on the side of the Central Powers, because it was obliged to wage war only if Austria-Hungary was attacked. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). At the time of the 1989 census, Moldova's total population was 4,335,400. The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. Wallachia, the Southern region of Romania, takes its name from the same source. During the interwar period in Romania, the total number of ethnic Germans amounted to as much as 786,000 (according to some sources and estimates dating to 1939),[13][14] a figure which had subsequently fallen to circa 36,000 as of 2011 in contemporary Romania. The Roman administration retreated from Dacia between 271 and 275 AD, during the reign of emperor Aurelian under the pressure of the Goths and the Dacian Carpi tribe. The first definite document mentioning Romanians (Vlachs) is from the 8th century from the Konstamonitou monastery and talks about the Vlachs of the Rynchos river (present-day North Macedonia). Estimates of the number of Romanian people worldwide vary from minimum 24 to maximum 30 million, in part depending on whether the definition of the term "Romanian" includes natives of both Romania and Moldova, their respective diasporas, and native speakers of both Romanian and other Eastern Romance languages (or Daco-Romance languages). [69], Scythia Minor (c. 290 c. 680) was a Roman province corresponding to the lands between the Danube and the Black Sea, today's Dobruja divided between Romania and Bulgaria. Note: Crude migration change (per 1000) is a trend analysis, an extrapolation based average population change (current year minus previous) minus natural change of the current year (see table vital statistics). Romania, country of southeastern Europe. 1. [138] Authors that travelled to modern Romania who wrote about it in 1574,[139] 1575[140] and 1666 also noted the use of the term "Romanian". [118][119] An unknown author's Description of Eastern Europe from 1308 likewise states that the Vlachs "were once the shepherds of the Romans" who "had over them ten powerful kings in the entire Messia and Pannonia".[120][121]. [158] A 2006 poll conducted by the Open Society Foundations found that only 33% of Romanians attended church once a month or more. George Constantinescu created the theory of sonics, while mathematician tefan Odobleja has been claimed as "the ideological father behind cybernetics" his work The Consonantist Psychology (Paris, 1938) was supposedly the main source of inspiration for N. Wiener's Cybernetics (Paris, 1948). The Roma are an ethnic people who have migrated across Europe for a thousand years. Editura Corint, 2001. isbn: 9736531910 (973-653-191-0)(The wars of the Balkan Peninsula: Their medieval origins), A. Decei, V. Ciocltan, "La mention des Roumains (Walah) chez Al-Maqdisi", in Romano-arabica I, Bucharest, 1974, pp. The province ceased to exist around 679681, when the region was overrun by the Bulgars, which the Emperor Constantine IV was forced to recognize in 681. [116][117], The late 13th-century Hungarian chronicler Simon of Kza states that the Vlachs were "shepherds and husbandmen" who "remained in Pannonia". Stanescu, Eugen. Current national objectives of Romania include adhering to the Schengen Area, the Eurozone as well as the OECD (i.e. As a consequence of the pro-natalist policies of the Nicolae Ceauescu regime (see Decree 770), Romania has a higher proportion of people born in the late 1960s and 1970s its population than any other Western country except Slovenia. Between Prespa and Kastoria, they met and fought with a Bulgarian rebel named David. Just a slight majority, 56.4 percent, lives in urban areas (12,546,212 people in total). Part I: Structure and Meaning, European Journal of Population", https://biblioteca-digitala.ro/?pub=1124-originea-medievala-a-focarelor-de-conflict-din-peninsula-balcanica, " : , , ", " " / , https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/basis/AnnaComnena-Alexiad.asp, https://archive.org/details/o-city-of-byzantium-annals-of-niketas-choniates-ttranslated-by-harry-j-magoulias-1984, http://opac.regesta-imperii.de/lang_en/anzeige.php?pk=337176, https://archive.org/details/tabulaimperiibyz0000unse, "Treaty of Bucharest/Russo-Turkish history [1812]", "De ce este srbtorit Ziua Limbii Romne la 31 august", Magyar Trtnelmi Tr 4. sorozat 4. ktet 1903. This short-lived period was marked, at times, by political instabilities and efforts of maintaining a constitutional monarchy in favour of other, totalitarian regimes such as an absolute monarchy or a military dictatorship. They traded and transported salt throughout the Bulgar Empire. The term ethnicities is more broadly defined as "large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background.". Later on, it borrowed a number of words from German, Hungarian, and Turkish. [134] According to Tomasz Kamusella, at the time of the rise of Romanian nationalism during the early 19th century, the political leaders of Wallachia and Moldavia were aware that the name Romnia was identical to Romania, a name that had been used for the former Byzantine Empire by its inhabitants. V. Mrcule, Vlachs during the Comnenian period, p. 46. [61][62] Romanians also form an ethnic minority in several nearby countries situated in Central, Southeastern, and Eastern Europe, most notably in Hungary, Serbia (including Timok), and Ukraine. Later rulers, especially Ivan Asen II, styled themselves "Tsars (Emperors) of Bulgarians and Romans". Descriptive analyses were conducted to report the socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity, education level, current residence, monthly household income, marital status) and other variables of interest for the study population. Ethnicity can include a variety of elements such as ancestry, culture, identity, religion, language, and physical appearance. If we need to, we refer to either 'aggregated' ethnic groups or ethnic groups 'as a whole'. [124] "Vlachia", "Great Vlachia", and the other variants began to fall out of use for Thessaly at the turn of the 14th century, and with the emergence of the Principality of Wallachia north of the Danube in the 14th century, from the 15th century the name was reserved for it. Often portrayed as exotic and. [126], Up until 1541, Transylvania was part of the Kingdom of Hungary, later (due to the conquest of Hungary by the Ottoman Empire) was a self-governed Principality governed by the Hungarian nobility. The 2021 Romanian census found that just under 89.3% of Romania's citizens identified themselves as ethnic Romanians.[60]. [143] According to Vladimr Baar and Daniel Jakubek, typically pro-Russian authors in Moldova tend to argue that "Romanian" as an ethnonym is only a mere recent product from Romanian nationalist historical myths despite the attestation of this name in old documents. Sources give varied estimates for Romania's historical population. It is based on fairly good data for the entire period. For example, the 'broad Asian group' or the 'specific Pakistani group'. English translation: The Fihrist of al-Nadim. The Moldovan language, in its official form, is practically identical to Romanian, although there are some differences in colloquial speech. Other speakers of the latter languages are the Aromanians, the Megleno-Romanians, and the Istro-Romanians (native to Istria, Croatia), all of them unevenly distributed throughout the Balkan Peninsula, which may be considered either Romanian subgroups or separated yet, nevertheless, related ethnicities. See, for example, Fabio Bordignon, "Italian Decentralisation in Romania", SEF 2003, Warsaw. In 2019, the PNL-supported Iohannis was re-elected for a second term as president after a second round landslide victory in the 2019 Romanian presidential election (being also supported in that round by PMP and USR as well as by the FDGR/DFDR in both rounds). Watch this video animation to find out some interesting facts: Romania is characterised through business communication, business etiquette, business meeting etiquette, internship and student placements, cost of living, work-life-balance and social media guide. ), tennis (Ilie Nstase, Ion iriac, Simona Halep), rowing (Ivan Patzaichin) and handball (four times men's World Cup winners). During the war that percentage was halved, largely by the loss of the border areas of Bessarabia and northern Bukovina (to the former Soviet Union, now Moldova and Ukraine) and southern Dobrudja (to Bulgaria). [8] In connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, as part of the Russian-Ukrainian war, by 15 May 2022, more than 6,223,821 Ukrainian refugees left the territory of Ukraine, moving to the countries closest to the west of Ukraine, of which more than 919,574 people fled to neighboring Romania. The later Roman province Dacia Aureliana, was organized inside former Moesia Superior. [87], After the Avar Khaganate collapsed in the790s, the First Bulgarian Empire became the dominant power of the region, occupying lands as far as the river Tisa. Some older Romanians kiss a woman's hand when meeting them. Country comparison to the world: 106th, This page was last edited on 18 April 2023, at 05:54. This article is about the demographic features of the population of Romania, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations, and other aspects of the population. Sources: Our World In Data and Gapminder Foundation. [40], 9.2 deaths/1,000 live births (May 2010);[41] down from 17.3 deaths/1,000 live births in 2002. Supplementary Tables", "Microsoft Word - REZULTATE DEFINITIVE RPL2011.doc", "Total Fertility Rate around the world over the last centuries", "Eurostat - Tables, Graphs and Maps Interface (TGM) table", "Bun venit la Institutul National de Statistica - Institutul National de Statistica", "Welcome to National Institute of Statistics | National Institute of Statistics", "World Population Prospects - Population Division - United Nations", "The World Factbook Central Intelligence Agency", "POPULAIA ROMNIEI PE LOCALITI LA 1 IANUARIE 2016", "GHO - By category - Life expectancy and Healthy life expecancy - Data by country", "Countries Compared by People > Total population > Age 25-29 >% of the total. In the 12th century, the Jewish traveller Benjamin of Tudela, who toured the area in 1166 called the region of Thessaly "Vlachia". Thus the census definition of "Romanian" might variously mean Romanian-born, of Romanian parentage, or also include other ethnic identities as Romanian which otherwise are identified separately in other contexts; This page was last edited on 1 May 2023, at 20:40. Most Roma speak some form of Romany, a language closely related to the modern Indo-European languages of northern India, as well as the major language of the country in which they . For example, according to a 2006 Eurobarometer poll, only 23% of Romanians attend church once a week or more. [152] However, some non-specialist organisations have produced estimates which are considerably higher: a 2002 study by the Romanian-American Network Inc. mentions an estimated figure of 1,200,000[43] for the number of Romanian Americans. The second number includes all Romanians in Spain, thus taking into account second and third generation Romanians or nationalized ones that count as Spanish in the census. The majority of its inhabitants are ethnic Romanian and follow the Romanian Eastern Orthodox Church. The eastern territory losses were facilitated by the Molotov-Ribbentrop Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact. Rootsi, Siiri (2004). 1 Green myth. Historian Gheorghe I. Brtianu considers that these words "represent an expression from the Romanian language, as it was formed at that time in the Balkan and Danube regions"; "they probably belong to one and the most significant of the substrates on which our (Romanian) language was built".[78]. The name of "Vlachs" is an exonym that was used by Slavs to refer to all Romanized natives of the Balkans. Theophanes the Confessor recorded it as part of a 6th-century military expedition by Comentiolus and Priscus against the Avars. Magoulias, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 1984, p.238-371. [113], Royal charters wrote of the "Vlachs' land" in southern Transylvania in the early 13th century, indicating the existence of autonomous Romanian communities. [134] Examples of this would include Petr Shornikov,[144] Mikhail Guboglo and Valentin Dergachev. The Romans ( Latin: Rmn; Ancient Greek: , romanized : Rhmaoi) [a] were a cultural group, variously referred to as an ethnicity [2] [3] [b] or a nationality, [4] [5] that in classical antiquity, from the 2nd century BC to the 5th century AD, came to rule large parts of Europe, the Near East and North . ISBN 0-19-504652-8. The 2021 Romanian census found that just under 89.3% of Romania's citizens identified themselves as ethnic Romanians. In English, Romanians are usually called Romanians and very rarely Rumanians or Roumanians, except in some historical texts, where they are called Roumans or Vlachs. 4954, Ibn al Nadim, al-Fihrist. Kazhdan, Alexander (1991). The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. [80][81] Gesta Hungarorum also mentions the Slavs, Bulgarians,Vlachs and the shepherds of the Romans inhabiting the Carpathian Basin: "sclauij, Bulgarij et Blachij, ac pastores romanorum". Romani people constitute one of Romania's largest minorities. [114] Papal correspondence mentions the activities of Orthodox prelates among the Romanians in Muntenia in the 1230s. [103] Anna Komnene reports that in 1094, on the occasion of the Cumans' campaign south of the Danube, Emperor Alexios I Komnenos was informed about the movements of the "Turanians", who had crossed the Danube by "a certain Pudilos, a Vlach noble". Maybe I'm crossing a line here, but judging from her father's facial phenotype, he's very likely of Roma origins. During the late Middle Ages, prominent medieval Romanian monarchs such as Bogdan of Moldavia, Stephen the Great, Mircea the Elder, Michael the Brave, or Vlad the Impaler took part actively in the history of Central Europe by waging tumultuous wars and leading noteworthy crusades against the then continuously expanding Ottoman Empire, at times allied with either the Kingdom of Poland or the Kingdom of Hungary in these causes. 671,9851,079,726 (2021) Romanian citizens of all ethnic groups. [132] The 24.15 million, however, represent only speakers of Romanian, not all of whom are necessarily ethnic Romanians. Romanians are talkative and assertive Romanians like to talk. Victor Babe discovered more than 50 germs and a cure for a disease named after him, babesiosis; biologist Nicolae Paulescu was among the first scientists to identify insulin. Curta, Florin (2006), pp. Nonetheless, in 1859, Moldavia and Wallachia elected the same ruler, namely Alexander John Cuza (who reigned as Domnitor) and were thus unified de facto, resulting in the United Romanian Principalities for the period between 1859 and 1881. "Vlach" was an exonym used almost exclusively for the Romanians during the Middle Ages. The origins of the Romanian language, a Romance language, can be traced back to the Roman colonisation of the region. Roman culture is the culture of the Roman Empire that was based on the Greek culture and to a lesser extent the Byzantine culture. After Hungarians and Romani, Ukrainians of Romania are the third-largest minority. As average population is an estimate of the population in the middle of the year and not end of the year. The color of skin is a little dark, but only 20% of women have such color of skin, the rest are of typical Central European type. [162], According to a triple analysis autosomal, mitochondrial and paternal of available data from large-scale studies, the whole genome SNP data situates Romanians are most closely related to Bulgarians, Macedonians, followed by other European populations, which form a coherent cluster among worldwide populations. Based on linguistic and archaeological findings, historians suggest that the Romanians' ancestors acquired polytheistic religions in the Roman era, later adopting Christianity, most likely by the 4th century AD when decreed by Emperor Constantine the Great as the official religion of the Roman Empire. Hbork s hadvisels az rpdok korban [Wars and Tactics under the rpds] (in Hungarian). According to the 2011 Romanian census, 2.5% of ethnic Romanians in Romania identified themselves as Catholic (in comparison to 5% of Romania's total population, including other ethnic groups). The Romanian laguage is Latinic. [79] According to the early 13th century medieval Hungarian book Gesta Hungarorum the invading Magyars of King rpd Transylvania, a third region inhabited by an important majority of Romanian speakers, was a vassal state of the Ottomans until 1687, when the principality became part of the Habsburg possessions. The National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (NIRDI) gives the following numbers (the figure for 2020 was provided by the National Institute of Statistics - INSSE): Slightly more than 10% of the population of Romania is formed of minorities of Romania. Roma, singular Rom, also called Romany or Gypsies (considered pejorative), an ethnic group of traditionally itinerant people who originated in northern India but live in modern times worldwide, principally in Europe. (. [166], Most West Slavs, Hungarians, and Austrians were found to share as many identical by-descent DNA segments with South Slavs as with Romanians, Torbeshi and Gagauzes. Rizos, Efthymios (2018). Those are very good words to describe characteristics of Romanian woman, as real natural beauty is one of this features. Census 2021 and 2011 Census data on unpaid care and ethnic group in England and Wales. Romanian society is family-centered, and family ties are usually strong, which is why the relatives' opinions will also be very important. The Romani (also spelled Romany or Rromani / romni /, / r -/ ), colloquially known as the Roma, are an Indo-Aryan ethnic group and traditionally nomadic itinerants. V. Mrcule, The Vlachs in the military actions during the Comnen, in Revista de Istorie Militar, 2(60), 2000, p. 46-47 (hereinafter: The Vlachs during the Comnen). Mircea Eliade, writer and historian of religions, Sergiu Celibidache, honored conductor and music teacher. Five years later, Bsescu (solely supported by the PDL this time) was narrowly re-elected for a second term in the 2009 presidential elections. Several inhibiting factors (not unique to this particular case) contribute towards this uncertainty, which may include: For example, the decennial US Census of 2000 calculated (based on a statistical sampling of household data) that there were 367,310 respondents indicating Romanian ancestry (roughly 0.1% of the total population).[151]. They live predominantly in Europe and Anatolia, but have diaspora populations located worldwide with significant concentrations in the Americas. Graphs are temporarily unavailable due to technical issues. [29], Source: National Institute of Statistics[33]. King Decebalus who reigned from 87 to 106 AD was the last king of the Dacian kingdom before it was conquered by the Roman Empire in 106,[63] after two wars between Decebalus' army and Trajan's army. The Romanian population has traditionally and historically been rural dwellers. [146] Wolfgang Dahmen claims that the meaning of romanus (Roman) as "Christian", as opposed to "pagan", which used to mean "non-Roman", may have contributed to the preservation of this word as an ethonym of the Romanian people, under the meaning of "Christian". Romania is the largest of the countries of south-eastern . In one interpretation of the 1989 census results in Moldova, the majority of Moldovans were counted as ethnic Romanians in this country as well. [9], In 1990, Romania's population was estimated to be 23.21 million inhabitants. Other old documents, especially Byzantine or Hungarian ones, make a correlation between the old Romanians as Romans or their descendants. [135] Several other documents, notably from Italian travelers into Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, speak of the self-identification, language and culture of the Romanians, showing that they designated themselves as "Romans" or related to them in up to 30 works. [93] John Skylitzes mentions the Vlachs around 976 AD, as guides and guards of Byzantine caravans in the Balkans. Indeed ethnicity, in terms of genetic characteristics that render non-Romans inferior to Romans, plays little or no role in these assessments. Romanians have played and contributed a major role in the advancement of the arts, culture, sciences, technology and engineering. The function received by Nikulitsa might have been as a commander of a Vlach army. Which makes the United States home to the largest Romanian community outside Romania. Romanian business culture Did you know about business culture in Romania? A lot. [167], According to a Y-chromosome analysis of 335 sampled Romanians, 15% of them belong to R1a. Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 5001250. By the end of the 18th century, the Austrian Empire was awarded by the Ottomans with the region of Bukovina and, in 1812, the Russians occupied the eastern half of Moldavia, known as Bessarabia through the Treaty of Bucharest of 1812.[127]. Romans conquered Dacia, and then migled with the native Dacians. [9] Among the causes of population decline are high mortality, a low fertility rate since 1990, and tremendous levels of emigration. Szukits Knyvkiad. the 'Roma' group was added under the 'White' ethnic group a write-in response was added for the 'Black African' ethnic group The ethnic groups were: Asian or Asian British Indian Pakistani. In Nicholson, Oliver (ed.). [16] Mass emigration, mostly to Israel and United States, has reduced the surviving Jewish community to less than 6,000 in 2002 (it is estimated that the real numbers could be 3-4 times higher). The principal minorities are Hungarians and Roma, although other smaller ethnic groups exist too. [177], Painting of Transylvanian Romanian peasants from Abrud by Ion Theodorescu-Sion, Romanian family going to a fair, early 19th century, Traditional Romanian peasant costumes to the left, followed from left to right by Hungarian, Slavic, and German ones, Romanians from Transylvania, late 19th century, Romanian peasant costume from Bukovina, early 20th century, Romanians from Bukovina, early 20th century postcard, Romanians from Wallachia, early 19th century, Romanians from central Serbia, late 19th century, Romanian infantrymen from Wallachia, early 19th century, Romanian immigrants in New York City, late 19th century, Painting of a young Wallachian shepherd in the early 20th century by Ipolit Strmbu, Romanian peasants during the harvest season (1920), Mid-19th century French map depicting Romanians in Central and Eastern Europe, Modern distribution of the Eastern Romance-speaking ethnic groups (including, most notably, the Romanians), Romanians in Central Europe (coloured in blue), 1880, Ethnic map of Austria-Hungary and Romania, 1892, British map depicting territories inhabited by Eastern Romance peoples before the outbreak of World War I, Romanian speakers in Central and Eastern Europe, early 20th century, Map of the Kingdom of Romania at its greatest extent (19201940), Geographic distribution of ethnic Romanians in the early 21st century, Notable regions with inhabited by Eastern Romance speakers at the beginning of the 21st century, Map highlighting the three main sub-groups of Daco-Romanians, Geographic distribution of Romanians in Romania (coloured in purple) at commune level (2011 census), Geographic distribution of Romanian in Romania (coloured in purple) at county level (2011 census), For information on the population of Romania, see, Ethnic distribution of Romanians around the world, Includes additional 177,635 Moldovans in Transnistria; as per the 2004 census in Transnistria.
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