& Ships Passenger Lists Mailing Lists, Find Immigration & Naturalization Records, Census Records for 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, Search Ships Passenger Lists on other Sites. We invite the rest of the Grim folk to share things you might know and or have encountered here in the Cape Disappointment area. The State of WashingtonWashington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation, Wrecked bark Peter Iredale, Clatsop Spit, 1906, Photo by E.M. Cherry, Courtesy UW Special Collections (1925-4), Detail showing wreck of the USS Peacock, mouth of Columbia, 1841, Cape Disappointment and the mouth of the Columbia, 1844, Map by Eugene Duflot de Mofras, Courtesy Washington State University Special Collections, Painting by C. F. Smith, Courtesy Bancroft Library (BANC PIC 1963.002:0425--B), French bark Colonel de Villebois Mareuil passing over the bar of the Columbia River, ca. But others are veiled in mystery. Box 562, Long Beach, Washington; "A Dangerous Vocation," from the San Francisco Chronicle, The New York Times, September 13, 1880, p. 2; HistoryLink.org the online encyclopedia of Washington State History, "The SS Clallam founders in the Strait of Juan de Fuca on January 8, 1904, with a loss of 56 lives" (by Daryl C. McClary), "The SS Valencia wrecks on Vancouver Island with a loss of 136 lives on January 22, 1906" (by Daryl C. McClary), "Battleship U.S.S. As the Northwest economy grew so did shipping traffic. The passengers of the Tonquin founded Astoria in what would become Oregon. New York, On January 1, 1900, the steam schooner Protection out of Seattle with a cargo of lumber for San Francisco sank in a storm with the loss of all hands. She didnt come about and was driven hard onto the beach. He indicated that it was a place of great interest. The ship was wrecked between 4 October and 10 November. Marshall, Don. Oft times the port of departure found on these lists is the most recent port the ship was located at prior to arriving at the port of New York. On May 16, 1898, the North Head Lighthouse was put into service as the primary navigation aid at the mouth of the Columbia River. Arizona collided with a purse seiner off Cape Flattery at night in calm seas and in good visibility. The passengers and most of the crew -- more than 1,000 persons -- successfully evacuated, but the last lifeboat overturned the next morning and 11 crewmen drowned. Zak and the crew conclude their investigation of the Graveyard of the Pacific with a visit to Washington, where they explore North Head Lighthouse on Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures. A Narrative of Shipwrecks Where the Columbia River Meets the Pacific Ocean. This Nest of Dangers All hell breaks loose. In 1775, Spaniard Bruno Heceta first mapped the entrance to the Columbia, but illness among his crew precluded any attempt to probe further. A short time later, the dog came back, but Mary didnt. Light houses, light ships, buoys, and audible and electronic beacons helped mariners find the entrance to the Columbia while improvements to navigation in the form of jetties and a dredged channel eliminated major disasters after the 1920s. All questions asked were supposed to refer to that date. Which led to speculation of murder and mutiny. . Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). On February 13, 1911, the motor vessel Oshkosh out of Tillamook for the Umpqua River struck bottom off the south jetty and began to take on water. Storms still drove ships onto the rocks and sand. H.M.S. Hunley actually sank three times. Bound San Francisco-Columbia.The Vandalia was discovered bottom-up near McKenzies Head.The ships dead captain, E. N. [sic. Florida, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Two years later, the entire stern frame washed ashore 60 miles north of Clatsop, demonstrating the power of the currents. During a visit to Haiti in the early spring of 1845, an epidemic of yellow fever broke out in the ship. Or it could have been deliberately scuttled as part of the foundation of that infill. Island New York Ships Passenger Lists 1894-1927, Search all websites for ships ports of arrival, Ships Passenger Lists Oddly, there was a strong odor of decay in the air. On March 10, 1829, the British bark William and Ann wrecked on Clatsop Spit. Even the rediscovery of the wreck and raising the Mary Rose from the seabed in 1982 hasn't answered this question. I think the . On December 21, 1859, the schooner Rambler washed up on Clatsop Spit with just her bottom showing. A second look proved that though lives may have been lost when the ship went down, none were still around to rot. In 1850, the Jenny Lind was carrying 28 souls, including three children, from Melbourne to Singapore when it ran aground on a reef and sank. Rescued survivors of the American clipper ship Wild Wave, wrecked off Oeno and Pitcairn Islands in 1859 This led to speculation of murder and mutiny, but the mystery of why she beached and what happened to the crew was never solved. We appreciate each and every one of you! Keyword. Althaus Passenger List Index, 1853 Port of New Orleans, Orleans Parish. It took four years, but archaeologists eventually used tree rings in the wood to reveal that the World Trade Center ship was built in the early 1770s, from old-growth wood of the same sort used to build Independence Hall in Philadelphia. The remains of the Jenny Lind remained visible on the reef until at least 1987, but in June 2017, maritime archaeologists reported that the ocean had beaten away at the wreck until nothing remained. border crossing records (Saint Albans Lists). In 1798, the brigantine Hazard dispatched a small boat to take soundings, and five men died. , Sailing a ship into the narrow channel at the mouth of the Columbia River was always dangerous and often deadly. The captain ran the ship aground and dispatched ten men in the remaining ships boats to row to the town of Astoria for help. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? ports of arrival - Virginia, Connecticut, This results in absurdly pristine shipwrecks. Deadliest American Disasters and Large-Loss-of-Life Events, (10 or more lives lost with notable exceptions), 1853 Jan 9, bark Vandalia found bottom-up off McKenzies Head ~North Head WA9-12, 2023 March 24, tornado/severe storms, MS/25 & AL/1, especially Rolling Fork, MS 26, 2023 Jan 23, workplace shootings, mushroom farm & trucking facility, Half Moon Bay, CA7, 2023 Jan 21, Lunar New Year mass shooting, Dance Studio, Monterey Park, LA Co., CA 11, 2023 Jan 1-14, CA winter weather, storms, heavy rain, levees breech, trees down, CA 19, 2022 Dec 19-26, snowstorms/cold, deaths in 20 States and Canada, esp. On October 7, 1883, the schooner J. C. Cousins was a luxury yacht operated by the State of Oregon as a pilot boat out of Astoria, Oregon. After we returned home from our visit, the Oregonian newspaper reported that there had been above-average amounts of acid rain while we were there. On January 7, 1913, the captain of the tanker Rosecrans mistook the North Head Light for the lightship and crashed into Peacock Spit and sank. Only three could be saved. We will post that one after a bit more historical research. To find out, we must go back to 1775 when a Spanish explorer named Bruno de Heceta (1744 1807) made a map of the west coast and the area where the mighty Columbia River flows into the Pacific Ocean. And making sure it had coverage twenty-four hours a day meant they had to sustain strict schedules. Beginning with the California Gold Rush, when sailing ships and steamers transported lumber to California, mariners called the area the Graveyard of the Pacific. He was looking for the possibility of the Columbia being used for shipping, but he didnt explore this area further. Shop Discover. In January 1869, the schooner Anna C. Anderson left Oysterville on Shoalwater Bay with a cargo of fresh oysters for San Francisco. The Vandalia had struck its bottom around Cape Disappointment, and all nine crewmen died. on NARA microfilm, J.J. The Patriot was traveling from Charleston, South Carolina, to New York City in December 1812 with Theodosia Burr aboard on a journey to visit her father. to retrieve any portion of the site. The last known survivor of the Vandalia's crew to have been present at the Taiping Rebellion, and the "opening" of Japan in 1854 was Able Seaman Patrick C. McFadden. Copyright 1996-presentThese pages may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my written consent. Seaborne commerce increased and so did the accidents, three in 1849 alone. Step 4: The information was collected from a multitude of sources, and new information will be added as it emerges. She was carrying 900 tons of tuna at the time. The British bark William and Ann, bearing supplies for the Hudson's Bay Company's Fort Vancouver, wrecked on Clatsop Spit in 1829 and 29 lost their lives. And you know what? Following more than two years on the stocks, the ship was returned to commission on 3 February 1842, joined the newly created Home Squadron in 1842, and performed routine patrol and reconnaissance duties at scattered points as far north as Newfoundland and as far south as the mouth of the Amazon River. We have other places in the pacific northwest to share in the future. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, There, she captured the schooner Henry Middleton on 21 August and assisted in the capture of the sailing ship Thomas Watson in 15 October. The cause of the disaster was never known, but the supposition was that the vessel had missed stays while beating in towards the bar and had drifted into the breakers. For 307 years, the Spanish galleon San Jose was missing and with her, piles and piles of Spanish treasure meant to fuel an 18th-century war against the English. In December 1909, the schooner Susie M. Plummer out of Everett for San Pedro with a cargo of lumber was discovered off Cape Flattery abandoned by her 12-man crew. 150; a. Another 40-foot cutter rolled going to Triumph's aid. This wreck is one of the more notable events in the maritime history of the Henry Clay which continued to sail for years after with few remarks. They may have been clipped by a Union rescue ship that never even noticed the collision, or perhaps someone managed a lucky shot that disabled the sub's captain and sent water pouring into the vessel. 1897. On March 15, 1865, the bark Industry out of San Francisco followed a pilot boat across the Columbia bar, but when the wind failed, the sailing ship struck bottom in the middle sands. passenger lists to USA, Immigration On January 3, 1881, the British bark Lupatia ran aground and foundered off Tillamook Head. If you do stay and would like to share your story, please feel free to share in the comments. There are also no lists for the World War One years (1915-1919). The Civil War submarine, the H.L. That night, a storm blew in. She returned to Norfolk, Virginia, on 18 December 1831; was decommissioned the next day. Vandalia returned to the New York Navy Yard early in 1860 and was decommissioned on 6 January of that year but was recommissioned there on 8 November and assigned to duty with the East Indies Squadron. If you don't find your immigrant ancestor in a large port city, try smaller Union From: Bremen Arrived: December 16, 1853 ny. Even so, to this day the Corps of Engineers has to dredge the channel to accommodate larger ships. On January 22, 1906, the steamer Valencia out of San Francisco for Seattle crashes into Pachena Point on Vancouver Island while trying to make the Strait of Juan de Fuca. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device Frederick Case, The Seattle Times, March 24, 1985, p. K-1; James A. Gibbs, Pacific Graveyard, (Portland: Binfords & Mort, 1950, 1964); R. E. Wells, A Guide to Shipwreck Sites Along the Washington Coast, (Sooke, B.C. General Canby was killed in California during a fight with the Modoc Indians. I can relate to feeling disappointed when I dont find something Im looking for, and with this being his issue, the name makes sense from his point of view. Vandalia was decommissioned at the New York Navy Yard on 4 February 1863 and then sailed for Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on 17 October for use as a receiving and guard ship. At some point amid the cannon bombardment, she went down, taking more than 300 crewmen to their deaths. On the very first mission, the Hunley sank at the dock when either the wake of a ship swamped it or tangled lines dragged it underwater. Portland, OR: Binford & Mort Publishing, 1984. Delaware, The Free Encyclopedia of Washington State History. Sometime in the early to middle 1800s, a copper-plated wooden vessel sank 200 miles (321 kilometers) off the coast into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. It fell to American trader Robert Gray (1755-1806) to cross the bar in May 1792 in his Columbia Rediviva, which gave the river its name. The ship was driven ashore and wrecked at, The ship was destroyed by fire. The first Vandalia, an 18-gun sloop-of-war, was laid down at the Philadelphia Navy Yard in 1825; launched in 1828; and commissioned on 6 November of that year, Comdr. One of the versions of this story goes that on June 9, 1923, Mary got up early and took her dog, Jerry, for a walk. She was out of Neah Bay for San Francisco with peltries (undressed pelts) and oil after trading with Indians to the north. Gibbs, James A. Pacific Graveyard. Further investigations revealed the shipwreck found on the treasure hunt to be too large to be the Griffin. Cooke Shipping Agent Records, Castle
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vandalia shipwreck 1853 2023