Proc. strength of 75 Mpa or one-sixth of ultimate strength of mild steel. (50-70mm apart), and root damages are minimal during planting. Forestry, agroforestry, and living fences. Physiologia Plantarum 15: 473-497. lower planting costs as they are planted in 1m length and easier to plant especially on (Hengchaovanich, 1998). Switch between the Original Pages, where you can read the report as it appeared in print, and Text Pages for the web version, where you can highlight and search the text. Mechanical planter: A modified seedling planter or mechanical transplanter can plant large numbers of vetiver slips in the nursery. other bio-engineering technologies, VGT provides a natural and environment friendly method It has also been successfully A fourth is that there is probably a steepness limitnot to vetiver itself but to the system for growing crops behind the grass hedges. Abstracts. of the environment caused by infrastructure development is often a major concern of local The effects on agricultural production are usually ignored. tool for erosion control and slope stabilisation have been implemented for centuries but Ushira - Vetiver is a coolant, but yet aids in digestion. This test was conducted in a flume (61 cm wide) and the water (flowing at 28 liters per second) was ponded to a depth of 30 cm behind the hedge. slope instability. weakness will cause mass movement or land slip. bio-engineering purposes. Proc. dryland salinity and irrigation. In the current review, research on vetiver-based phytoremediation of unconventional water . Leave the bag for about one month until the plant material has decomposed. Thus, efforts to establish vetiver trials and even large-scale field projects should proceed without delay. The results are excellent at some sites and bad failures occurred at Further, it is important also to place this in context. Vetiver grass hedges for erosion Dafforn,1997)., results of the Vetiver Identification Program, by DNA typing have shown A key feature, worth repeating, is that the vetiver system induces contour farming and holds back moisture by physically blocking the runoff. application in soil and water conservation in farmlands into the fields of flood erosion bio-engineering technique for revegetation and slope stabilisation of highways and rivers This requires nurseries capable of producing large quantities of high quality, low cost plant materials. (At least one forester who worked with the Fiji Pine Commission has complained of big hedges of "missionary grass" that were "a pain to crawl through.") Resources, (Paper prepared for the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Ground and Dalton, P A, Smith, R J and Truong, P N V (1996). watering during establishment phase and suitable for large projects. Click the link and enter your email address and we'll add you to our list! Publication No. municipality ( Xu, erosion increases from two to 40 000 times the pre construction rates (Goldman et al, This extensive and thick root system binds the soil The main reasons for slope instability are surface erosion and structural weakness of Vetiver Grass Technology (VGT) involves the correct application of this cultivar used for essential oil production and this is the genotype that being used around After two years, the site was completely revegetated with vetiver and local species This information is abstracted from Vetiver Systems Application A Technical Reference Manual. It is a new and different approach to erosion control that seems to overcome many of the causes of failure. Farmers, seeing few short-term benefits, lack motivation. As mentioned earlier (Adams and Instead of using individual bags, bare root slips or culm slips are planted closely in specially-lined long furrows that will facilitate transportation and planting. Vetiver grass through out Zimbabwe - Protection of rural roads. with conventional engineering structures, the efficiency of bio-engineering technology It can survive on many soil types, almost regardless of fertility, acidity, alkalinity, or salinity. Vetiver adds another technique that seems to have notable benefits for the massive, widespread applications that are needed to combat erosion throughout vast areas of the Third World. mid 1998, this Author noted that while the crop of chilly and associated weeds were eaten Using various parts of a mother vetiver plant. Training of operational staff: Well trained staff is essential to a nurserys success. vetiver, ruzie grass, elephant grass and lemon grass. of existing cultivars in Australia and rigorously tested for its sterility. Clonal propagation of vetiver in vitro. First International Vetiver Conf., Thailand, 4-8 . Thirdly, VGTs maintenance costs are low in the long term. Expect new shoots to emerge about one week after planting. due to the fact that more knowledge and information on vegetation are now available for Certain types appear to bear infertile seed and produce no spreading stolons or rhizomes, so they remain where they are planted. To the causal observer, it may seem implausible that a hedge of grass only one plant wide could block the movement of soil under torrential tropical rainfall. Vast amounts of topsoil are washed or blown away from arable land only to accumulate in rivers, reservoirs, harbors, and estuaries, thereby creating a double disaster: a vital resource disappears from where it is desperately needed and is deposited where it is equally unwanted. Deep roots, easy to grow, prevents soil erosion and so much more. Shading: Open space is recommended, since shading affects vetiver growth. A hedge like this across a slope slows the runoff so that its erosive force is dissipated. ?Want garden tips so you can grow your own food in your backyard? North Region Symposium. stabilisation, thick growth for water spreading and sediment trapping and extraordinary Qld Department of Main Roads, New York, NY:Dorland Kindersley Publ., Inc., 1995. Australia pp 196-8. The establishment time depends on the site, on the climate, and on the numbers and sizes of the plants employed. Thus, farmers and foresters will probably employ vetiver, whether they have any concern for erosion or not. For any scientist to assess the merits of vetiver hedges at this stage is worrisome. compare the effectiveness of an Australian native vetiver (Vetiveria filipes), Lomandra Self-interest should drive them. Parameters obtained from recent (Senegal), Plant regeneration from callus culture of vetiver, POTENTIAL OF VETIVER GRASS TO PRODUCE FERTILE SEED WHEN USED FOR ROADSIDE STABILISATION IN COOK SHIRE, Primary and secondary centres of origin of vetiver and its dispersion. This water is excellent for treating urinary problems that can arise throughout the summer. 3.3 Erosion Control and Sediment Trapping. To increase the establishment rate under hostile conditions, when the plantlets produced by the Upper methods are mature enough or bare root slips are ready, they can be prepared for planting out by: Plantlets and bare root slips are planted in small pots or small plastic bags containing half soil and half potting mix and maintained in the containers for three to six weeks, depending on the temperature. so far have been varied, it was excellent at some part but very disappointing at others. A handful of fresh Vetiver roots is placed in the clay pot (Matka) in the summer to keep the household drinking water cool and aromatic. vetiver grass roots in relation to slope stabilisation. Bare root slips are freshly subdivided slips from large clumps of vetiver grass. MyNAP members SAVE 10% off online. This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. with particular reference to engineering applications. to approximately one sixth of mild steel) at 0.7-0.8mm root diameter which is the most For the last three years, VGT has been used as a major component of a The root is used to make medicine. (USA), Vallonia (South Africa) and Guiyang (China). grass. Vetiver is able to The implications are that, once the Recent results of the Vetiver Identification Program, characteristics in situations where a pioneer plant is needed to provide the initial Copyright 2023 MedicalPlantsNews | Powered by MFF. innate strength and vigour enable it to penetrate through difficult soil, hard sooner then other planting materials. The Rural Road Erosion Control Program, . It could be a boon to dozens of nations whose waterways are now filling with silt or suffering from seasonal cycles of flood and drought. diameter between 0.2-2.2mm. Do you want to take a quick tour of the OpenBook's features? Vetiver will This The objective of this work was to evaluate the root system of Vetiver grass through different methodologies. Its environmental consequences, already grave, are getting more serious each day. several different sites, have found that vetiver possessing the necessary attributes for Vetiver grass is a tall tufted bunchgrass that can grow to be 1.5 meters (5 feet) tall. VGT has also been widely used for land stabilisation, soil erosion and View abstract. Vetiver grass is a perennial grass with a height and depth of 2 m and 3 m, respectively, which can be effectively applied to absorb soluble nutrients consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus, as well as heavy metals, such as zinc, copper, nickel, chromium, and lead [22,23]. Splitting mature tillers from vetiver clump or mother plants, that yields bare root slips for immediate planting or propagating in polybags. If you aren't growing Vetiver grass in your yar. In practice, all vetiver seedlings are propagated via ramets or tillers, which cannot meet the market demand and would also destroy the original habitat. Vetiver is also used in agriculture to protect crops. However, this is not a total disadvantage as the shrub has high-density wood that makes a good charcoal. Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. The other advantages are It has been transported globally and used by man in various ways for over 5,000 years, because of its wide range of uses. Ideally, too, techniques for mass use must be cheap, uncomplicated, easy to understand, and simple to maintain under Third World conditions. For example, as all vetiver research conducted in Australia have been based on Monto As any new Following the extensive research One is that in certain locations the farms are laid out as narrow strips going up and down the slopes. 74. Tolerance to extreme climatic variation such as prolonged drought, flood, submergence Recommended for harsh and hostile conditions. In Fiji where vetiver grass was introduced to the country for more than In many places this will undoubtedly prove impractical, but it could nonetheless be invaluable to certain projects involving canals, rivers, reservoirs, flood-control facilities, and other. Vulnerable to drying and extreme temperatures. This Mature vetiver, however, thrives under waterlogged conditions. concrete structures such as culvert inlets and outlets, gabion structures or other solid to high levels of heavy metal provide an unique bio-engineering tool for land One rainstorm can remove a millimeter of soil from one hectare. effectively protected. soil movement, resulting in very little erosion in fallow strips and a young sorghum crop While this application still plays a vital role in 6 months) Labour intensive to plant, maintain until established and to obtain planting material (future work is expected to overcome these problems). 8.0 PLANTING MATERIALS AND THEIR SUITABILITY. Vetiver grows to a height of around one metre but should be cut back to a planting height of 150mm. On steep slopes (30-60 To add to the confusion, VGT exploits its different 1998). ", Another reviewer wrote, "The prime reason for a lack of attention is the insidious nature of erosion. The plant is used in dryland restoration to reduce soil erosiveness and is sometimes planted as a hedge. This originated primarily with the use of sweet scented vetiver roots for . Proc. program in the first few years but once established it is virtually maintenance free in In this regard, VGT has done the job it was designed to do and no longer needed when the It is native to Africa but is now grown in many tropical countries. An overview on the applications of the vetiver grass system in Radloff, B., Walsh, K., Melzer, A. three metre depth commonly use in hard approach slope stabilisation work. After two years, all three Stiffgrass barrier with vetiver re-established themselves after a few years, providing a long term and natural solution to In large projects, these plantlets can be Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, because of its dense 3.1.1 Tensile strength and shear strength of vetiver roots. Although vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) has been used for This dark green syrup with a woody flavor relieves stomach burning caused by Pitta in the summer. There isnt enough credible evidence to establish if vetiver is safe in doses found in medicine or what the potential side effects are. world for over a century. Enough description. Chrysopogon zizanioides, commonly known as vetiver and khus, is a perennial bunchgrass of the family Poaceae.. Vetiver is most closely related to Sorghum but shares many morphological characteristics with other fragrant grasses, such as lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), citronella (Cymbopogon nardus, C. winterianus), and palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii). out, the vetiver hedgerow planted for erosion control was not eaten, even its young stabilisation. drains, gullies, creek banks and other drainage structures. on Agric., 29 Jan-1 Feb 1992 (in Thailand). Use only the top part of the mature crown. where surface temperature of the black kimberlite often exceeds 55oC, at this To reduce cost, they can also be long earthen structure built to cool wastewater on the bed of a flood prone river in conditions, it is intolerant to shading. stabilisation sites in tropical Australia, where both grasses, native shrubs and trees The major advantage of VGT over conventional engineering measures is its low cost. often not well consolidated, so rill and gully erosion often occurs on even well covered rainfall condition this depletion would reduce soil moisture up to 1.5m from the hedges cropped flood plain of the Darling Downs. Southern and west Africa, its application is mainly restricted to the sub continent, and Tube stock have the best establishment rate and requires less Pacific Rim Vetiver Network. 2.0 Some Special Characteristics of Vetiver Grass 2.1 Morphological characteristics . highway network is expanding rapidly, for example during the 1992-1996, more than. wiped out if natural diseases or pests attack the vetiver plants. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. Office of the Royal Development Projects Board, Bangkok, For developing nations, soil erosion is among the most chronic environmental and economic burdens. the hard conventional engineering structures which have been the concern over Although other grasses and trees have been used as vegetative barriers for soil conservation, vetiver seems to combine several characteristics that make it special: It reduces erosion when in a hedge just one plant wide. The consequences for a nursing baby are unknown. For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version. Unpublished paper presented at Proc. Vetiver grass has the potential to become as invasive as these two grasses. Recommended for good nursery sites with easy access to irrigation. Both of these are likely (even certain) to raise the yields of crops and trees on hillsides. His pioneering research & development Vetiver, of course, has a different mode of growth and action: it spreads poorly. When slopes approach the vertical, the hedges must be placed so close together that little or no land is left for farming. Truong, P, Gordon, I and Baker, D (1996). Finally, it should be noted that although some hedges have formed within a few months of planting, in many sites the erosion-blocking, contiguous barrier will take 3 years or more to form. Increased maintenance cost following delivery, if not planted within a week. This is especially true in marginal lands where a little fertilizer or a little water may be needed to help the young plants through their establishment phase. Network. However, in the very high rainfall areas, to reduce this potentially The costs varied between 12 and 20% of conventional engineering methods. Miller). In such extreme situations, the hedges can protect the land and trees may perhaps be grown, but farming would likely be impossible. If youre breastfeeding, its also better to avoid vetiver. Proc. the wild and seeded north Indian genotype. the sterile or very low fertility south Indian genotype. stabilisation, improve the micro environment for the introduction, either voluntarily or Thailand pp. 1998/1. Vetiver is occasionally applied directly to the skin for stress relief, emotional trauma and shock, lice control, and insect repellency. Decision-and policy-makers are even less concerned; few of them ever get excited about soil loss. 3.1Splitting mature plants to produce bare root slips, 3.3Bud multiplication or micro propagation. themselves naturally in erosion-control activitiessomething that national planners have long dreamed of. Xie (1997) found that for Fujian province the cost of VGT is only 10% Photo 11: In the north, in Bac Ninh (left) and Bac Giang (right). Vetiver grass is a C4 perennial grass that fits well in ecosystem service model contributing to local and national economies for its multifarious environmental applications, and offers sustainable . View our suggested citation for this chapter. At Premier (800mm annual rainfall) and Koffiefonteine (300mm rainfall) diamond mines This means that 15 tons of soil have gone, but the loss of only a millimeter is not noticeable!". Photo 4: Vetiver crown or corms (left) and pieces of vetiver culms with nodes (right). prepared on sites. Proceedings. In a recent trial, a vetiver hedge held back water almost as if it were a dam. overburden and highly saline, sodic and alkaline (pH 9.5) tailings of coal mines (Radloff, First International Vetiver Conf., Thailand, 4-8 February 1996. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. . Highly tolerant to toxic levels Aluminium, Manganese, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, pavement and vetiver roots basically behave like living soil nails or dowels of two to structural strength needed in a relatively short period of time. single clone of V.zizanioides. Cut culms in 30-50mm (1-2) lengths, including 10-20mm (4-8) lower the nodes, and strip off the old leaf covers. 3.0 MAIN APPLICATIONS OF VGT IN CIVIL CONSTRUCTION. The results Vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides L. Roberty) is one of the most studied and applied species in soil bioengineering techniques all over the world, but there are technical information related to its root system deserving a better comprehension provided by different methodologies'. candidate for slope stabilisation than other plants. associated with conventional engineering measures such as concrete and rock structures. L Vn B, V Thanh Tn, Nguyn Th T Uyn.(2006). How Vetiver Grass is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Malaysia is currently leading the world in the application of VGT for vetiver, all the Australian results presented in this paper can be applied with confidence All rights reserved. plain where the actual soil pH is around 3.5 and oxidised pH is as low as 2.8 (Truong and For example, rents may be too high, fertilizers unavailable, or crop prices too lowall of which. stronger than that of many hardwood species which have been proven positive for root cases, may even eliminate vetiver in the long term. with more shade tolerant species. Vetiver grass for slope stabilisation and erosion control, It does not require careful layouts or high-quality control. Before donning these hats in the midday sun, a little water is sprinkled on them to protect them from sunstroke. Khus syrup is a popular cold drink in South Asia throughout the summer. As these old sites are often adjacent to residential and waterways to even out the flow of runoff throughout the year. Malaysia by Hengchaovanich. runoff water to stable areas or proper drains for safe disposal. lands. control on a cropped floodplain, hedge hydraulics. Nowhere in the world have I seen real concern for erosion nor public support for erosion-control programs. Ready to take your reading offline? It even managed to punch through asphaltic concrete collaboration with the Centre for Railway Engineering of Central Queensland University, Aust. A wild ecotype of vetiver grass originated in southern China is fertile, but . The thatch can then be placed behind the newly planted slips to provide an . To prepare rooting hormone from Water Hyacinth: Photo 5: Spraying cuttings with 10% water hyacinth solution (left) and cover cuttings completely with plastic bags, and leave them for 24 hours (right). Given its sterility, this vetiver must be propagated vegetatively. several awards for his role in R & D of VGT from the World Bank and The Vetiver Truong, P.N. 4.2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of polybags and planting strips. The adverse effects of vetiver grass or khus grass are the following: Jeera Water Health Benefits, Side Effects, Honey for Weight Loss Benefits, Uses, Risks, Lemon Nutrition, Benefits, Intake, Side Effects, Vetiver Grass Meaning, Works, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Wheatgrass Meaning, Benefits, Dosages, Side Effects, Precautions. Asia-Pacific and Southern African regions. There is a school of thought that says that technology for controlling erosion is not the missing ingredient at all. in China when the Guiyang variety is used. Deep roots, easy to grow, prevents soil erosion and so much more. The stench created by the growth of algae and microbes in such coolers is also countered by vetiver root cushioning. 1995) and highly acidic (pH 3.5) tailings of a gold mine. River and drainage channel banks in tropical Australia where flooding phenomenon implies that stronger fine roots provide higher resistance than larger roots. tolerance to various chemicals for land rehabilitation etc. nurseries and 431 vetiver fields at maintenance camps throughout the country and aiming at the sections planted with the Lomandra and native vetiver collapsed while the Monto research showed that of the 79 species of insect found on the vetiver rows, only four Do you enjoy reading reports from the Academies online for free? Dense hedges when planted close together, reducing flow velocity, diverting runoff water Transporting large volume and increased weight is expensive. inlets, vetiver hedges will not only protect the inlets but they also trap the sediment In South Africa, vetiver has not been used in major highways, but its and information on vegetation are now available for application in engineering designs. In dietary proportions, vetiver is pretty much safe. some grasses, e.g. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Okay! Fourth International Vetiver Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, October 2006. (Truong and Baker, 1998). Therapeutic Research Faculty 2020. The massive root As mentioned earlier, vetiver grass has to be established vegetatively This is partly due to the low costs of The failures were due entirely to poor application. The plant displays little brown-purple flowers in long spikes, and the thin leaves and stems are erect and hard. The leaves of some types of vetiver have sharp edges, which makes them a further nuisance. The resulting bare root slips can be dipped in various treatments, including rooting hormones, manure slurry (cow or horse tea), clay mud, or simple shallow water pools, until new roots appear. species established well but following a prolonged rain period (400 mm over two weeks), Proceedings. partly to the soft vegetative approach and partly due to the more knowledge Therefore vetiver would be very effective in stabilising table Its Nonetheless, for vetiver to provide its maximum value, governments must initiate or facilitate soil-conservation programs. Second National Conf. drought. Its Hengchaovanich, D. and Nilaweera, N S (1996). Bare roots plantlets are 4-5 weeks old plantlets which were raised in sand beds and Vetiver is used to treat nerve and circulation issues, as well as stomach pain. The real causes of land misusesuch as the land tenure systemare never analyzed. Water Bio-engineering, Manila April 1999), KEY WORD: Vetiver grass, erosion and sediment control, runoff, land successfully used to stabilise a major drain in north Queensland against a series of major Dr. Truong has over 20 years experience in the use of vegetation for Irrigation method: Overhead irrigation will evenly distribute water in the first few months after planting. Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER for daily update on Medicinal plants and their health benefits. He has won Proc. characteristics for different applications; for example, deep roots for land Strain the solution and maintain in a cool place until use. primary roads (21 500km) and gabion stabilisation. The mature hedge will form a living porous barrier which slows and spreads runoff Some women use vetiver to induce an abortion or to start their periods. Vetiver has also been used to rehabilitate salt affected lands due to both It is with this background in mind that we have assessed the experiences with vetiver worldwide and drawn the following conclusions: vetiver works, it is unique, and the method brings new advantages. Research in soil re-enforcement for the ground. handbook. technique and recently a bio-engineering tool, the application of VGT requires the The second disadvantage of VGT, or rather its potential disadvantage at this stage, is concrete were used to protect road embankment, but due to their high cost, only a very Therefore vetiver produces best growth vetiver section remained intact. Research conducted by Hengchaovanich and Nilaweera (1996) in Malaysia showed that the Truong, P N. and Baker, D E (1998). Vetiver, therefore, might help. The FAO report mentioned above recommends establishing advisory commissions, encouraging the work of NGOs, creating a proper legal framework for action, assessing training and manpower needs, identifying research priorities, and developing long-term programs for erosion control. control of shallow movement of surfacial earth mass. Works and Housing has recently started using Vetiver for highway batter stabilisation The procedure is frequently used by the international horticultural industry. Title 21. In addition to its unique morphological characteristics, vetiver is also
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