Whats next? Treat everyone with respect and dignity. Your not going to let a fellow firefighter die in a burning building because he tried to use his mask with a beard and it failed. It was also my dad's nickname, and I am proud to carry it. I could not agree more General. I see it as a phase very similar to when the Army authorized the wear of black socks during the fitness test. The hair curls back into the skin and causes bumps. A soldier serving in Afghanistan with the Nevada Army Guard has been granted a religious accommodation to grow a beard in accordance with a Norse pagan faith that traces its origins to Scandinavia. What do you think? For decades, U.S. military leaders have prohibited service members from growing beards, arguing that facial hair not only disrupts a clean, professional appearance, but also interferes with the. In observance with your Christian faith, you may wear uncut hair in accordance with Army uniform and grooming standards provided in Army Regulation (AR) 670-1 You may grow your hair in accordance with the standards for long hair set forth in AR 670-1, Brito said in the memo. Should the military allow religious soldiers the unique privilege of keeping a beard? GROW THE FUCK UP. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. How is it in 2022 you can actually look at your self in the mirror and acknowledge that you are entirely a narrow minded absolute Biggot. John Hoskins applied for a beard exemption as part of his strict devotion to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster a faith also known as "Pastafarianism.". Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Sikh soldiers, who are bound by their religion. I have one. Six years between the USMC and NatGuard. The emphasis on leaders delivering quality training to soldiers on the topics contained in this directive must be on building readiness, not compliance, Esper wrote. If so, should the military allow all soldiers to keep beards, regardless of religious affiliation? The soldiers brigade-level commander will approve a request for a religious accommodation unless the commander determines the request is not based on a sincerely held religious belief, or identifies a specific, concrete hazard that is not specifically addressed in this directive and that cannot be mitigated by reasonable measures, Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning said at the time. It doesn't have to be long and cave-man-like, as the white guys WILL grow. The current uniform regs and styles also do not inspire neatness or cleanliness, At that level, that particular officer will have in-house access to experienced chaplains and Army attorneys to consult on the decision. For you facial hair obsessed supposed professionals you are entirely missing the real issues. I noticed that by praying, I found strength, he explained. I've got a first cousin who's a 30 year retired U.S. Airforce colonel who is a registered nurse, who only ever worked in military hospitals. The Becket Fund says a decision is not likely until next year for the four sailors seeking religious accommodation. I believe the disability for a surviving spouse if is called DIC. Jacob DiPietro filed an official request to grow a beard, arguing that shaving is against his personal religious beliefs. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our. They could make larger gas masks, and beards can be kept short, and well-trimmed. Staff Sgt. DiPietro, who observes the Nazarite vow from the Old Testament in the Bible, first applied for the religious exemption in November 2019. How about this I dont care if you dont like the fact a fellow vet can now get gender reassigned surgery, really after all we have been through as a nation with all this world pandemic and death of so so many humans and a economic resesion like none before us a yet thats what you choose to bitch about are you fucken kidding me right now? Special Forces wear long hair, beards, mustaches, Navy seals the same and these soldiers & sailors are the elite! Maybe they don't meet minimum standards for protection. Braggs must still shave regularly and is asking for a religious exemption. So I'm speaking from what I've seen during my years in the Army. DiPietro encourages other faithful who might want a similar exemption to stand their ground provided their faith is sincere. I took care of him at home. Wounded in 68. In 2015, however, the U.S. officially recognized the religion. Up and away to the sky . Sgt. Conservative Christians arent the only ones asking for accommodation in mailman case, White House appoints new Muslim community liaison, Secular organizers say interfaith spaces should include atheists, nonbelievers, US soccer leagues add game breaks for players fasting during Ramadan, Prayer rug design project aims to highlight Islams diversity in US and Latin America, Copyright 2020, Religion News Service. No employer private or public should be required to accommodate your particular religion. If men weren't supposed to have beards we wouldn't be able to grow them. Although the Air Force has relaxed their mustache policy, beards are still off limits for airmen. But I couldnt use my Benifits. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The first person granted a beard waiver in the U.S. Airforce due to his faith was a Muslim soldier. The military has granted a few troops the ability to keep their facial hair in accordance with their religious beliefs. Facial hair regulations wont make or break the military but diversity, inclusion and equity (DIE) will break the military because the next step is promotions based on gender, chosen gender, biological gender, race and perceived racial status (oppressed or oppressor) and not ability, attitude, experience and performance. BUT YOU DONT AND THEY DONT CARE AT THE COST! Of course that was 27 years ago, in the real Navy. They might even call it the cavalry. Airmen will also now have more flexibility to wear specific unit patches while assigned to joint organizations. Then, in November 2018, Staff Sgt. The Navy allowed beards beginning in 1970, only to reverse the policy in the mid-1980s a directive that was soon followed by the Coast Guard. This authorization was a huge step for future military men with religious beards in the military and specifically those practicing Norse Paganism. Please remove me from this site. The Army takes pride in sustaining a culture where all personnel are treated with dignity and respect and not discriminated against based on race, color, religion, gender and national origin, Cathy Brown Vandermaarel, an Army spokeswoman, told Army Times when asked about the decision to deny Hoskins request. I so look forward to the day human soldiers are obsolete and we use weapons like those in sci fi films such as the iconic terminator. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. A soldier wanting such things, or wanting at all is to me a reason to put a bullet in the head of the unruly and dangerous element in a unit that must be devoid of all individuality. Religious beards in the military were allowed in 2017, but the process to be granted that right takes a bit of time. I am Army HR and even our civilian guards per regulation ca Hair buns? It might even make them jealous. It wasnt really what he wanted to do, he said, so he quickly moved into another job as a cargo specialist. It said hed have to pursue the hair portion of his request separately. If you need a longer mustache or Beard to build your moral so you can feel better about your sissy self then you have more problems than your prissy hair will fix. At first, he removed his turban and shaved his facial hair knowing that he wouldnt be able to get away with them until he was officially granted approval. How can he avoid lands that are declared unholy and how could a soldier not have anything to do with dead bodies in a military offensive? When I tried to use my Educational benefits, I was DISAPROVED!!!!! Requiring the unit commander, base chaplain, installation commander up to the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel Division, to all sign off on the beard waiver. For Di Liscia, a practicing Hasidic Jew who had not shaved for more than two years, it was a choice between his loyalty to the U.S. Navy and his religious faith. Now, two years after filing that formal request, hes finally been approved. As for women, hair hanging down, braids, any thought to the safety hazards that is going to cost? In 2018, The United States military updated its restrictions to accommodate soldiers who follow religious doctrinal guidelines on dress and grooming. After Canadas recent acceptance of facial hair in the military, it seems only fair that the United States would do the same. All Rights Reserved. I know theres some right here in these comments. Hair buns for Men, sounds like just what they will do. And I repeat again, I respect the Christians who wish to be Nazarites, regardless of whether they have a beard or not and have been well trained, they will be good soldiers both for the country and for God, all be blessed. Im Retired but never had 12 straight yrs in the Service.. DiPietro remembered thinking how he expected it to be more difficult to get approval. Singh is a Sikh soldier who applied for the facial hair waiver before he was to report to Fort Belvoir. KEEP VOTING FOR IDIOTS LIKE BIDEN. So in real-life situations, there is going to be less than a perfect seal, said Eric Baxter, a lawyer with the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. The . RELATED: Dont confuse military action with the mission of God. Thank you for the compliment and the smile this morning. There are many religious reasons why people might choose to grow a beard. Hed known that much since he was in third grade when he saw the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, unfold on the television in real-time. Would do it all over again. There is no religious requirement for beards in Heathenry, the post read. And if the enemy doesn't want to fight bearded soldiers, they should all go home, and forget about. For instance the Military Regs do not allow beards or hairbuns for women if there is a chance they can be sent into combat where gas and chemicals can be used. Among the virtues beautifully etched in stained-glass in the Australian War Memorial's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are courage, loyalty, patriotism, common sense, and highest of all self . Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Just because you like transgender does not mean the rest of us have put up with this asinine stupidity!!! As a veteran of the Nam era, its long past due time for a new hair and whiskers codes.. Get off his back about his beard. As we all should be aware of, the mustache and its flashiness gave a chest up presentation when presenting yourself to the civilian community .in full dress. Weve been receiving requests for religions beard accommodations for soldiers serving in the Armed Forces. "Hey, sorry man. Non-Sikh personnel are allowed to grow whiskers and mustaches, with the only regulation being that they "will be of moderate length". Petty Officer 2nd Class Mohammed Shoyeb previously requested and was denied a religious exemption, a situation his lawyer describes as particularly frustrating given that three sailors on his vessel had been granted medical exemptions from shaving due to razor burn. As Carl pointed out, there are many non-combat positions, and I, foolishly it seems, believed that would go without saying. During my 21 year stay, i must have gotten a ton of these write ups. A soldier's actions DO affect others and the outcome of the mission. Listen to these young people. Both are highly justifiable, but if a white man's issues are going to be more important than the uncomfortable problem black men have, then NEITHER should be approved. I see the R at the end of your USN so no F you Matte. Commanders will incorporate everything into their unit training plans and use assessments to keep track of risk areas, though when, where and how training is done is up to them. If the Biden Clown Circus has its way the military branches just might be required to have 51% female composition and would exclude males from enlisting until that goal is met. U.S. News May 19, 2021 / 3:00 AM Sailors sue U.S. Navy for religious exemption to have beards By Pamela Manson Airman 1st Class Harpreetinder Singh Bajwa is the first active-duty airman permitted. And his wife is currently a colonel, and a nurse who only works in hospitals. Where are they going to hide in a real world situation? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We commend their motion to include people from all religions in their grooming standards. The new rules permit religious accommodations for beards, but they may not be longer than 2 inches unless rolled or tied up. Two recent cases one which was approved and one that was disapproved show how each case is unique. We've been receiving requests for religions beard accommodations for soldiers serving in the Armed Forces. Mandatory SHARP training must be conducted face-to-face using Army Training Network materials and with the help of a credentialed SHARP expert. We should make those sadistic Kings and presidents who declare war be the ones who fight them. This new exception will inspire new recruits to join our military because it ties them a bit closer to the sleek and sharpness of the uniform. Joined before the draft got me, decided I wanted to be the best. You can see what the new tattoo policy is here. I served during the Zumwalt days and had a neat, military-style beard as a Navy Airborne Electronic Warfare Officer. Every soldier needs to be treated as the slaves of the south a mere two centuries ago. Meanwhile, the Navy, which has long held on to its ban on beards in uniform despite. THEN ENJOY YOUR GAY BUDDIES AND DIE TOGETHER YOUR ARE ONE OF THE REASONS THEY LET GAYS BACK IN THE SERVICE.
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